Benefits of Gluten free diets for regular folks?



  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i do low carb which means no wheat obv.

    i have never felt better. i highly recommend people to cut out wheat (and most carbs) out of their life.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Benefits? None.

    It's a common myth that wheat in this day and age is bad for you. The higher fibre and nutrient contents of wholegrain wheat actually promotes digestive health.

    Bloating is caused by intestinal gas. It has multiple causes such as insufficient fibre, food intolerance or simply just....holding 'it' in!

    Long story short: It's a fad.
    Or unless you have coeliac disease, don't listen =)

    Benefits? None!! Okay, you said it so must be right!
  • Damiilla
    Damiilla Posts: 66
    Benefits? None.

    It's a common myth that wheat in this day and age is bad for you. The higher fibre and nutrient contents of wholegrain wheat actually promotes digestive health.

    Bloating is caused by intestinal gas. It has multiple causes such as insufficient fibre, food intolerance or simply just....holding 'it' in!

    Long story short: It's a fad.
    Or unless you have coeliac disease, don't listen =)

    Benefits? None!! Okay, you said it so must be right!
    Yeah. You give me a good solid argument that it benefits a normally healthy person over any other miracle diet and I'll eat my hat.
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    i recently discovered a pizza place near me that advertised having gluten free dough. i ordered but then i got a skin rash and immediately knew i had gluten. i called them up and someone fessed up that they starting saying they had gluten free stuff because people were jumping on the bandwagon and they didnt think there were medical reasons. apparently they had been making the "gluten free" pizza for months but i was the only one who ever called them on it...
    Wow, that is pretty shady. I hope you got a full refund. I'd report them to the BBB.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Much easier than in the past. But there are lots of food people don't think to check, ie processed meats, dairy, or all beef hamburger patties in the grocery store, cranberries, .... or if they love sushi, the fake crab, the tempura, the soy sauce. Soy sauce has even been added to the rice while cooking.... It took me a long time to figure it out.
    If you are doing the elimiation diet, I would suggest doing most of your own cooking. And do your grocery shopping with a magnifying glass.

    Everything has to be checked - I've been using some stuff for 20 years and then they change the recipe (bisto for example). The only things that go unchecked into my basket are fruit/veg and raw pure meat. Although we are so careful sometimes something will still make me poorly even though it states it has nothing in. I cant have the same marg as the kids because of bread crumbs and our deep fat fryer( not used very often) is out of bounds as the kids has some chips that had wheat flour on. The list of things to avoid are massive not just wheat flour - no whisky, beer, vinegar, most soy sauce (and therefore most chinese), gravies, cakes, pasta, rye, barley ( so many breakfast cereals are out) and processed meat such as sausages (anything contain rusk).

    I very rarely eat out and If i do its only at places that carry an allergy sheet with all the info in and then I'm still very careful. Being gluten free is not easy - although easier than it was when i was a child and more places are aware.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    My Dad was diagnosed as a coeliac qute a few years ago. It causes lots of probs if you eat out. Sauces/gravy? even a lot of oven chips/roast potatoes have gluten.

    But there are lots of gluten free stuffs that you can eat. All meat/veg/fruit/dairy a lot of soups. You only eat gluten when you eat processed foods. Gluten free products are very high calorie.

    Does it help if you are not wheat intolerant, maybe for you? If you eat too much processed food then it will be full of wheat/sugar/sodium which will all cause bloating in the long run.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i'm trying to stay away from much of the prepackaged stuff marked gluten free. as someone else pointed out, often times it's way higher in calories.

    i did buy a bunch of cookbooks by bette hagman and the few recipes i have tried have been really good and relatively easy to make. my local whole foods has all of the different types of flours
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    it benefits the companies who are marketing gluten free foods. Cutting back on pasta and breads isn't such a bad idea...but the gluten free fad is basically just that-- a fad. Only a very small percent of the population really needs to go "gluten free."

