Anyone bike instead of driving? I'm conflicted.

LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
Part of me really, really wants to get a bike. I'm a pretty big tree hugger so the fact that it's more environmentally friendly than driving really appeals to me. Plus, the exercise factor! The grocery store is less than a mile away so I could always ride there instead of driving. Then again I guess I wouldn't be able to carry many groceries back :P

My college is about 5 miles away from where I live so I would kind of love to bike there... however, I live in Florida and it is HOT HOT HOT. I'm worried that when I got to class I would be simply drenched in sweat, and that's embarrassing. On the other hand I have class 3 days a week so it would be such a good workout...

Does anyone here bike places instead of driving? What do you do about the sweat factor? Do you think it's worth it? Any guidance is appreciated :)


  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Anyone? I found a good one on craigslist for pretty cheap, I'm tempted to buy it today... but I don't want it to be a waste!
  • jrmc83
    jrmc83 Posts: 77 Member
    Does your school have a gym with a shower? The one near my house does ( I live in Arizona so I understand about the sweat!). They usually have a discount for students too and you can pay by semester. Then you could rinse off at least.
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    I bike everywhere and I live in Florida, bring a change of clothes and when you get there change. You won't be sorry to ride instead of driving, it's awesome and I love it. The stores are easy, visiting friends so much fun and sometimes they get on theirs and we take off together.
  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    Great idea but yep you ideally need access to a shower. I sometimes take shirts and suits the first day in the week then cycle the rest. Quick shower & change - job done. Go for it if you can :)
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Part of me really, really wants to get a bike. I'm a pretty big tree hugger so the fact that it's more environmentally friendly than driving really appeals to me. Plus, the exercise factor! The grocery store is less than a mile away so I could always ride there instead of driving. Then again I guess I wouldn't be able to carry many groceries back :P

    My college is about 5 miles away from where I live so I would kind of love to bike there... however, I live in Florida and it is HOT HOT HOT. I'm worried that when I got to class I would be simply drenched in sweat, and that's embarrassing. On the other hand I have class 3 days a week so it would be such a good workout...

    Does anyone here bike places instead of driving? What do you do about the sweat factor? Do you think it's worth it? Any guidance is appreciated :)

    I cycle to work sometimes, it is around five miles.

    I don't find much of an issue with sweating even on really warm days, just make sure you don't put clothes on that are too heavy for your climate, if you do that, yes you will sweat like crazy.

    Definitely worth it!
  • KStambulic
    KStambulic Posts: 131
    Nope because it's 36 kms to town along the busy 401 highway. I ride my bike along my quiet country road though.
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    You can google riding bike to work to get tips for freshening up after riding. I do not ride because I leave when it is dark and sometimes come home when dark but really that is no excuse. I typically cycle after work.
  • KauandMe
    KauandMe Posts: 45 Member
    I bike to work. It is 5 miles round trip. Just don't exert yourself too much, slow down a little the last mile or so, and it shouldn't be too bad. Keep unscented baby wipes at work to wipe down.

    I also bike to the grocery store....6 miles round trip. There is a basket that attaches to the back of my bike (folds out) and it holds a normal sized paper grocery bag. You can also get panniers (or saddle bags). I also have a basket on my handle bars.

    Once you start commuting, you will find that it is easier than you thought.

    Good luck!
  • WehttamThims
    WehttamThims Posts: 57 Member
    Biking to work or school is awesome, I highly encourage it. I started biking to work a couple years ago and its a great way to get your exercise in and get to where you need to be. I enjoy it more than driving now. I love the fresh air, the sense of accomplishment and i don't have tailgaters running me over. Yeah you have to be weary of the cars but they just pass by you (sometimes closely).
  • 512cheangela
    512cheangela Posts: 133
    EO has some great wipes that I use in lieu of showering when biking places in the Texas summer heat. Your body will grow accustomed to the weather rather quickly. Just start slow and build your tolerance gradually. You'll learn to love it!
  • frogman4591
    frogman4591 Posts: 135
    I ride my bike to work May - Oct. I live in Nebraska and the winters get rather nasty. It is 2.5 miles from my house to the office. When it is warm and humid in the mornings I just ride slower. I have a Trek 7200 that I bought in 2008, and have logged about 3,000 miles on it.
  • HildeDanmark
    HildeDanmark Posts: 65 Member
    Just bring a change of clothes and some wet wipes (they have personal hygiene ones).

    I bicycle to the beach with a 40 pound child and beach equipment in a trailer and that is about 4 miles round trip. I also bicycle to the supermarket from time to time which is about 5 miles. I use a trailer to carry stuff.

