the closer I get to my goal, the harder it becomes

I weighed in this morning and, while I still lost, it wasnt nearly as much as I have been losing every week. The closer I get to my goal the harder it is to keep losing the weight and the more I start giving up on it. I really want to reach my goal, but its disheartening when I work just as hard, if not harder, and see little change. Does anyone else feel this way?


  • isntbaconhealthy
    every damn day. of course it gets tougher. your body adjusts to its 'new' setting: metabolism, eating habits, exercise habits - all this becomes the norm. sooner or later your body says I LIKE THE WEIGHT IM AT. hopefully you will too
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Every day. I've been trying to lose the last 15 pounds since I joined MFP in May and while I've lost 5 I have more disappointing weigh-ins than good weigh-ins these days.
  • cfloresmt
    cfloresmt Posts: 33 Member
    Calorie deficit. Reduce carbs, increase protein. Strength training. Magic.

    Get calipers and measure body fat btw, if you work out, weight alone is not a good indication to measure progress. Your waist and bf %, muscle % and bone massa re more relevant than the actual weight alone.
  • GhostPack
    GhostPack Posts: 197 Member
    Keep up the hard work. It can get frustrating, but you got to look at what your doing, and see if there is anything you can change. If you've been doing the same routine for a long time, change it up. Watch your eating, and make changes as needed.
    You can do it, just keep reminding yourself not to be comfortable, because if it was easy, we wouldn't need this site for help.
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    I understand how you feel. I'm 5'0" and currently am 108.5lbs. Therefore, I don't burn as many calories as someone that is 5'6" and 150lbs doing the same exercise. I also have a smaller calorie goal than someone of that size. And the closer I get to my goal, the more the calories burned with exercise drops and the slower my weight drops. I lose about a pound every week and half, two weeks. Sometimes it's only a half pound in that time span.

    BUT....remember, this is a lifestyle change! It is not supposed to be something that is easy all the time or stays at the rate you like it (unfortunately). Giving up just defeats the purpose of all your previous and current hard work. Don't quit because you're so close to the finish line! Think about how silly that sounds :tongue: :flowerforyou: . Know that even if you aren't changing as quickly as you once were, you ARE STILL changing! What's a few months in the grand scheme of things? What a few months compared to the rest of your life? Not much. Once I finally got that through my thick skull (I knew it, just never fully accepted it), I was a lot less stressed out about how slow things were going. But they are still going! That's the important part! Don't give up :heart:
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    Calorie deficit. Reduce carbs, increase protein. Strength training. Magic.

    Get calipers and measure body fat btw, if you work out, weight alone is not a good indication to measure progress. Your waist and bf %, muscle % and bone mass are more relevant than the actual weight alone.

    And this, all of it ^^
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Those of you having this problem, I strongly suggest you lower carb intake, raise fat intake and start an intermittent fasting program.

    Fat will melt off you.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Yes, welcome to the human race.
    It will continue to get harder. Just know this, accept it and keep punching.
    You have made it this far!
    Good Luck :drinker:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Absolutely. The last of the non-essential fat is very difficult to lose. I second "measure body fat, not weight". If you're not overweight, you don't have WEIGHT to lose, so thinking in terms of weight is not beneficial. People of similar height can look very different at different weights. So if you're down to the fine tuning, body fat makes a bigger difference than numbers on the scale.

    Change your workout every few weeks. Stick to your calorie goal as consistently as you can. And above all, find new ways of motivating and challenging yourself... Motivation is the hardest thing at this point :)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Those of you having this problem, I strongly suggest you lower carb intake, raise fat intake and start an intermittent fasting program.

    Fat will melt off you.

    How's that working out for you personally?
  • msindependent79
    I have had the same problem. One thing I do to help keep my body from getting bored and keep the pounds falling off is to change my workout frequently. Usually about every 6 weeks I change things up. It helps me from getting bored but also helps my body getting stuck in a rut. Good luck to all!!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Yep been 5 pounds from goal for over a 2 months now. Not worried about it though. I ate at maintenance for a month because I was not feeling as strong as normal. Reduced my calories back down to previous levels and the weight is coming off again. For me it was never a race to get there and reaching my weightless goal is only the beginning. Then its on to building muscles mass and strength.
  • cfloresmt
    cfloresmt Posts: 33 Member
    Yep been 5 pounds from goal for over a 2 months now. Not worried about it though. I ate at maintenance for a month because I was not feeling as strong as normal. Reduced my calories back down to previous levels and the weight is coming off again. For me it was never a race to get there and reaching my weightless goal is only the beginning. Then its on to building muscles mass and strength.

    You can easily do both at the same time. Calorie deficit with v v low carbs (<20) and high protein (200gr is what I take).

    I would also recommend checking out leangains:

    Good luck.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Same struggle here. I'm 6 pounds from a "normal" BMI and those 6 pounds sure are stubborn little buggers. I'm forcing myself to start more strength and core training because I recently had my body fat percentage tested and it was very good (23%) but could be better. I may actually start eating at maintenance soon or even a slight surplus and hitting the weights more often.

    If figure if I can build up some muscle, that's a good way to get my body fat percentage down, and then I can go back on a deficit and keep up the lifting to reduce the muscle loss.
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    I'm in the same place and I'm getting very frustrated. I'm losing maybe 1/2 lb a week even though my settings should have me at 1 lb. I know I'm working so much harder during exercise, sweat is dripping off me and that hasn't been the case before now. I've also increased my exercise from 3-4 days per week to 6 with longer length and intensity. I'm currently on about week 3 of increasing my cals by about 200 to see if it would change anything. I think it has as I didn't lose anything for about 3 weeks prior to the cal increase. I'm borderline healthy BMI and would like to lose at least another 18 lbs.

    Has anyone tried switching to maintenance cals for a few weeks to give their body a break on the calorie deficit and then tried going back to a 500 cal deficit. I was thinking maybe I should try that.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Yep been 5 pounds from goal for over a 2 months now. Not worried about it though. I ate at maintenance for a month because I was not feeling as strong as normal. Reduced my calories back down to previous levels and the weight is coming off again. For me it was never a race to get there and reaching my weightless goal is only the beginning. Then its on to building muscles mass and strength.

    You can easily do both at the same time. Calorie deficit with v v low carbs (<20) and high protein (200gr is what I take).

    I would also recommend checking out leangains:

    Good luck.

    Low carbs is not for me but thanks.
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Those of you having this problem, I strongly suggest you lower carb intake, raise fat intake and start an intermittent fasting program.

    Fat will melt off you.

    How's that working out for you personally?

    Its fantastic.