


  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Well if ya get fries don't forget you can ask for them to be saltless and they will put down a batch for ya.

    This annoyed me, purely because people would ask no salt on their fries and get a double quarter pounder and a large coke. WTF whats the point!! Then complain their food will be cold waiting for their fries. People like that made me want to throw the damn fries in their face :grumble:

    What is wrong with you? This person never said he/she gets made about cold food. Why can't someone ask for fries without salt? What does that have to do with a quarter pounder or a coke? It's about cutting out some sodium. Worry about yourself.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I think some of us take life to seriously. You might be the most fit person in your city but end up getting run over by someone texting while driving.

    Enjoy the fruits of life. It's okay to eat junk foods every now and then. Just don't make it a habit of eating junk foods regularly. And certainly don't begrudge those who eat junk foods every now and then. Again, make it up doing several extra laps the next day.

    If some of you think this post is sacrilegious because I'm advocating eating unhealthy foods every now and then, I am not saying you have to eat unhealthy foods. I'm advocating enjoying life.

    I agree with your basic philosophy of eating foods that are not necessarily "good for us" now and then because life is uncertain and meant to be enjoyed. But the thought that McD is a way to enjoy life makes my head spin.

    It is because life is uncertain and meant to be enjoyed that I avoid crap such as McD serves. I'd rather save my splurges for something that tastes good.

    Of course, some people think that McD does taste good and they save their splurges for it.
  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    Southwest grilled chicken salad YUMMMM
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I'd get the meatiest thing on the menu, double it and discard the buns.

    Not ideal but hey, it wouldn't kill me ... Check out the movie Fat Head for how you can do fast food regularly and not suffer.

    Super Size Me was a complete crock ...
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member

    The McDonald's hamburger on the right is from 2008; the one on the left is from 1996. And they both look fairly edible.

    Wellness educator and nutrition consultant Karen Hanrahan has kept a McDonald's hamburger since 1996 to illustrate its nonexistent ability to decay. Aside from drying out and bit and having "the oddest smell," it apparently hasn't changed much in the past 12 years.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Opt for the salad, but with low cal dressing and no cheese, croutons or other bad stuff. It just drives me nuts that all of these places put cheese on their salads. Those are calories I can do without.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'd get the meatiest thing on the menu, double it and discard the buns.

    Not ideal but hey, it wouldn't kill me ... Check out the movie Fat Head for how you can do fast food regularly and not suffer.

    Super Size Me was a complete crock ...

    Seriously, neither of these movies "proved" anything except that weight gain and loss is all about calories. Which is hardly a news flash.
  • The grilled chicken salad, or if you're gonna be expected to eat mcdonaldsy food, the plain hamburger :D nom!
  • neuy22
    neuy22 Posts: 2
    You should probably eat nothing. Even if it is low cal there is little to no nutritional value in it.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    2 mcdoubles - no bun no ketchup no cheese
    add mayo shredded lettuce and extra pickle
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    Grilled Chipotle BBQ snack wrap. High in protein, doesn't taste that good..not awful in calories...


    Grilled Chicken and bacon salad with Newman's own lite Balsamic Vinaigrette (Which is the dressing I use at home..because.. It is the bomb.)
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    I'd get the meatiest thing on the menu, double it and discard the buns.

    Not ideal but hey, it wouldn't kill me ... Check out the movie Fat Head for how you can do fast food regularly and not suffer.

    Super Size Me was a complete crock ...

    i loved fathead!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Seriously people...she didn't as for your opinions on McDonald's itself...just some options for her to eat. She obviously has a reason for going there, so why not just answer the damn question and get on with your life? Just because YOU feel that a McD's Hamburger is the root of all evil, doesn't mean the rest of us do!

    Or's a about not answer at all?? Try that for once....
  • klafrancis
    klafrancis Posts: 34 Member
    I always get the grilled chicken sandwich (classic) and scrape most of the mayo off. They put a ****load on there for some reason! Diet or not, that is just gross. Instead of fries, I ask for a side salad with balsamic vin. dressing. I think this is around 400 cals if I remember correctly. And it is very filling and satisfying!
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    nothing. All their food is fatty mess. Even their salads are loaded with calories. I pass on McD's.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    grilled wrap with honey mustard, unsweet tea or water
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Have to eat at mcdonalds tonight. What should i get?

    get water.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    i usually get a grilled chicken salad no dressing and a diet coke. but sometimes i jsut work into my cals if i know i am going there the day before.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    chicken nuggets! Theyre not that bad :]
    Check the sodium. Everything there is godawful health-wise. Not that it doesn't smell amazing though.
  • Before you go, goggle pink slim or how nuggets are made. Bet cha you will wait until you get home.:noway: :laugh: