Looking for friends/supporters/cheerleader

I am new to MFP and I feel like I have started over a million times, but my goal this time around is to stay positive and make sure I keep up with working out. I think the good thing about starting this site now, is that I have about a month until I start school (I am a teacher) so I have time to start a routine before my life gets hectic again.

I know one of the reasons I have fallen off the wagon so many times is because I feel like I am doing it alone. I know that my journey is all about me and doing it for myself...but it is nice to have support and a sounding board. I think that I also make a good sounding board and cheerleader for others.

So, I am here looking for friends/supporters that have similar goals of losing 100+ pounds! Please feel free to add me if you also want a cheerleader/sounding board someone to vent to and share accomplishments with!
