Was I wrong?



  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    It's about respect, and those ladies don't have any. If they want to park their *kitten* and talk, they shouldn't be at the gym.
    Just my two cents.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Not at all.
    If they are gossiping more than working out, they are being inconsiderate.
    I would have also asked management to step in if they wouldn't budge.

    My gym is also small, and one day a lady was working on her legs (the machine is meant to do both together) but she had one on, on a very low weight. She would do a couple, stop and send a few texts, then do another couple. I hoovered for a couple minutes and she didn't get people were waiting. I went to another machine and thankfully she was gone when I got back -- or I would have said something. I was sooo irritated.

    I seriously saw someone texting in a group class last week. People blow my mind.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You weren't "wrong" until you directed them to the women's area.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    No you weren't wrong, they were being stupid.
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 222 Member
    Sounds like they weren't there to work out. Which in and of itself wouldn't be a problem, but the fact that they are preventing people who actually came to the gym to work out to do just such is a problem. Sounds like you were in the right, but I'm sure the whole thing was lost on them, dude.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I just hate I missed seeing it!

    What? The naked old men or the two ladies hogging the bench?
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    You weren't "wrong" until you directed them to the women's area.
    See, I thought this at first, then I agreed with the OP. If they're not using the benches to work out, but there are other free benches that THEY can use but the OP can't, then they should have had the good grace to MOVE!
  • sailorsiren13
    Nope not wrong !!! wish i could have seen this i would have laughed my butt off!!:laugh:
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Not at all. Especially since you asked first.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    You weren't "wrong" until you directed them to the women's area.

    I agree with this to a point...if you were mad and doing it in a spiteful way, like "There's a f*cking woman's area!" then, if I was them, I would have done the same thing and stayed on the bench just to spite you.

    If you had said politely "You know, there is a woman's area with free benches that I'm not allowed to use. I really need to finish my workout, etc." it would have been different. The whole "music is too loud thing" is a bunch of b.s., imo, and I think they were just being snarky.

    I think you absolutely had a right to ask them to move, though. That's just rude. I don't use the gym anymore because of men/women like that who monopolize stations for an hour while barely using them. Instead, they just sit around gabbing when I want to do my workout, finish, and leave! Lol.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    They were being stupid. The only bit of your comment I didn't agree with was the bit about the 'women's section'. Women have every right to be in the free weight's section. The problem wasn't that they were in the bit of the gym that was of the wrong gender. It was that they were being rude, inconsiderate, and rather dim.
  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    I would've taken over the bench when they went back to their "workout".
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Nope, you were not wrong, and I don't think you were wrong to direct them to the women's area, where there is available equipment that they can use that is not available to you. They CAN use the women's section; he can't.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    So, I was at the gym today doing my workout, and, there were these two women there. They got there about 10 minutes into my workout. My gym isn't very big, so, benches are very limited when using dumbbells. Essentially, these two women were using two benches to sit on. Not work out, but, to sit on. Their routine went something like this:

    Do a few reps, while standing, sit down and talk for 5 minutes. Stand up, do a few reps, sit down and talk for 5 minutes. 90% of what I was doing today was standing until I wanted to finish with incline curls. While they were sitting and talking (this had been going on for about 40-45 minutes now) I walked over and asked "can I use one of these benches while you're talking?"
    "No, we're using them," said one of the women.
    "Right now you're talking. How about you guys just use one bench and one works while the other rests? I just need to use it for a few minutes" I said.
    The other women replied, "there's other benches you can use. Just use one of those."
    "I would, but, othere people are actually using them to work out not as a park bench" I said.
    "Whatever, not our problem" one said.
    "You know, there is a women's section in this gym. They have all the free weights, benches, and machines you could ever need. You can use that area to sit and talk all you want" I said.
    "The music is too loud from the aerobics in there........"
    I cut her off, "So you won't be able to talk? Exactly!"

    Mind you, this is a very isolated incident. Like I said, my gym is small. Everyone goes there to work out. Men, women, young, and old alike. I've never encountered this or witnessed anyone else deal with this there. And yes, the last thing I said was a backhanded why of saying "get the F%$* off the bench" and I kind of said it in a way to imply it as well... LOUDLY.

    Needless to say, I had to alter my routine to finish my workout. But, I don't think it mattered what I did at that point. I was so angry that anything I did I was going to get the most I could out of it.

    Oh, one more thing. Do all old men walk around the locker room in their birthday suits everywhere else?

    Good for you. Most of us don't have the balls to say anything.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    yah, the only thing you were wrong about was remarking on the 'women's section'. Those women were just there to run their mouths.

    I don't know about old men, but the elderly women at my gym sure like to walk around naked in the locker room. And they don't shave or trim or anything...it's like after 80 a whole forest is growing down there, yikes! I see crazy stuff like old women drying their business with a hair dryer...have mercy LOL
  • megz85g
    megz85g Posts: 101 Member
    "You know, there is a women's section in this gym. They have all the free weights, benches, and machines you could ever need. You can use that area to sit and talk all you want" I said.

    the only thing to me that you said wrong was that, i'm sick of the guys at my gym giving me dirty looks for using the main weights area rather than going upstairs to the 'ladies room'
    there is one bench and a heap of mats to do 'abs' and the weights in there only go up to 10kg
    i have as much right as them to use the weights area so they can get stuffed
  • kayteesb
    kayteesb Posts: 34 Member
    nope...you were right on the money.
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    "You know, there is a women's section in this gym. They have all the free weights, benches, and machines you could ever need. You can use that area to sit and talk all you want" I said.

    the only thing to me that you said wrong was that, i'm sick of the guys at my gym giving me dirty looks for using the main weights area rather than going upstairs to the 'ladies room'
    there is one bench and a heap of mats to do 'abs' and the weights in there only go up to 10kg
    i have as much right as them to use the weights area so they can get stuffed

    YES! Everyone has just as much of a right to USE the equipment in the main part of the gym. By USE, I mean, to actually exercise and not sit on it like it's a park bench to chat for 5 minutes about this and that. These two women are the only two women, or, anyone for that matter, I have had this problem with. The fact they wanted to get snarky with me about it, led me to get snarky with them.

    Weights are not gender specific, 15 lbs is 15 lbs. And jerks are not gender specific. These women were being jerks, a jerk is a jerk.