Texts you HATE getting



  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member

    Agreed!!! I wish I could be clever like this person when I get that response! HA!


    LOL Love this
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,955 Member
    I got one from my wife 2 years ago, something like this:

    Wife: Umm..hon we need to talk
    Me: Yeah?
    Wife: Megz is pregnant
    Me: Ohh...Great
    Wife: She might need a test from you....

    For clarity.....I had sex with my wife's friend Meg one drunken night.....

    No , I wasn't the father....
    Does your wife refer to herself in 3rd person or something? If not.....eh....huh? I don't get it.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    I don't like texts that take more than one message
  • alimarieban
    alimarieban Posts: 141
    I hate when I say something, and all i get back is "K"
    ugh yes this....especially when a longer answer is expected

    Agreed! I text a paragraph- ask questions, etc and I get back "K"! ARGH!
  • cjh03
    cjh03 Posts: 74 Member

    I laughed at this one!
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I hate when I say something, and all i get back is "K"
    ^--- Exactly.

    It's such a pet peave!


    When somebody only texts "hey" and doesn't say anything afterwards.
  • reallyally1

    WHAT DO YOU WANT? If you're interested in what I'm doing, why not just ask, "what are you doing?" or "what's up?" If you want to talk to me so badly, don't make ME start up a conversation when you're the one who texted me first.

  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    Good Morning
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    Or anything in "text speak" like "R U OK?" or "WHR R U?" "OMG! RLY?"

    It's 2012 folks. Most carriers allow 120 - 160 characters in a text message. Spend the extra characters and give me a real answer.

    Oh my god I hate that too! The English Major in me refuses to write anything like those

    Oh me too! The fact that you're writing a text message is no excuse for bad grammar or punctuation. My friends call me the grammar nazi. I don't care, if you're going to type something do it properly.

    And don't answer my texts with the letter "k". I'm sure it doesn't take that much longer to type Yes, No or Maybe. Holy crap!

    Well, that's my rant for today. Thank you for visiting the funny farm.
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    It doesn't matter what a text says, I hate receiving texts or texting, period! Just pick up the phone and call !!!!!!
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    "We need to talk"

    Detest that one, because it always gets sent and then I have to wait hours before talking to the person, usually to find out it wasn't that big of an issue. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member

    "was that tweet/status about me"

    "ttyl i guess :/"

    Anything that was Fwd'd

    "i called you"
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    "Call me." Then the call is something stupid that could have just been said in a text.
  • rockermom5
    rockermom5 Posts: 58
    Any time I get a text message from my boss on my days off.
    When my 17 year old son responds with "okayyyyyy".
    When my husband sends a ":-(" if I don't respond right away at times. Sometimes I'm busy, or I'm working or I'm driving....ugh.
    The lovely spam texts...don't get them all the time, but for a few weeks, it was daily.

    What I find funny..my 63 year old mom texts and she uses text speak...which cracks me up every time. I tend to spell everything out, as does my husband. That my mom learned to text from my much younger sister is very obvious...heh.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    "Your entry last month won! Text back this number and get your FREE $100 walmart (or other big name store) gift card!" -CLEARLY I did NOT enter into ANYTHING, so I text back stop which stops these for about a month... I get them once a month it seems... so annoying.
    Any text I get while I'm driving I hate, especially if it's a long road trip or something, because I'll either forget about it until we get where we are going or it's usually something very unimportant like the one above.
  • Rennae9
    Rennae9 Posts: 61 Member
    Ok..so let me get this straight. Everyone is complaining about getting the letter "K" replied to them after some say very lengthy text messages.

    I would say "K" to the book someone texts me and then I would reply, can you pick up the D*@MN phone if you have so much to say to me. That is what I HATE. Texts where people write BOOKS . I don't want to have to type back a complete conversation.

    Texting is for short simple questions, statements and replies. Examples: I will be there soon, I am on my way, Can you grab milk on the way home, Stuck in traffic be there in a few, I love you and I was thinking of you. Call me when you can talk.

    There are many reasons for texting but BOOK WRITING and LENGTHY Conversations is not one of them.

    Well...I went off on a little rant didn't I. Can you tell I answer "K" quite often.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It doesn't matter what a text says, I hate receiving texts or texting, period! Just pick up the phone and call !!!!!!

    I'm the opposite. I hate talking on the phone. If it's something important, yes, call me.
  • Meloyelo2010
    Meloyelo2010 Posts: 171 Member
    "Yes dear" from the husband annoys the **** out of me.

    Perhaps you would prefer "Do it yourself, and when you're done with that make me a sammich!!" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Barefoot and in the kitchen is my dream! Maybe he'd like a pie also?!

    :bigsmile: You're good at this..

    Yes dear!
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    1. Who this?
    2. I'm running late. (They're already late 15 minutes or more!)
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    "We need to talk"
    "I'll talk to you when I get home"
    Followed by : "How long till you get home?" "Hello?" "How long till you get home?" "Are you going to answer me?"
    "Oh sorry left my phone in the car"