3 weeks and still nothing



  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am the same :-( although I am at 1200 calories I dont think I am eating all of them if I am honest though.

    Be honest with yourself, are you cheatin AT ALL?

    Why so low?
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    What do you think my calories should be at? I am using the 1500 calculated by MFP, for my weight of 232....

    Calculate your BMR and TDEE. Those numbers will tell you where you should be to be healthy and lose weight.
  • sasssurf
    sasssurf Posts: 58 Member
    Keep going. It took along time for to lose 2 cms. It's different for everyone. Depends I think on how messed up one's metabolism keep on. If only just to be responsible for your actions. It's alchemy. Just to get the right balance of excercise and eating habits.

    Good luck.
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    Sugar Sugar! It is necessary, but yes- it can sneak up on you. Unused sugars turn into fat in our bodies- which really sucks.

    find other substitutes for your smoothies (ex: less yogurt, use a strawberry flavored protein additive and only add a couple strawberries), and that should help. Make sure you portion out your fruits too... a large banana has WAY more sugar than a tiny one.. and really, a tiny one, or 1/2 a regular banana is the most you really need anyway...
  • aimeesinger
    Well I only glanced at 2 of your diary days and the first says you had McDonals for breakfast, and the second said you had sugary coke for breakfast...
    maple syrup

    it's about WHAT you eat as well as how much.
  • spacechick365
    spacechick365 Posts: 26 Member
    I started my weight loss about the same time as you. I am seeing a certified personal trainer to help make good food choices. Looking at your fool log I noticed a few things. You should be eating more frequently about every 3 hours. From my trainer she wanted me to make sure that for each meal I was eating a min of 1 carb and 1 protien. The reason is that the protien will keep your blood sugar from dropping and increase your metabolism over time. A great meal/snack would be an apple and 2 cheese sticks or a few stalks of celery (I eat 6) with 2 Tbls of Peanut butter. You don't want to drink alot of sugary drinks like the iced coffee but if you just need it, try using splenda or stevia instead of sugar. Also, the biggest thing for me washaving a bad day. That is 1 day a week when you allow yourself a break from your diet. It helps a lot because you are able to tell yourself "I can't have that now but I can on this day." I am a huge candy/sweet person so I was able to still eat them on that day and not feel bad about it. I have lost just over 4 lbs in 4 weeks with this diet and it has been easier to keep the chips, cookies, candies, and other junk food to 1 day a week. Another big thing is that you don't want to eat too few calories or your body will go into starvation mode and store every last bit of fat to preserve itself. Also on this diet, you can eat as many fruits and veggies as you want. I still slip up every once in a while and eat too few calories, at one point in time I was eating around 800 calories a day to lose weight and it didn't work. I hope this helps at least a little and may even give you some ideas to tweek your daily menu. Let me know if you are interested in any more information on this diet. Best of luck!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Thanks for the replies. A couple of things, I do drink water (probably 6-8 glasses a day) but have not been good at logging that. I am now trying to log that and all the stuff I drink (Diet soda, etc.). Regarging the sugars, most are from fruit - so I ask, how do you change your diet to healthy food and not eat fruit? For example, I make my own smoothies for breakfast sometimes. I add fresh fruit and yogurt. That has almost 20g of the sugars, which is almost my limit of 27 per day! I could see if I was eating candy bars and stuff, but do I really need to cut back on the fruit? If so, what to replace it with? I can only eat so many veggies per day and I thought fruit was healthy. Carbs are an issue for me, although some are from the fruit again. I certainly can look to cut out some of that, though I don't eat nearly what i used to. And, even though I exercise, I am not adding those calories in, I put down 1 for the calories.

    Does anyone think I need to eat less? Or more because I am exercising?

    fruit may seem healthy, but because it has a lot of sugar and carbs it's really not always the best choice. Veggies!!! I try to watch the amount of carbs and sugar I eat... I eat a lot of protein..keeps you full. Eat small portions, eat often throughout the day, and if you're not losing at 1500 calories, try reducing that...it may be too much for your body. Some people are able to lose weight by eating whatever they want... but if that's not working, it's time for diet change! you can do it!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    and NO you don't need to eat back your calories from exercising...your body is not going to go into starvation mode from eating too little..unless you have like no body fat
  • Dayna5K
    Dayna5K Posts: 136 Member
    It took me 1.5 months to start losing. Don't worry, keep up the hard work. It took some time for your body to gain the weight so it will take a while for it to come off. Focus on changing bad habits for now :)
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Just looking over a week or so, It does not look like you're eating enough fresh whole foods (fruit and veg, primarily.) Too much processed stuff. Maybe try to do at least 50% of you daily calories as whole foods? More exercise would probably help too.
  • briemichel
    briemichel Posts: 7 Member
    No more soda, especially DIET SODA (it is the worst thing to drink). Try eating every 2-3 hours. Breakfast within the first hour of being awake, get rid of the smoothie they sound good but they are not eat some egg whites for breakfast. Lots of water... If your stomach is telling you to eat drink some water see if that helps. Lots of greens they fill you up, they are good in fiber and have low calorie count. Stop all potatoes, french, baked, mashed, grilled they are not good for you. It's ok to eat fruit just choose the low calorie ones like strawberries, cherries, etc.Stay away from bananas. Don't give everything up at one time pace yourself. Get rid of one bad thing and a time and it is easier to stick with it. You might want to look it a herbal treatment for the menopause because your hormones are out of whack and so it is harder to lose weight. Don't give up I know its hard. Anytime I want a sweet treat I think of a quote I read " Nothing taste as good as skinny feels".
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    It looks to me like your calorie intake is too high and you are eating to maintain, not lose. Try to slowly replace some of your diet coke with water. Also, as others mentioned, sodium could be cut back. Replacing diet coke is an easy way to start lowering sodium. Good luck and don't give up! :)

