Hello :) name is kayla just joined !

Hello my name is kayla :) Just joined yesterday ! I have been struggling to lose this baby weight after i gained 50 pounds with my 2nd daughter she is 14 months now and i still have about 25 pounds to lose before im at my pre baby weight. I love food, ive tried diets,..they obviously dont work for me, ive never counted calories, ive tried all kinds of diet pills, drinks, doesnt seem like anything works. I was doing really good on my treadmill running everyday i lost 10 lbs until i went on a little vacation and havent had any motivation to get back on and its been a month...i work full time, im a wife and mother, i need some motivation and help !
Thanks :)


  • kaali85
    kaali85 Posts: 32 Member
    Aww it's hard losing baby weight and even when u do I'm soz to say you prob won't be the same shape. But good luck. I find it really helps using mfp.keeping close track of what I'm eating each day. X
  • scarcelove
    I still have about that same amount before I am at my pre-baby weight!
    I just added you (:
  • kayladees88
    kayladees88 Posts: 9 Member
    thanks ! :) i feel like im determined in my mind to do it but when i get off work and im home i have no motivation what so ever..
  • kimmbird
    kimmbird Posts: 55
    Hi Kayla, you hv a lot to juggle, so take a breath for a moment. Your motivation to get back to exercise can be because you feel better. Once you feel better on the inside, the outside will follow. And find, make or imagine your reset button! And just mentally hit your reset button and you magically on a new start. Friday morning is my reset when I get on the scale. Thur night is the end of my week and fri is just the start...you can hit reset anytime you want,it is positive and forward thinking. I will continue hitting reset the rest of my life because I am not perfect and pretty happy that I am not perfect, I will leave that one for God :D
  • sunshine77493
    sunshine77493 Posts: 25 Member
    Congratulations, Kayla, you've lost 25 and you have 25 to go! You need to be patient with yourself. It will take perseverence. If you continue to exercise, eat right and log in your calorie intake, you will get there. As a mom I can tell you, your body does indeed change a little after children. After my 3rd child was born, I started going to a step aerobics class twice a week and walking with my husband and kids in our neighborhood the other days. Make it fun and challenging. I didn't belong to a gym because we couldn't afford it but my church had step classes that were free. Those step classes were a lifesaver. I developed some lasting bonds with others on the same quest.
  • Winter_ELF
    Hey Kayla nice to meet you :smile: I too am new to this site I joined up 2 days ago but just now have had a chance to actually sit down and do the food dairy tracking and boy it is scary to see the numbers adding up in the nutrition part. I'm actually doing Jenny Craig at the moment and my consultant got me onto this because she said it will help me keep track of what I'm eating, esepcially when I put the Jenny Craig food by the way side - as I tend to get bored with it, esepcially if I have some time off from it because I have been away or have been sick -- all the other food, and basically the wrong food seems to be more appealing to me...The one thing I do have to get my head around on this site is people talking in pounds, I'm from Oz and more for talking in KG...I too am struggling to get back to my pre baby weight I put on about 15-20kg with my daughter, who as of today is 2 years old, I have lost 6kg after joining Jenny Craig a few months back but am still 10kg away from my pre baby weight, and it seems a long way off. And on top of that to get to my "ideal weight" according to BMI I should lose another 7kg on top of that...I joined another gym as of last Thursday because I had just celebrated my 30th and am hoping I will get the motivation to go there to help me loose the stubborn weight - but it is a struggle to get motivated especially after a day work looking after children and also having a very active 2 year old of my own I just feel tired by the end of the day -- I really don't know how some people do it - but I guess coming on here will enable us to get that motivation :smile: I would love to be able to get down to my "ideal" weight by my 31st birthday the latest, also I wanna loose the weight so I can try to have another baby - but one of the things holding me back is my weight because I don't want to put another 15-20kg on top of what i am now...Anyway Good Luck to you and hang in there we can do it :smile:
  • kayladees88
    kayladees88 Posts: 9 Member
    aww thanks so much ! i feel like the last month or so has been very stressful for me with work, husband, kids, bills, been having a lot of car issues and so on i havent been wanting to work out or had the time after i put the girls to bed at night im ready for bed myself things have got a little better..i have enrolled to start taking classes at our community college here in branson, missouri which is terrifying but i think the reset button is a great way to look at it thank you. Im definitley ready to start again :)
  • Winter_ELF
    I'm just reading other people's comments on here and I so wish there is a ' like' button that one can press to indicate that you like what someone has written or agree with it -- sorry I'm a facebook person lol....By the way how do you get the weight lose bar under you posts? as I'm just new at this thing :smile:
  • Winter_ELF
    And find, make or imagine your reset button! And just mentally hit your reset button and you magically on a new start. Friday morning is my reset when I get on the scale. Thur night is the end of my week and fri is just the start...you can hit reset anytime you want,it is positive and forward thinking.
  • Winter_ELF
    I love that last quote very inspiring :happy:
  • kayladees88
    kayladees88 Posts: 9 Member
    yes i agree i wish there was a like button as well ! thank you all :)
  • Winter_ELF
    Your Welcome Kayla:happy: ...As people can see I figured out how to add my 'Ticker" to my posts --- I think I'm going to love this site:happy: