Looking for people going from 140lbs- 120/115lbs!! PLEASE!!


So I started losing weight when I hit a record high of about 148 pounds. I'm currently at about 135.2

That weight is I suppose my "normal" weight... I've weighed +/- 3 pounds around 135 for the last like 8 years of my life.

My IDEAL weight would be around 115 lbs but I'd be really happy if I could get into the 120 range. I REALLY can't seem to drop below around 133 for the life of me. I don't go over calories, I exercise, I walk at least 5 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY... I'm starting Insanity hoping that something will "shock" my body into losing weight but I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience and can offer any advice.

Thanks in advance - i'm up for any and all suggestions.


  • Paradis
    Paradis Posts: 54
    I wish I could help you but I haven't been there since after my last child.I hope you get answers to help you.
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    That's quite a low goal, how tall are you? Try upping your calories to break a plateau. That often seems to do the trick! Keep your metabolism functioning at its best.
  • michaela531
    michaela531 Posts: 44 Member
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member
    I'm 5'4" and actually my ideal weight according to several doctors is 120. I'm currently at 28% body fat.. which is rather high. My bmi is 23.3 but that's not great either.
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    Heya, my highest weight was around 150 lb, but I started MFP on 132 lb. I'm currently 124 with a goal of 117. Feel free to add me if you like :smile:
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 5"6 and my goal is low 120's. My BF is also 28% now, at 134 lbs (started at 140), so I've got a good deal of fat to lose - my bones are small, so 120 is a great weight for me, just hard to maintain! I aim for 1200 a day (I do not eat back exercise calories) but once or twice a week, usually on the weekends, I'll splurge and eat 1600-1900. I'm looking for slow and steady weight loss of 1-2 lbs per week.
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
    I am new to this...but I'm pretty much in the same spot! I'm at my all time highest which is around 140.... And my goal is 115/120! would love motivation!! :) Steph
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    I am 5'2" started a year ago at 140, I am currently holding steady at 120/119, now I am ready to take the last five off to get to 115... I was stuck for a while at 135-140 and had to adjust my food selection
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member
    My first 10 lbs came off so easy. I've been hovering between 133-137 since May.
    I usually eat SOME exercise calories back only because I do exercise at random times of the day and not all in one big chunk. So I'll do 20 mins of cardio and some weights around mid-morning and I'll do 20 mins of cardio and some weights in the evening.

    Once again - just starting Insanity which will definitely been done in the evening after work... so this schedule may change.

    Again I always net under my goal.. usually by a good amount. Also I've been really trying to focus in on the specific foods I'm eating and trying to eliminate bad sugars and bad carbs all together.. which sucks because I'm a major sugar addict. Little Debbie made me fat!!! lol
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
    And I'm 5"4. I tried insanity about 2 summers ago and did 4weeks of it. I was down to 124! If you stick with the program, you will definately lose the wanted weight! I just started bootcamp today and am looking into personal training. I can't commit to insanity 6days a week...it was too tough for me :) But good luck and let me know how it goes :)
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    Hey girl! I have two kids (I'm 26 years old 5'7" and currently maintaining at 120-123 depending on the day!) My kids are 7 and my "baby" is almost 2! I was 140 post-partum with each of them, and like I said am now down to 120. I SWEAR by Beachbody workouts - so good luck with Insanity! I've done Turbo Fire for almost 2 years and since it is super high-cardio and high intensity, it gets the weight off! ALSO make sure you eat ENOUGH. I like doing "low-carb" - but my version of low-carb is different than others ... I don't actually count carbs... but if I want a bagel/toast/etc. for breakfast, I just don't have any other heavy carbs the rest of the day! If I want pasta for dinner, I don't have carbs at other meals, etc. That change in thinking REALLY helped me get the last few pounds off!!
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    Check out "New Rules of Lifting for Women". Game changer. Get strong.
  • Starqueg
    Starqueg Posts: 39
    Hi! I'm closer to 150 than 140 at this point, hoping to get down to around 125 or so. I don't really have a specific number, it's more about getting into good shape and cutting down on my body fat % (which is currently around 33). Feel free to add me if you want.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    i'd suggest weight training and watching your macros.
    higher protein, lower carbs.
  • katycat24
    katycat24 Posts: 32
    I'm almost in the same boat. I'm 5'3" and a bit and weight 138 right now, would like to get down to 115-120. I have been on MFP or almost 3 months and did WW for about 6 months before that, and I cannot lose any weight. I have been stuck at 138 for months. I exercise at least four times a week (swimming, elliptical, running, weights class), use a stand-up desk so I rarely even sit down dring the day, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, never eat fast food, go out to dinner maybe once a week but don't go too crazy, almost always within my calorie allowance. I am doing everything right, but the weight isn't budging. One thing: I have Hashimoto's, so that may be hindering my weight loss. Have you had your thyroid levels checked? Also, I am 43 and I guess it is harder to lose weight when you get older. It's a great big frustrating drag for sure.

    Anyway, if you want to add me as a friend I would be happy for another motivator!
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I'm 5'5" and have the same goals (and starting point atm) as you. :) Feel free to add me!
  • wyomingmama
    wyomingmama Posts: 71 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Just had baby #3 in January. I am 5'4". I still have a ways to go But I really want to get to 115-120. Before I got pg I was 125!

    I will tell you insanity sucks but it is sure to kick things up a bit. My plan is to get to 125 then do insanity! I would toally recommend doing some weights. Shake it up. Your body is to use to the walking! So try something new. And I would say don't eat back all your work out cals! The smaller you get the less you need. 1200 cal is a general idea but 1100 really bumps it up!
    Stay away from sugars, only 24-30 gms per day! and double your protien and water!

    You can friend me if you like!

    Good Job so far!
  • Wendyerickson
    Wendyerickson Posts: 73 Member
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Hello... I'm 5'3", started at 154 and I'm now down to about 124. I've been working at this since November and I can say it has become much more difficult since I turned 40. Used to be able to lose weight pretty easily, not anymore. :ohwell:

    The turning point for me was getting a BodyMedia Fit in November (I now use the FitBit). It really helped to show me where my calorie burn for the day truly was. I had become so frustrated because I was working so hard and seeing no progress (even though I might have a thyroid issue, but no). My calorie intake just wasn't matching up with what I thought I was burning, so I was truly eating over my calories every day. I also found that weighing my food and eating more (yes more) has helped me to lose the weight. I try to have only about a 250 deficit each day so I'm losing more slowly. I've been doing New Rules of Lifting for almost 6 months and love it. My body has never been in this good of shape (pic is not current, so don't judge by that.. LOL).

    Feel free to add me if you like. I'm currently down to my last 10 lbs (always the hardest) but concentrating more on losing inches and body fat right now and figure the lbs will eventually come off or maybe they won't but my body will still look better with more muscle. :happy: