I am very discouraged!

I have not been doing so well here lately. I haven't visited this site in weeks. I have a very supportive friend, but we live far apart and it is not as easy to stay on track as it would be if she lived near me. I just feel like a complete failure. :( Anyone ever feel this way?


  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    today is a new day, time to start fresh and make a difference. Friend some people on here to give you encouragement.
  • jenijerz
    jenijerz Posts: 6
    I have been feeling that way myself lately. When I joined MFP I lost a lot of weight and really got in shape. I have since gained it all back and then some. I decided that it was time to stop this yo yo dieting and make a lifestyle change. It is all about being confident in who you are and knowing that you will feel amazing when you can accomplish your goals. A 20-30 minute walk everyday will be very beneficial! You can do it, I know you can!
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Your friend might not be nearby, but we're all right here. Make a habit of logging in and staying connected to all of your MFP family. I've never been more motivated than when I interact with like minded folks here! You can do this!!!
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Hi you dont say why?I know its great to have a friends support but remember you are your own best friend and only you can do it for your self,so chin up face forward and take action,of course you can do it.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    It's not failure....it's an opportunity to succeed. You negated that "failure" by coming back and asking for help. That is what we are here for. You will get out of this funk! So eat your breakfast, log it and once you get some free time (after breakfast, work, etc) go walk or jog at least a mile. You will feel so much better. <3 Sending love & hugs!

    edit for spelling. ;)
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    You need to get your head in the game 100%!!! How bad do you want this???? WANT IT MORE!!!!
  • LoserKat2012
    #1 you are not a failure! You came back and asked for help and that is a step in the right direction! Keep your chin up and give it your best! You will do great. There is lots of support here.
  • LoserKat2012
    Jen you are right it is a LIfestyle change! I think too many people fail as they try to see there self on diet and deprive themselves! It is all about lifestyle and you take it one step at a time and one day at a time!
  • PiperMommy11
    Your friend might not be nearby, but we're all right here. Make a habit of logging in and staying connected to all of your MFP family. I've never been more motivated than when I interact with like minded folks here! You can do this!!!

  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    Simplify things. It's nice to have friends but you can do it even without them. Many studies have shown that dieters can be even more successful going it alone. This is for you and all about you. I don't like to count calories - this is my formula - Breakfast - protien shake + 1/2 whole grain cereal with a littl low fat milk, coffee w/real cream (my one indulgence that I could not give up) - midmorning - small protien snack (1 string cheese or 2T peanuts usually) Lunch - 1 protien, 2 veggies (usally a large salad and a cup of soup or a sandwich on whole wheat) - mid afternoon - 1 good carb (piece of fruit, some raisins, etc) - Dinner - 1 Protien and 2 veggies and dessert up to 180 calories. Bedtime - small protien snack. Good luck.
  • Preacher224
    Preacher224 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I will send you a request as soon as I get done sending this post. I would like to help encourage you in your health and fitness goals. I have studied in this area for over 20yrs now and was certified as a fitness trainer thru ISSA. I specialize in nutrition and supplementation as well as exercise science. i would be glad to help you reach your goals. Begin afresh and determine to stick with it. You CAN do it.
  • murdie
    murdie Posts: 85 Member
    Don't be discouraged! You took a good step by logging on MFP! Keep doing it every day! You can do it. I think we all have days that are hard, but don't give up!
  • SlimPossible8
    SlimPossible8 Posts: 71 Member
    this is how i was feeling last year. I joined MFP in 2011 and didnt start really using it until a couple of months ago. What helped me was to find friends on MFP to support you and make you want to keep coming back...however MY friends list is not so supportive lately. I would love to become friends and help support each other! I need people that will actually look at my posts and my food diarys and keep me on track. I have been doing fine lately but my posts seem to go unnoticed every day.

    Its hard when you do not have someone close. I feel your pain because we are military and not close to any family. I have a friend in the neighborhood but its difficult to find time to workout together and she is struggling with anorexia so its hard for me to talk to her about eating habits. I am very pro neutrition and eating right. So talking with someone about nutrition when they only eat a couple hundred calories a day no matter how many times you explain to them why the eating is importaint for fitness...is difficult.
  • RaeRain
    RaeRain Posts: 9
    Start slow. Set small goals for yourself. I would concentrate on 5 pounds at a time. Setting small goals makes them more attainable, and your confidence will boost when you reach it. After your first goal of 5 pounds, you'll be able to look at the scale and be thankful for that .2 pound loss instead of being discouraged for not losing very much.

    Set small fitness goals as well. Take a walk after dinner. Take walks on your lunch break while munching on a healthy snack. Slowly, if you can, join a gym and walk on the treadmill for half an hour while watching a show that you'd normally watch at home on the couch. Trust me, the small goals really pay off. You can do it! : )
  • rwinans
    rwinans Posts: 4 Member
    Totally!!!! It is really hard to keep at it but just do it for one more day......focus on the positive things you did today and then tomorrow add one more positive thing you did.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    #1 you are not a failure! You came back and asked for help and that is a step in the right direction! Keep your chin up and give it your best! You will do great. There is lots of support here.

    I think a lot of people feel this way from time to time to a degree. What has worked for me is small steps and not beating myself up about stuff anymore - just doing what is best for my health. If I feel run down or I don't feel particularly motivated, instead of forcing myself through an intense workout, I may give myself a break and just go hit some golf balls, go to the shooting range or throw the frisbee with my dog. On those nights I purposely try to eat lighter food and maybe watch a funny show or movie.

    Still doing something active and not sitting on the couch just eating junk food feeling like a failure. Usually after a little break like this I feel re-charged and ready to hit it harder the next day. I am finding that rest and enjoyable activities are just as important to well being as hard exercise and healthy diet.
  • rwinans
    rwinans Posts: 4 Member
    I am with you! Although it is 113 degrees...about the high 90's at 5:00 a.m. so I am using Wi games instead. Love the bowling and the boxing. They even have a step exercise that I've been using.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I have not been doing so well here lately. I haven't visited this site in weeks. I have a very supportive friend, but we live far apart and it is not as easy to stay on track as it would be if she lived near me. I just feel like a complete failure. :( Anyone ever feel this way?
    I think we all get down on ourselves from time to time. My recommendation is to try to change your mindset. Hold yourself accountable and you alone. Treat your fitness lifestyle just like you would a job. What happens if you don't show up to work? Don't make excuses just go out and do it. That's my two cents anyway.
  • LisaJ2904
    LisaJ2904 Posts: 157 Member
    Oh like every other day ! The thing is I keep coming back and if I end up back at the start, then I will just have to start again. You will get there, so will I and so will everyone else who keeps coming back xx Good luck x
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I have not been doing so well here lately. I haven't visited this site in weeks. I have a very supportive friend, but we live far apart and it is not as easy to stay on track as it would be if she lived near me. I just feel like a complete failure. :( Anyone ever feel this way?
    Don't rely on others to get you motivated..you have to want it for YOU!

    Hang in there, and while you're at it.. I see you haven't filled out your MFP profile. Start with that and put some though into WHY you want to lose weight or reach fitness goals, etc..... You can do this! :drinker: