What am I doing wrong?

I'm logging everything I put in my mouth.
I'm eating my calories, rarely do I go over and I'm never too far under.
I'm eating healthy things not crappy thing to stay in my calorie range
I'm drinking my water, any where from 80-100 oz a day.
I'm exercising, I jog or walk 4 miles a day and sometimes more.
I'm sleeping 6-8 hours a night.
This has been my routine for 3 weeks now and I've only lost 1 lb! I'm so frustrated at the moment. It seems like all my hard work is for nothing.
I weigh 4 lbs more than I did 3 months ago with an additional 8 inches all over. I knew the inches were going to be big because my clothes were starting to get tight.
I thought that after 3 months of seriously slacking, once I got back into my healthy routine I would see the numbers drop quickly and its not happening...they are almost not dropping at all.
What can I do? Has this happened to anyone else?
I know I have to push through this...cuz if I don't my clothes aren't gonna fit at all :wink: I just need a bit of encouragement this morning.


  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    I have been having the same problem for weeks! Someone suggested to switch up your diet and also switch up your exercise. You have to sike your muscles out if they are used to the same exercises. Maybe try running or eliptical... Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Yes, maybe you need to switch up your routine, but this early into it, I don't see why you would need to :huh: Also, you may want to go and see your doctor in case there is something medically going on that you don't know about as well....Good luck!
  • lynmayo
    lynmayo Posts: 14 Member
    I feel your pain. I haven't noticed a drop at all and, since I have MFP as my home page, I am reminded of it every time that I turn on my computer.

    I have been consoling myself by thinking that it is kind of like a moving train: the train doesn't change direction right away if you suddenly throw it into reverse. I had been wallowing in my bad habits for a couple of months and my body is still adjusting to the new diet and exercise regimen. It will take a little while before my metabolism shifts and I start seeing results. But I do think that it will happen. Hang in there.
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    My answer to a plateau is always the same. Time to try something new that's always looked like fun.

    Go hiking, learn to be a nature photographer, take a ballet class, a hip hop class, a karate class. Anything, as long as it's NEW to you!

    Also, try rearranging your calories. Eat more in the morning with a lighter dinner, or make lunch your big meal. Or try some new recipes. Up or down your calories by 100-200 just to see what happens. If you're plateaued, you have nothing to lose by experimenting (or everything to lose, if it works!)
  • ♥seoid♥
    You've hit a plateau. It's normal. Try this....for a few days alternate your calories. Eat quite a few one day and then low the next....repeat.
  • metalpalace
    Everyone here is right, its your routine it's caused you to hit a huge ugly plateau. You are placing to much emphasis on an exercise (walking/jogging) that the body has a very easy time adapting and adjusting to. Only one pound loss into it and your body already adapted. You should consider adding resistance training to your regimen and other various forms of cardio rather than just walking/jogging. Don't give up, spend more time educating yourself so that you work smarter and not harder. You can do this.
  • vitabella
    vitabella Posts: 34 Member
    I would try eating out of the norm. what do you eat on a daily basis? Also i would try some resistance training instead of all the walking/jogging. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns at rest. Also when i do jogging/or elliptical i can burn 400-500 calories in 45 minutes, when i was lifting weights this past spring i would burn 8-900 calories in 45-60 minute work out<-- i am trying to get back to that! make sure youre eating protein and the right carbs like brown rice, oatmeal, or sweet potatoes.
  • twilight1542
    When I started MFP the elliptical was the only machine I used & I saw consistent losses each week. After a month or so I starting seeing smaller losses each week :( I saw so many posts about switching up exercises that I decided to do that. I know switch up between 4 types of ellipticals, stairclimber, treadmill (walk/run intervals), & strength, trying not to do the same machine more than a couple days in a row & have seen consistent weight loss for the last 12 weeks. So my advice is to switch things up :)
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Have you tried a refeed? I began zig zagging a few weeks ago in hopes of breaking my plateau. While I was researching the method, I came across an article (which I can’t seem to find again) that suggested doing a refeed before you begin if you have already been dieting and then again every 8 weeks after. It defined the refeed as a couple of day of eating high calories, high carb healthy meals. The article had info on how it affects leptin levels, which I’m not going to try to explain without it handy. Basically, it is supposed to boost your metabolism since it has probably slowed down due to dieting. According to ironmagazine.com, this is what lot of body builders do to get down to their single digit body fat percentages.

    I did do the suggested refeed before I started zig zagging. I really believe it helped. I’ve lost 5 lbs since. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • metalpalace
    CrstyalT I love your smoke free banner. Where did you get that?
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
  • debbiejo
    I was stuck on a plateau for the last 3 weeks... I was doing everything I was supposed to, and maintaining all that had been working for me until then, but no weight loss. I asked for help on MFP and after reading the great advice I tried eliminating some foods I had been uncertain about eating (my "sugar-free" but ultra sweet creamer, high sugar fruits and daily "low-fat" granola bars) and I really watched what was going into my mouth. I also changed my work out routine and did longer sessions of strength training and added some short intensity jogs within my normal, but exhausing, walks.

    All the changes finally managed to tip the scale, every so slightly, but I went down 1 pound at last. Phew! What we go through for 1 pound!! But today when I read my scale, I felt it was worth it!! Now for the other 35 pounds... sigh... anyways, consider shoking your system a bit and try new things you have not done before. The human body seems to get used to your routine and diet, and refuses to drop the weight. I know it is VERY frustrating to not keep going down in weight, but from what I have read it unfortunately is very common. You can do it - stick with it!! Good luck!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I appreciate all your suggestions.

    What I don't understand is How am I at a plateau when I just started/restarted?? I honestly haven't worked out or eaten well since about June and at the end of August I picked it up full force again. My calorie intake has changed dramatically and my activities have changed as well. Shouldn't this have been a shock to my system? Shouldn't my "last meal" of eating what ever I wanted guilt free have been a carb load to start my new lifestyle? I guess I just don't understand how I can go from crappy habits to healthy habits with absolutely no change in weight for 3 weeks??

    I know that I need to increase my strength training. Strength training bores me and therefore it's something that I have to force myself to do where as I enjoy my cardio workouts so they are easier for me to accomplish on a daily basis.

    In analyzing my diet the biggest change is that we have gone to more "clean eating" kind of habits. Before I was all about processed this and boxed that as long as I stayed within my calories...and I was losing weight..2-5 lbs a week. But now I'm trying this clean eating thing and it doesn't seem to be helping me at all.....

    Again I'm just frustrated. I know I need to just keep pushing forward eventually there will be progress. I'm going to add some strength training for the next 3 weeks and change up my cardio routine. Hopefully I will see some positive results.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    You said it exactly right- push through it, and things will change. 1 pound down is better than no pounds down, right? Have you ever lifted something that weighs a pound- it's pretty darn heavy. Don't force yourself to do something you hate...try to find a way to make strength training enjoyable if it's a goal you want to achieve. I don't enjoy it either which is why I don't do it very often. As I get closer to my goal, it's something I'm going to add on, but I hope at that point I'll feel comfy enough to get a trainer and really learn how to do it right. :smile:
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Try this for strength training. It moves fast and involves body weight resistance. Not as boring as free weights/machines.


    Helps if I give you the link. lol