Breakfast ideas



  • mommab23k
    mommab23k Posts: 35
    I love b'fast now. Seriously, probably my fave meal of the day. Probably because I work out first thing in the AM, so I'm ready for it!
    Some of my favorites are:

    -french toast made with Orowheat light bread (80 cal for two slices, 8 gm fiber). I take two eggs, add some cinnamon and a splash of unsweetened almond milk. Dredge 8 pieces of bread, cook and freeze leftovers. Each piece has about 65 calories. Sometimes I'll sautee fresh fruit to put on top, sometimes I'll heat up some SF jam in the microwave and use it in lieu of syrup/butter.

    -oatmeal topped with unsweetened greek yogurt and then covered in fruit. berries, bananas, stone fruit, etc. this right now is my "go to" meal, i can't get enough of it.

    -egg salad made w/greek yogurt, bit of deli mustard and green onion on toasted orowheat light bread, eaten open faced.

    -microwave eggs (two eggs in a mug, bit of water, season as you'd like, cook 45 seconds, stir, then another 45 seconds, done!) with two slices orowheat toast and fresh fruit.