What effect will eating junk but within your calories have?



  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    Perhaps it was an oversight but no one mentioned organic brownies. Chocolate has a lot of health benefits. People always say all things in moderation. I would like to give up fast food cold turkey (and replace it with a much healthier twin)
  • imannalouise
    You'll probably still lose weight. Skinny people get diabetes and heart conditions too.

    I highly doubt that a brownie a day would be enough to give you diabetes or a heart condition, especially with exercise making your heart strong. But you're right, everyone gets diseases like those
    You're right. I was actually going to come back and delete my post. For you it may work perfectly.

    Anyway, my initial response was because, to ME, a brownie means a huuuuuge piece loaded with chocolate frosting. And even a small piece risks triggering a binge.

    It's not a choice I would make on a daily basis...but if it works for you, go for it! I really do believe in the old "different strokes for different folks". I'm still trying to find my way on this journey, and what will work for me for the rest of my life.

    Also, as the person above me noted, anything sugary like that makes me soooo sleepy.

    Actually that's such a good point; one brownie means something different for everyone! I just meant something little, but I agree about risking triggering a binge. That happens to me too sometimes :(
  • imannalouise
    Perhaps it was an oversight but no one mentioned organic brownies. Chocolate has a lot of health benefits. People always say all things in moderation. I would like to give up fast food cold turkey (and replace it with a much healthier twin)

    I don't know if this counts but I would be eating gluten-free brownies since I don't eat gluten! haha
  • rward007
    rward007 Posts: 32
    Moderation is key, so in general anything is ok in moderation food wise. My other 2 warnings are this:

    Only do it if it prevents you from over indulging. For some people 1 cookie is the gateway to a sleeve of cookies, a bowl or ice cream, and a sugar induced coma. Some people are best to avoid it all together.

    From my personal experience I have always lost weight when I had a caloric deficit. In general, I think less in, more out, lose weight. However, I know some people who firmly believe that reducing carb intake has improved their weight loss. So a carb heavy sweet may not always be the best choice when you have calories to spare.
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    Perhaps it was an oversight but no one mentioned organic brownies. Chocolate has a lot of health benefits. People always say all things in moderation. I would like to give up fast food cold turkey (and replace it with a much healthier twin)

    Being organic doesn't actually make the food itself any healthier for you. It just means it's probably not going to contain the harmful pesticides. But that is a good point, that you could replace it with a healthier twin, make your brownies homemade with applesauce instead of oil, lower sugar, wheat flour instead of white, and it won't be too horrible for you :)
  • stonerdude
    stonerdude Posts: 103
    I eat junk often. Hasn't interfered with my goals or my health.

    Try changes your settings to sodium!