Read the FAQ's! Yes, this means you!


it has a lot of good info and can head off a lot of technical questions that would otherwise bulk up the forums.

Not that I don't like hearing from all of you, but Mike has been generous enough to provide this section, and as with everything else, it is free of charge. You may think you know everything about the site, but there is info in it for everyone.
I see at least 1 question a day that would be answered if these were read.

*side note* Mike, you maybe you should link this to the community page, as it is an unknown gem right now and not being utilized like it could be.

once again thanks Mike for the awesome work!
I'm gonna bump this one every time I see a question that is answered already, just to be annoying. :tongue:


  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    it has a lot of good info and can head off a lot of technical questions that would otherwise bulk up the forums.

    Not that I don't like hearing from all of you, but Mike has been generous enough to provide this section, and as with everything else, it is free of charge. You may think you know everything about the site, but there is info in it for everyone.
    I see at least 1 question a day that would be answered if these were read.

    *side note* Mike, you maybe you should link this to the community page, as it is an unknown gem right now and not being utilized like it could be.

    once again thanks Mike for the awesome work!
    I'm gonna bump this one every time I see a question that is answered already, just to be annoying. :tongue:
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638

    Not that this isn't a great suggestion but Mike does need to work on the site to make it easier to navigate to the non-tech savvy people. You and I and maybe others use the net to do a lot of just about everything and as a webmaster I know that it's important to set a site up to be easily navigable by the least technical person on the site.

    The site has a lot going for it but most of those blogging are doing so as they would on their myspace and other similar sites -- or just like email. Now if the site were much simpler then you might be running a different piece hitting Mike up to get with the tech age, and so on.

    What would be the better balance letting people do as they are doing now while you, me, others point them to places where they should/could be looking on the site as a community should to help each other? Or are you suggesting that people spend a lot of their time trying to memorize the site so that you don't feel like you have to answer them back with where to go?

    Those are my thoughts.


  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    You're making my point. That's why I posted this, to head off having to reply to every post. Specifically for those who are less tech savvy then us. While I don't mind doing it, every new post pushes others off the (recent post) list, and those who don't know how to use key word searches might never see them. If we keep the FAQ's page fresh in people's minds (until Mike puts a link up) then we can answer questions quickly for people and maybe head off some others to keep the forums slimmer.
    Plus it's just plain good manners to read the instructions. And if nobody knows about them, they can't read em, that is the other reason I posted this, to keep people informed of this wonderful resource.

    Just thought it would be a good idea to give everyone the opportunity to have their questions answered without having to wait/hope for a response.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    That's why there's a search bar that most MFP members are not using.
    There would be less posts on repeated questions if people would use the darn thing.

  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member

    You're making my point. That's why I posted this, to head off having to reply to every post. Specifically for those who are less tech savvy then us. While I don't mind doing it, every new post pushes others off the (recent post) list, and those who don't know how to use key word searches might never see them. If we keep the FAQ's page fresh in people's minds (until Mike puts a link up) then we can answer questions quickly for people and maybe head off some others to keep the forums slimmer.
    Plus it's just plain good manners to read the instructions. And if nobody knows about them, they can't read em, that is the other reason I posted this, to keep people informed of this wonderful resource.

    Just thought it would be a good idea to give everyone the opportunity to have their questions answered without having to wait/hope for a response.

    Good idea. Only a small percentage of users would ever look, though. The posts are inevitable. Only instead of posting "", you'd be posting "Hey, the FAQ link is up there." It's true, and you know it. :laugh: But it should be in every header nevertheless. It's just good design imo.

    As I think rheston is pointing out, the posts are a part of what makes up the community here at MFP. In any community, some people go diggin' for answers, other people will call a friend. It can be hair pulling to read the same posts from different people daily but what are you going to do?

    [Edit] I just found the Search button. That should be on every page right beside the FAQ link. So, there you go. I'm a programmer of websites, among other things, and I never noticed the new search button until now (and only because Healthier Me mentioned it). So, I would debate the fact whether technical savviness had much to do with it. it's just people bein' people. :ohwell:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I still contend that this is why I want to keep this Post fresh. That way maybe some people will read it and go check out the FAQ.
    While I agree, the search function is a little bit subdued, This post isn't and if we keep it fresh (here is my requisite request for Sticky Posts :tongue: ) then maybe some people will click on it before they post.

    Again, I don't mind hearing from people, and I don't mind answering the questions, but It does push other posts off the recent posts list, and I would hate it if someone's post were pushed off just because somebody (for instance) doesn't know how to edit their food log. I realize that it is a valid question, and I don't want to take away from a serious request, but if it's answered already, there really is no reason to repeat it.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    [Edit] I just found the Search button. That should be on every page right beside the FAQ link. So, there you go. I'm a programmer of websites, among other things, and I never noticed the new search button until now (and only because Healthier Me mentioned it). So, I would debate the fact whether technical savviness had much to do with it. it's just people bein' people. :ohwell:

    I agree with the having the search bar on every page.

  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    bumpity bump bump
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Ahh - Banks, things that go *bump* in the night!!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Doing the bump. Sexy Sexy!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Bump....bump bump....bump bump..bump bump..bump bump...bump..BUUMP

    "Hit me with your BUMP awaaaaay."
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Doin' the *bump* thing!! :laugh:
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    If you just click on HELP on the top of the screen, it will bring you right to the FAQ.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    There ya go! That's the spirit.:smile:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    ...............................:tongue: BUMP!!!:tongue:..............................
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    somebody was up early today. :smile:
  • jaxkipi
    jaxkipi Posts: 233
    :frown: Okay....where's this search bar thingy you guys are talking about? Are you talking about the search for foods? I'm sooooooooo confused. :blushing:
  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    Thanks Rheston, I am not that computer savvy but I knew enough to copy/paste and search out the link you left. I then created a shortcut to my desktop. Now when I have a question I can simply go to the shortcut and open the file. Bing Bang there are my FAQ's..Thanks very much! Lolly