    I highly recommend ditching the car. Driving to a supermarket 1 mile away? Please tell me you don't and you've just been walking.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,010 Member
    A friend who is a serious biker/runner tried it for a month. Turns out he was nearly killed on several occasions by careless drivers. He quit because he was afraid he would not live very long but would die in a accident. I live in L.A., maybe the drivers and bike paths are better in FL.
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    I bike to work. I bike to the gym. I bike to the farmer's market. I want to bike to my evening classes at university but it's late when class gets out and I'm not keen on riding home at night. I don't find I have to clean up too much. I try to keep the exertion level mellow. I don't treat it like a work out at all. I have a car but I try to bike as much as possible. The longest one way trip I have is about 7 miles. More typical is 3. The money I save on gas and public transportation is amazing.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I try to bike to both my jobs and home at least once a week, (haven't in a few months) it's a 25 mile round trip, sweaty? ya. Change of clothes and showers at my workplace make it all work out.

    I burn a TON of calories doing this because when I get on my bike I know no other way than to GO HARD.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    I'm waiting for my new bike and have to commute using PT again for a week... only 2 days in and I'm sure I'll go nuts before it's over :(

    Might be hot outside, but with the wind in your face it goes by much faster than standing still in a bus or sitting in traffic... I use baby wipes or just a sink with a towel at work, they are installing showers but for next year.

    It's really ideal, takes about the same time, but it's not wasted time anymore, it's productive time.

    Bike = Runs on fat, saves you money.
    Car = Runs on money, makes you fat.

    Not a tough choice :p
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    I bike to work most days (took today off). It's about 10M round-trip.

    It took me a couple of weeks to get used to the bike commute, but now I really enjoy it. (Of course, biking along the beach in the early morning is pretty awesome, regardless of the practicality of it).

    I moved to the beach about 6 months ago, from the Hollywood area. My commute used to be 22 miles one way, all of it stuck in terrible traffic. I have a really nice, comfy car... but now, I see it as a prison - albeit a luxurious one.

    I totally hate getting in my car now. I bike everywhere I can. Living at the beach, it's pretty easy to not use the car. My last tank of gas lasted 6 weeks - and my car is a gas-guzzler. Used to go through a tank in less than a week, before I moved closer to the office. Now I bike everywhere I can - and so do many others here. It's part of the culture, I've found.

    I have the luxury of having a gym - with a shower - less than a block away from my office, and I go there every morning, after my commute. Even if you don't have this luxury, you can get a bike with a rack, and get a nice basket and bring your work clothes in it. You can bike in lighter clothing, and change at the office.

    As for shopping: Well with the store so close, you can make several trips, and buy less stuff each time.... and occasionally take the car for the heavy stuff. I have a rack mounting rear basket, called a "basil cardiff", that I really like. I can fit quite a bit of stuff in it, so I stop by the store on my way home from work occasionally. You can get this basket on Amazon. It's a little pricey, but it's really nicely designed, and very durable. I also have a cheap "saddlebags" type pannier, for larger trips to the grocers. It's a good idea to use your basket in the store - I put mine inside a shopping cart - so you don't inadvertently buy more stuff than you can fit into the basket. Shop until your basket is full, and you're done. (You'll buy fewer non-essentials - another added bonus)

    Net-net, you'll save $$ on gas, keeping those $$ inside the country, have less wear and tear on your car, get good exercise - and as another added benefit, you'll have more exercise cals to "eat back".

    I highly recommend this!
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Started biking to work in earnest in May. It's about 30 miles round trip for me. I completed 17 commute trips in May. Along with telecommuting I only drove to work one day that month. I also didn't let our horrible spring here in Seattle stop me. I just bought a cycling waterproof jacket and kept on going. I've been commuting to work by bike ever since. Fortunately, we have showers at work but for a shorter trip they might not be necessary.

    Buoyed by my new passion I'm going to be biking from Seattle to Portland, OR this weekend in the yearly "STP". It's 202 miles. I'm going to do it in one day. I've got the bug big now.
  • skittles8810
    Its so worth it. I bike every where. I biked to the lake a few weeks ago. it was 64miles total round trip. I love it. Its great exercise and very serene! Its a "My time" type of ride. Bring a change of clothes , wipes if no shower there and your good!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Ironically enough, a study came out recently that concluded driving for your commute is healthier than biking. The reason given was due to the amount of pollutants in the air from the number of cars currently on the road, the cyclers were being exposed to very high levels of exhaust, which led to much higher incidences of lung cancer.

    Everything will kill you nowadays... :laugh:

    I suppose a bike path would be healthier, if it's available in your area.