Would love some extra support!

I've been on MFP for a little while now, but am finding I could use a little extra encouragement- especially in the exercise area!
I am a new mom, and am looking to lose the weight I gained during pregnancy. Immediately after delivery I was about 195 or so. I lost a lot right at first and got down to 170, but gained back 15 and have been having trouble getting it back down. My goal is 135- I've got my eating habits under control (for the most part), but if I don't get out and exercise nothing is going to happen.

Any new mom's out there with suggestions on how to get out and exercise with a little one?


  • VallyGee
    VallyGee Posts: 5
    Hi Gamblez, I'm in the same boat as you! I recently had a baby and I'm trying to lose the baby weight as well. I'm finding it really difficult to get out there and exercise. What I've been trying to do lately is take the little one for walks every evening after dinner. Any little bit helps! I've also set-up my Wii Fit - but I have yet to use it (no time!!)
    Good luck!!! Keep me posted if you find any solutions! :)