Weight loss by diet alone?



  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    I lost the 1st 75lbs without exercising. Then I started exercising and didn't lose anything for about 4 months...now I have lost 10 more lbs. My body has changed throughout that time though. I don't know that that was the right thing to do, but it's what worked for me. I know that my body couldn't handle riding a bike 5 miles quickly 85lbs heavier like it can now...but that's just me.

    That's kindof how I feel now, that I'm carrying too much weight to allow me to exercise effectively. I'll still try and do whatever I can so I can get used to it, but I don't expect I'll do any real exercising (like jogging a mile) until I get about 15-25 pounds lighter.

    you say "excercise effectively", Man ANYTHING you can do helps. You dont have to run 8 minute miles for it to help. ANY activity you do burns calories. Even if its just walking. As a matter of fact, walking will do more for you right now, then when you are more fit. If an activity is difficult for you, its probably doing you some good to do it.
  • CycleFlow
    CycleFlow Posts: 55
    Great job on the changes you have made so far!

    You can definately loose weight with diet alone although over time as you routinely eat healthier you may find that weight loss slows down, you may see looser skin etc. This is when exercise comes into play. It allows you to continue eating at a normal healthy level and still loose weight even after those intial 10 or 20 pounds are gone. It will also tone your body and help your heart bones and overal day to day living over the course of your entire life span.

    When I began my weight loss journey I stuck only with the things I liked to do, then as I became more comforatable I added new things in and became more daring to try the stuff I thought I couldnt do.

    So - if you are having fun with the calorie counting etc, stay motivated and keep with that. Then begin to add in other things you like (it might take some trial and error). ( A sports team, some extra walks, gym etc etc. whatever you enjoy) Eventually all the little things add up.
    The best way to keep going is to do the things you LIKE. If there is something you hate - find something with a similar outcome that works for you and add that into your routine.

  • PurpleEpiphany
    It sounds like you're on the right track with doing what you can now. Not everyone can run (I have a bad knee, so it's never an option for me), but you can generally find something low impact that will work for you. Walking, swimming, certain types of yoga...even a little bit of exercise will benefit you immensely, whether or not you see a dramatic change on the scale.
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    Sure, people can lose weight without exercise, if they're not eating too much for their sedentary needs and all. However, one ends up losing lean tissue(aka muscle) along with some fat. If one exercises along with the chosen(hopefully sound)diet, one will end up firmere and in better shape overall. Weight loss might even go a little slower with strength-training in particular, as the body is recomposing itself over time. This is not a quick fix - it does take time even with everything in place. Don't believe the hype about "transform your body in only 6 weeks"! In reality, unless one has just a few pounds to lose, and is already down in body fat, that ISN'T going to happen within that length of time. But yes, one can always out-eat one's workout, so one has to have a handle on just how much one is eating even with the exercise. Personally, I'd rather have solid exercise on most days of the week and be able to eat some more rather than starving myself in order to lose weight without exercise.
    Which leads us to the fact that during the 1950s when I was growing up, many adult women routinely went on 800-maybe 1000 calories at most diets, because at that time they weren't exercising nor were they encouraged to. They really did have to eat a tiny hamburger with a slice of tomato and some lettuce for lunch or dinner in fact, and maybe a half-grapefruit and a boiled egg for breakfast, for instance. Starches were always considered to be "fattening" along with the rich stuff like butter etc. Just sayin...