Food Allergies, IBS, and Other Digestive Problems



  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Thanks for the input everyone, especially Homa.

    I don't have any "if I eat it, I will die" allergies. Just sensitivities which have been making me feel miserable, tired, drained, irritable, and various forms of GI issues as well. 2 days after I started this diet, I started to feel like a million bucks, without any other changes in my lifestyle.

    The only change today was the intense workout I did this morning. Had a glass of pineapple juice and water before, and water after, followed by rice cakes with almond butter after I had a shower. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    I currently don't eat anything pre-made, unless the ingredients are very clear and simple (rice cakes only have brown rice, larabars only have simple ingredients, etc). I actually prefer it this way.

    The only excuse I'd have for not preparing food is that I'm too lazy. I have lots of time before and after work every day, and all day on weekends. I'm not a particularly busy person. It's just a PITA when I have to do it every single day.

    I don't know if tomatoes are an issue. I believe they are, but I never ate them regularly, and they were always mixed with something else. I have had issues after eating some, but no solid evidence.

    The iceberg lettuce is on the list because it can be related to ragweed allergies. Any other form of lettuce is ok.

    I'm reading up everywhere and I can't find anything that states that sugars from fruit could be an issue. Added sugars, yes, but I haven't had anything with added sugar in weeks (aside from the Gatorade I had - that was a mistake).

    I guess I'll be doing a big grocery run after work today. I need to revise my daily meal plan.
  • chrisc2006
    chrisc2006 Posts: 21 Member
    I've suffered from food allergies my entire life but most of my symptoms are my ears nose and throat.
    I did look at your diary and notices you eat a lot of rice. Symptoms to a rice allergy is nausea and abdominal pain. I'd also exchange some of your fruits for more veggies

    Good luck with figuring this out. Its a hard process
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I had most Mineure Syndrome symptoms for a bit over a year before I started this diet. I went to an ear nose and throat specialist to figure out what was going on. 6 months later and every related test under the sun, she couldn't explain why I was experiencing it. It sucked.

    Now, I the symptoms have all but gone away. I'm not going to say they're completely gone because I'm not entirely sure. I haven't noticed them for a week now.
  • angelalawsons
    angelalawsons Posts: 30 Member
    So much to read so little time. hehehe. Foods that target the colon are Tamarindo, (at Winco) You can make a tea with it or eat it plain. And Pinapple. Then there are other things that are extremely good for digestion like mint tea and papaya or ....papaya enzyme if you dont want to eat the fruit.
  • angelalawsons
    angelalawsons Posts: 30 Member
    I cut out caffeine and cut back on animal products and that helped me out. Also raw beets are very good for digestion.
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    I suffered from chronic ibs for 15 years and saw specialist after specialist, had repeated endoscopies and colonoscopies. I had to plot every route I took making sure I knew there was a public toilet near just in case. A gastrenterology doctor reccomended I tried probiotics called VSL#3. They have a web site, but I am not sure if they ship to the usa or if you can get something similar. I have been symptom free for about 4 months now and just take them if I feel a flare up. Oh and reducing portion sizes really helped too.
  • sdok33
    sdok33 Posts: 1
    Are you taking a probiotic? That could also help your intestines and increase the good bacterias. It's not an overnight process but a process of trial, error and much patience.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I'll try out the veggies first. If that doesn't work, I'll try probiotics. Being a co-op student living on my own, my budget is pretty tight.

    Thank you for all the suggestions!
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Look for the Clean Program manual-- don't worry about the expensive shakes, but it's a very good total elimination diet and it really helped me figure out what was going on. I now eat Paleo (which is pretty close to what I ate on the elimination diet, minus the grains, since they don't agree with me) and it's working great.
  • jfsears
    jfsears Posts: 47 Member
    Have you ever considered NAET allergy elimation? i could not eat dairy, wheat, foods high in sugar, chicken, eggs, red meat etc...the list was very long and it has helped sooo much! my ibs is barly an issue now, and i don't bloat out very often anymore either. i can eat with out being in pain or breaking out into hives as well.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    You should look at the FODMAP diet for IBS too. It gives you low and high FODMAP foods, high foods are the worst ones for IBS sufferers....including apples.
  • acksaysbillthecat

    I didn't see "diet soda" or soda in your diary, but there is such thing as fructose intolerance. I have that. If I drank a cola, I would have IBS symptoms (literally within 10 minutes I started to feel like I had to hit the toilet). There are different grades of the problem.