    PLEASE don't listen to this - at your weight there is not a snowball's hope in hell that 1500 calories are too much!! You are not logging exercise and it sounds like you are doing a lot - log it and eat it...Sodium can be countered by getting enough water and potassium, and if you exercise a lot and sweat a lot, it's no big deal - just drink water...
    And btw, there are 35mg of sodium in a can of diet pepsi, and 320mg of sodium in a healthy grilled chicken thigh.....
    Try to lower your carbs from bread and such and up your protein a bit...It worked for me....
    Good luck!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    No more soda, especially DIET SODA (it is the worst thing to drink). Try eating every 2-3 hours. Breakfast within the first hour of being awake, get rid of the smoothie they sound good but they are not eat some egg whites for breakfast. Lots of water... If your stomach is telling you to eat drink some water see if that helps. Lots of greens they fill you up, they are good in fiber and have low calorie count. Stop all potatoes, french, baked, mashed, grilled they are not good for you. It's ok to eat fruit just choose the low calorie ones like strawberries, cherries, etc.Stay away from bananas. Don't give everything up at one time pace yourself. Get rid of one bad thing and a time and it is easier to stick with it. You might want to look it a herbal treatment for the menopause because your hormones are out of whack and so it is harder to lose weight. Don't give up I know its hard. Anytime I want a sweet treat I think of a quote I read " Nothing taste as good as skinny feels".

    Sorry, but please provide some proof for some of this junk.....
    Diet soda was a happy part of my losing 60lbs.....
    Breakfast within the first hour is a myth...
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with potatoes, as long as it's not fried in oil or smothered in sour cream.... Even if it is, if it fits into your calories and macros, enjoy!
    Bananas are GOOD for you!
    Really - except for the protein for breakfast and lots of water and green veggies, most of what you said is myth....:sad:
  • gspaulding3
    Not logging your exercise could be your problem. If you are not eating extra when you exercise, your net calories could be way to low, expecially if you are doing HIT training. There is a reason they are supposed to be net calories. Your body will go into starvation mode if you're not getting enough calories. Post those exercise calories, and eat enough so you are near your net calorie goal each day.
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I go over my sugars nearly every day and am still losing weight. Most all of my sugars come from fresh fruit or coconut H20.. yum

    Drop the processed stuff and you will see changes. Personally, cereal doesn't do it for me in the morning. Oats or eggs fill me up a lot better and keep me from munching a bunch afterwards
  • SewSarah
    SewSarah Posts: 1 Member
    I am doing the belly fat cure diet, it is really working for me. I have lost 3 pounds in three weeks (since I started using Myfitnesspal). Since I started BFC in May, I have lost 14 pounds total. Basically, I eat 15 or less grams of sugar and 100 or less grams of carbs a day. You really want to keep your sugar and carbs down if you want to loose weight. I exercise very little right now just walking, crunches, and some other cardio activities, but nothing too excessive. If you need a pop now and then there is an all natural one with no sugar and 7 carbs called Zevia, I drink one when I feel like I need something other than water with dinner. I usually only drink half at a time. If you are interested in the Belly Fat Cure diet get the book, it has meals laid out and belly good choices. I hope this helps! Good luck to you.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    try to stay away from simple carbs, otherwise known as empty carbs. I'm on a very restrictive diet taking away all starches, I'm diabetic and starches turn to sugar keeping my blood sugar at levels I can't live with. Have you noticed any difference in your clothes? How they fit...are they a little looser? I haven't lost anything this week at all but pants that didn't fit last week have room this week. I eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins. I try to stay away from fast foods, today I had a McDouble without the bun...because I felt my blood sugar was low and they are only $1.00...not my favorite but something I had to do today. I used to eat about 3 or 4,000 calories a day. I average 1200 to 1500 now..I eat plenty and get all my nutrients. Tomorrow I'm going to start a daily blog of recipes, please feel free to try any, then let me know what you think. Good luck and keep at it...Jer
  • judybaseel
    by the paleo book....get rid of your stomuch problems by not eating grains.
    try the menu in the back of the book....for 1 month you WILL loose weight and your stomuch
    will love you for it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Some of the days your sodium was crazy-high, which is enough to cause water weight gain that could mask any weight loss. Also be aware that exercise can make you retain fluid, too, especially if you're starting a new routine.

    Stick with it, try to avoid foods with very high sodium and track your progress in other ways than just the scale. Go by measurements, how clothes fit, photos, and fitness goals... I know there were many times that I felt defeated by the lack of progress on the scale, but felt a-frickin-mazing that I could walk the dog without getting dragged, or last longer on the elliptical, or go faster on the bike, or run a longer distance. Hell, at first, being able to run ANY distance was amazing to me.
  • determined136
    Don't give up....You didn't gain the weight overnight you are not going to lose it overnight. If you make small changes and stick with it....get moving you will see results! It will be worth it!