Low Carb diet



  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Do you think low carb is bad?

    I did very low carbs for a month just to get rid of the cravings for the starchy carbs and refined sugar. Then I started adding back in some whole grain carbs in moderation and a little sugar as a treat. I try to keep the number to no more than 100 g a day because of my diabetes...usually its a little less. And I lose weight. For me, its the best method, but now necessary because of the T2.

    I have insulin resistance because of PCOS, so I did the same thing ^^ detoxed completely than slowly added back. I find that when I have about 30 carbs at one time, I don't feel bad, but if I eat too many more than that, I feel like crap. Eating whole wheat has really helped!
  • kjanoudi
    kjanoudi Posts: 18
    Also, when doing low carb, you *want* to achieve ketosis, as this is the "fat as fuel" burning that you're looking for. However, when in ketosis, you *NEED* to be getting a lot of water to help your kidneys along.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Be careful of ketosis which can cause kidney damage or even failure. You need to burn carbs to keep your metabolism up and lose the weight. Note people who go on low carbs, end up burning protein which has no effect on the metabolism and if they aren't really careful they gain the weight back easily as their metabolism slows down.

    You're thinking of ketoacidosis, not ketosis. Ketosis is when you deplete your glycogen stores and use stored fat as fuel. Ketoacidosis is the result of extreme or uncontrolled ketosis (usually by diabetes or alcohol). If you're making sure you stay under 20 grams of carbs by eating whole foods, this shouldn't be a problem.

    I've been in ketosis 42 days straight and have not died.
  • kjanoudi
    kjanoudi Posts: 18
    An easier alternative to low carb is trying to simply eliminate any extra sugar from your diet. Try taking out simple carbs first, and see if that helps get your weight down. It's sort of a middle ground, but it may work nearly as well.
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    Be careful of ketosis which can cause kidney damage or even failure. You need to burn carbs to keep your metabolism up and lose the weight. Note people who go on low carbs, end up burning protein which has no effect on the metabolism and if they aren't really careful they gain the weight back easily as their metabolism slows down.

    You're thinking of ketoacidosis, not ketosis. Ketosis is when you deplete your glycogen stores and use stored fat as fuel. Ketoacidosis is the result of extreme or uncontrolled ketosis (usually by diabetes or alcohol). If you're making sure you stay under 20 grams of carbs by eating whole foods, this shouldn't be a problem.

    I've been in ketosis 42 days straight and have not died.

    Prime example why people not trained in the medical field should not be giving medical advice.
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
  • Nixenne
    Nixenne Posts: 37 Member
    Be careful of ketosis which can cause kidney damage or even failure. You need to burn carbs to keep your metabolism up and lose the weight. Note people who go on low carbs, end up burning protein which has no effect on the metabolism and if they aren't really careful they gain the weight back easily as their metabolism slows down.

    You're thinking of ketoacidosis, not ketosis. Ketosis is when you deplete your glycogen stores and use stored fat as fuel. Ketoacidosis is the result of extreme or uncontrolled ketosis (usually by diabetes or alcohol). If you're making sure you stay under 20 grams of carbs by eating whole foods, this shouldn't be a problem.

    I've been in ketosis 42 days straight and have not died.
    Thank you, you beat me to it. :) It's funny how many misconceptions people have, even nowadays.

    It's only been a little over a month for me (started keto on June 6), but I've already seen great results. Not just in weight loss, but in terms of how I feel, and how much less I eat without even trying. I fill up on green veggies, fats and protein, and really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
  • jtakingcareofherself
    jtakingcareofherself Posts: 144 Member

    There is nothing in there about "carbs burning fat".

    In the opinion of this author (who has a B.Sc and a M.Sc), "the body can turn excess fat or protein into carbohydrates". So it's clearly stated that it's not necessary in ingest carbohydrates to get rid of excess fat. According to this author, "it is best to obtain adequate carbohydrates from your diet". The word "best" is a matter of opinion. In this case, Mandy's opinion.

    Ketogenic diets have been well studied, and I suggest anyone interested in this topic, should research them and figure out if they are best for them. Then, go ask your dietician to explain them to you and see if they have been researching them too, and paying attention. Not all opinions are created equal. MFP is a perfect example.
  • jtakingcareofherself
    jtakingcareofherself Posts: 144 Member
    Be careful of ketosis which can cause kidney damage or even failure. You need to burn carbs to keep your metabolism up and lose the weight. Note people who go on low carbs, end up burning protein which has no effect on the metabolism and if they aren't really careful they gain the weight back easily as their metabolism slows down.

    You're thinking of ketoacidosis, not ketosis. Ketosis is when you deplete your glycogen stores and use stored fat as fuel. Ketoacidosis is the result of extreme or uncontrolled ketosis (usually by diabetes or alcohol). If you're making sure you stay under 20 grams of carbs by eating whole foods, this shouldn't be a problem.

    I've been in ketosis 42 days straight and have not died.
    Thank you, you beat me to it. :) It's funny how many misconceptions people have, even nowadays.

    It's only been a little over a month for me (started keto on June 6), but I've already seen great results. Not just in weight loss, but in terms of how I feel, and how much less I eat without even trying. I fill up on green veggies, fats and protein, and really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

    Thanks for posting to both of you. I'm on Day 10, walking 5 km a day and doing pilates.
    So still clearly alive at less than 30 g of carbs a day!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Ketogenic diets have been well studied, and I suggest anyone interested in this topic, should research them and figure out if they are best for them. Then, go ask your dietician to explain them to you and see if they have been researching them too, and paying attention. Not all opinions are created equal. MFP is a perfect example.

