how do you log gamercise?

ooh, I hope I just coined a word! LOL Really though, I use xbox 360 kinect and I'm not sure how to log that. It's burning calories but I have no idea how many. for example archery doesn't really strength train as if you we're pulling back a bowstring. In boxing you don't bounce and move much with your feet but you use your arms like crazy. ( at least for my super out of shape self) Thanks for any input you can offer, I appreciate it!


  • MrsArpino
    MrsArpino Posts: 6 Member
  • rward007
    rward007 Posts: 32
    Honestly, if you're not working up sweat. I'd just estimate it like a light walk. You could monitor your heart rate to get more accuracy. Or just take another exercise that provides a similar level of exertion (based on your personal experience) and use your best judgment.