
I am making progress towards my goal, I love running, I am making better food choices,I am seeing losses, seems like I am on the right track.......but now i cant seem to get out of my own way. I don't know if it's the heat, stress, hormones or what. I cant find the drive to get out and run or do much of anything for that matter. I am still trying to make the right food choices and still manage to stay under my calorie goal. But lately junk food and binging seem to be creeping in more frequently, laziness is settling in and the angel/devil shoulder conversations are nonstop withe "devil" usually winning. I don't know what to do. I am so disappointed in myself. I am a beginner runner, running for a little over a year off and on, but restarted this past Feb. I have run several 5ks since then setting a goal to run at least one race per month, and have kept up with that even adding in some obstacle runs. I want to run a 10k in October and have successfully run for 50mins straight something I have never done or thought I could ever do. My new years goal was to run a half marathon before the end of the year, and I truly believe I can accomplish both the 10k and the half, but I just need to find the way back out on the road. Just do it! seems simple enough but I just cant. I need help.