    Exactly. You have to find what works for you.

    I love the restriction to pasta, sweets, breads, and fruits. It's very hard for me to consume any of those in moderation. Now that I've nixed them from my diet for now (will slowly add fruits back eventually), I don't crave them any more.

    Plus, I have a predisposition for diabetes and my doctor started thinking I was hypoglycemic. Now, things have leveled out, and so far, so good.
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    I just recently starting seeing a dietician and she told me I wasn't losing weight because my carbs were to low. I was eating around 60 a day. I should be having between 150-180 carbs a day. But they needed to be healthy carbs such as fruits (she said no bananas or raisins) and whole grains. She said that carbs are what burns fat. The only other limit she gave me was 60+ grams of protein, and to choose foods with less than 7 grams of fat.

    Hope that helps some. I'm just getting started so I hope it works.

    You might want to find a new dietician. That information is completely wrong. Carbs do NOT burn fat.
    Exactly, carbs DO NOT burn fat.
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    I'm on low carb diet. My max on carbs a day is 100 g, but most of the time I'm around 50 g. It is good for me and it worked. I'm even able to workout a lot. But, everybody is different, and there are people they don't like low carb diets. If you are losing weight and you like this diet, there is no reason for you to change
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    i didnt quote that livestrong site to say that carbs burn fat.... i simply put it there to help show that carbs play a vital role in your bodies all around health.... if you are doing any intense activty you SHOULD be eating carbs....

    BUT that being say... "low carb" is different to a lot of people... if you're used to eating junk all day your carbs could be around 400 easily per day... i get 40/40/20 and my carbs end up around 140-190 /day which is low to some people....

    i think a healthy range but still "low" is 100-150, at least then you can still get good carbs from fruits and veggies and some oats or rice or something.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    i didnt quote that livestrong site to say that carbs burn fat.... i simply put it there to help show that carbs play a vital role in your bodies all around health.... if you are doing any intense activty you SHOULD be eating carbs....

    This is true. There are variations of low carb dieting that are better for different lifestyles such as CKD and TKD. Just like your car: If you're going to drive across the country, you need to fuel yourself properly.
    BUT that being say... "low carb" is different to a lot of people... if you're used to eating junk all day your carbs could be around 400 easily per day... i get 40/40/20 and my carbs end up around 140-190 /day which is low to some people....

    Mmhmm! There are many different ranges that people can use. Ketosis (20g or under a day), also known as Atkin's Induction, is where many people begin to rapidly lose the weight. But hey, ANY lowering from 400g a day has gotta be better for anybody!
    i think a healthy range but still "low" is 100-150, at least then you can still get good carbs from fruits and veggies and some oats or rice or something.

    Exactly. Once I get closer to my goal, I will eventually raise my carb intake to around 100g. Of course, I'll play with that number to suit my body's needs.
  • Jazziemay
    Jazziemay Posts: 12 Member
    thanks for the reply, I know a lot of people don't stay under 20 carbs and I have to say it's hard for me, I only do it for two weeks then go up to 25 but I leave potatoes, bread, rice, and pasta out of my diet for those two weeks. What kind of carbs do you eat and stay under 20 and keep cholestrol down
  • Jazziemay
    Jazziemay Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks to everyone for you opinions, It seems to be working right now for me to stay at 20 a day, still have another week and the rest of this one to go then add a few more carbs so I will see. Been walking 3 miles a day plus aerobic exercise and feel good so I will go from there. Thanks again
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    I just recently starting seeing a dietician and she told me I wasn't losing weight because my carbs were to low. I was eating around 60 a day. I should be having between 150-180 carbs a day. But they needed to be healthy carbs such as fruits (she said no bananas or raisins) and whole grains. She said that carbs are what burns fat. The only other limit she gave me was 60+ grams of protein, and to choose foods with less than 7 grams of fat.

    Hope that helps some. I'm just getting started so I hope it works.

    You might want to find a new dietician. That information is completely wrong. Carbs do NOT burn fat.

  • shequick
    shequick Posts: 1
    I find that I tend to do better with low carbs, but it does help to monitor what you eat. My nutritionist said that all things in moderation because you don't want to make it so you don't have something and then crave it until you get it. The problem with me seems to be over indulgence, I originally lost over 20 pounds and gained 10 of it back and the 10 was gradual so that I really didn't notice it but I remember those carbs that I was eating. It was nothing for me to have two burgers with the bun during the week, a couple slices of pizza, pasta dishes, etc. Carbs are in lots of things we eat so depending on how your body does with them can dictate how you eat, unfortunately bread and past tip the scale for me but that may not be your issue. Keep up the good work you are doing good.:happy:
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member

    Prime example why people not trained in the medical field should not be giving medical advice.


    And to correct the folk who have been saying "don't avoid carbs, avoid sugar..."

    During digestion your body turns ALL the carbs you eat into glucose, i.e. sugar.

  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    I have eaten low carbs for the most part the last few years, I don't suffer from energy problems, and I have kept all the weight off. The difference is I made a lifestyle change to eat mostly lean meats and veggies, and I don't plan to ever return to a high carb diet.

    I do occasionally eat junk, eat out, enjoy at a party etc, but I have managed to change my lifestyle and keep the weight off for 2 years without a problem so far...