What do you think is the primary reason for obesity?



  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    What I think causes it the most isn't there. Other than portion control, I really believe that ease of access is our country's main concern. We don't have to work for it any more. The days of going out and hunting/growing it, prepping/harvesting it for human consumption, and then cooking it are long gone. It's just too easy to run down the road for a hamburger, open a bag of chips, or put some poor-quality sodium-laden frozen dinner (still guilty of that myself on occasion) in the microwave. I'd probably starve to death now if I had to get my food like people had to 100 years ago. I don't know how to do any of that.
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    Our biology hasn't caught up with our environment. Our bodies are used to physical work and periodic famines and simpler, less calorie dense food.

    I don't think people are lazy, stupid, weak or emotionally fragile. Or any food is evil, deadly or addictive.

    This ^^^^

    I know what happened to ME.
    As a teenager, I LIVED on Taco Bell and Little Ceasars spaghetti because I worked at LS and my BFF LOVED Taco Bell. I was skinny. However, I walked EVERYWHERE. I lived 4 miles from high school, and walked both to and from, all year round (yes, even part of the summer, I worked cleaning books). I lived 6 miles from my job, and walked to work, and was driven home. I walked to the store. I walked to visit friends. I walked EVERYWHERE.
    Then, at 19 I got pregnant and moved to the middle of no where. And quit walking. And lived with family that ate all the time!!!
    Lived there for 12 years. And got fat.

    Now my kids are having a fit that they have to walk home from marching band practice next week- 3.5 miles, and I am driving them TO practice.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    There are so many excuses why, but in reality the only true "reason" is the choices that we make.

    Every thing is much easier today.

    With the technology in packaging, preservatives, delivery methods of said cheap food products they are much more readily available and ...taste good they are either over sugary or over salted and most Americans like it...

    Every thing is easier today. They have remote controls for remote controls, apps to set recordings of programs, technology that presses your coffee for you in single cups...

    A lot of jobs where you are on your butt all day. I have a computer / scanner/ fax / phone etc I can be completely disabled from waist down and do my job with 100% efficiency - no stairs to climb -

    The unemployed- not getting much exercise if they are doing nothing all day ....

    Blah blah blah blah a lot of excuses and until obesity truly costs americans MONEY nothing will drastically change.

    I lost weight when I was unemployed without even consciously trying. Instead of sitting at a desk away from home for 8, 10, 12 hours a day, I spent a good part of the day reorganizing the house and going for long walks. Instead of going out all the time with coworkers (in part as a "treat" and escape to deal with the stress of the day), I made tuna fish or pbjs for lunch. That was my lowest weight of the last 20 years.