struggling to fit it all in

Before i started this journey i would only eat once a day, at tea time (evening meal) now im trying my upmost to eat 3 small meals a day and im really struggling to manage it, especially breakfast as iv never been one for eating it. anyone got any tips on filling but small breasfasts so i dont feel like im about to pop on the walk to school? xxx


  • Flafster
    Flafster Posts: 106 Member
    I eat after the school run. I don't manage well eating straight away and mornings are too stressful herding everyone out of the house to have a relaxing breakfast
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    A slice of toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter.
    Greek yogurt with granola mixed in.
    Oatmeal with fruit on top.
    An egg with a slice of toast.

    Anything with protein is filling, try getting a higher protein breakfast in.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Sometimes I dont get much of a chance to eat either. But, I find a Special K protein bar helps. Or, Carnation Instant breakfast shake, or something like that, is good too. I like Coliemarieale suggestion too. Protein with def. fill you up more but so you dont have to eat as much.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I used to think coffee was perfectly adequate for breakfast. No longer! I forced myself to start eating breakfast and now cannot do without it. Start small - but start. A piece of fruit and a few slices of lunch meat - or a high protein shake (always emphasize the protein!).

    If you starve yourself, you may lose weight (or not), but it'll be all your lean muscle - your body will hang onto that fat until the bitter end. If you are getting any exercise at all, you must have breakfast (you haven't fed your muscles in HOURS) and you need to give your body the fuel to build on.

    Good luck - from a former breakfast-skipper. :)
  • sandiburn
    sandiburn Posts: 149
    Im the same way. My tummy just doesnt do breakfast well. I have a protien shake for breakfast. this way I get what I need but im not having to "eat " breakfast. My fav is EAS. They are good and not too expensive.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You don't actually have to eat breakfast if you don't want to. It doesn't really matter how many meals you eat in a day. If eating just one meal a day suits you, fits into your lifestyle, and if you can still reach your calorie goal with that, then that's fine. There would be a problem if you were drastically undereating because you only had one meal a day. In which case, you could try for say two meals and a snack. Lots of people don't like eating breakfast though, and it's not a requirement for losing weight. Some people like eating something every couple of hours, some like consuming all their calories on one big meal in the evening. It depends on your personal preference.
  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member
    We keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge all the time. They are easy to grab and go and lots of protein. You can easily limit to only eating the whites as well.
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    My breakfast use to be a diet coke at around 9 a.m.! It was hard to start having food in the morning, but I feel so much better. I started small with some scrambled eggs or just a banana. It wasn't much, but it was something to get me going besides caffeine. It took time to get in the routine. I still don't feel like eating as soon as I get up, but I eat breakfast everyday within a couple of hours of waking up. Just start small and easy. You'll feel better throughout the day!