Hello fellow seekers of weight loss

Hello my name is Jennifer.(eastgurl2001)

Im a long time resident (basically life-long) of Michigan mainly being of the Davison/Lapeer area. Im happily married and my hubby loves me regardless, but his jokes about me getting fat are getting old. I mean I know hes kidding and doesn't mean any real harm by it, but I am quite overweight at around 260, I have always joked about being fat/overweight especially since I have constantly maintained a figure that I look about 7 months pregnant or so, and I've never once been pregnant.

Im not going to lie I have an addiction to fast food especially McDonald's and since its summer the sweeter treats of shakes and other cold sugary drinks are a weekly thing if not as much as an every-other-day thing as long as finances allow

I also have little to no motivation to go out walking not even with my dog, my husband does that. And I hate to go for walks with him cause we always seem to get into some form of a discussion that ends up in some type of argument. I work every single day being a home health aide, but since my job is fairly easy I don't get much exercise there, when Im not at work Im at home, working on my degree online and for my breaks I play on Facebook and other perfectly great wastes of time.

I guess I could really just use some motivation and encouragement, I've tried losing weight by watching what I eat, and i manage to get to about 10 or so lbs and then I gain it all back. What complicates my weigh loss goals is I have a hormonal issue with PCOS, that really messes with my hormones and makes weight loss even harder. In 15 years I have managed to gain over 100 lbs during that time I lost 70lbs because I was really sick and couldn't eat anything, but when that resolved itself, my weight came back in about 5 months vs the 7-8 months it took me to lose the weight.

My biggest fear is that while Im ridiculously healthy cholesterol, BP, and Blood sugar wise which are all optimal and Ideal, which is just confusing to my doctors that i don't have problems in any of these areas considering my weight. Is that I will get to the weight my mother did which was over 360lbs and dead at the age of 42 from CHF, or being like my younger brother that is recently downsized to 365lbs but with high blood sugar levels (hospitalized with 650 reading).

Any friends on here would be great.