    I disagree with this. You can go gluten-free and not buy gluten-free products. You can simply eat clean and cut out the products that contain gluten.

    And, on a personal note, I do not have celiacs or an intolerance, but my stomach feels so much better when I cut out the gluten. So for me there is a benefit to being GF.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    My wife's doc has recommended a trial period on a Gluten free diet - specifically she recommended the "Wheat Belly" approach.

    My wife hasn't been officially diagnosed with any gluten intolerance though, especially not with celiac disease, and since I'm not familiar with gluten free eating, I thought I'd ask you experts about it.

    Are there any studies showing the effects of gluten free diets on non-gluten-intolerant people? Are there benefits?

    Have any of you heard of or read "Wheat Belly" and what are your opinions on its validity? Just want to make sure this isn't the doc jumping on a fad bandwagon.

    Thanks guys! :drinker:

    Personally I'd let her give it a shot. She may notice that she feels better, fewer stomach/bowel issues (if she has any), and possibly more energy. This is just from personal experience.
  • twoisplenty
    twoisplenty Posts: 56 Member

    I disagree with this. You can go gluten-free and not buy gluten-free products. You can simply eat clean and cut out the products that contain gluten.

    And, on a personal note, I do not have celiacs or an intolerance, but my stomach feels so much better when I cut out the gluten. So for me there is a benefit to being GF.

    Exactly! I was recently diagnosed with celiac disease about 2 weeks ago. In just 10 days of gluten free clean eating I feel 75% better. I am sure it will only get better as time goes by :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I can never see the benefit of removing an entire food group from your diet if it's not directly related to a health issue. It seems gluten-free is the new thing Doctors are touting.....even when the patient has not been diagnosed with a legitimate intolerance! It's the new healthcare 'buzz-word'. Everything in moderation!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I do not have celiacs but going grain free has helped me in a number of ways. Number one is that I am no longer constipated all the time. I am also much less bloated and have more energy.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    the people on here are hardly "experts"

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Was it a gastro intestinal doc that recommended this to your wife? A gluten-free diet is very difficult to follow. The GF versions of foods that traditionally contain gluten are expensive and tasteless. If your wife suffers from debilitating intestinal discomfort, then "trying" a gluten free diet may be worth the sacrifice. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother.

    BTW, I have been GF for over a year due to Crohn's disease. I have to do it or I suffer, but I would not do it otherwise. It's no fun.
  • I've been gluten free for just over 2 months now & I can tell you first hand it's HARD and I wouldn't wish for anyone else to have to do this, even an enemy! It's a pain to eat out and grocery shopping takes forever until you get the hang of things. It's a lifelong commitment, not something you can try or do halfway, if you're doing it for legitimate health reasons.

    But, if you are a person who has Celiac or a gluten intolerance, the benefit is that you finally feel BETTER, so the benefit is 100% there. I don't think there would be any benefit to someone who does not have Celiac or gluten intolerance, but it's doubtful that it would cause any ill effects, provided you make sure to eat a balanced diet to get all the nutrients you need.

    In my case, I tested negative for Celiac, but my doctor (a specialist) was certain that my history & symptoms are related to gluten intolerance, so she suggested I try eating gluten free for 3 months and see if I have any improvement. Gluten intolerance is relatively new as a recognized illness and there aren't testing levels for it yet, so an elimination diet is the way they back into a diagnosis. It sounds like that's what your wife's doc is trying to do.

    It's hard, especially at first, but if she has gluten intolerance, believe me, she'll feel better very soon & it'll be worth it.

    For me, personally, after going gluten free:

    Within 1 week, the sharp STABBING pains I got in my upper right abdomen stopped (a minor miracle not to be in pain constantly!!)

    Within 1 month, the terrible IBS-like symptoms were going away (diarrhea, cramping, bloating, gas, etc). General stomach bloat started to dissipate (losing the pregnant belly look).

    Within 2 months, acid reflux is gone, general fatigue is improved greatly, headaches gone, etc.

    Everyone is different, but truly, going gluten free is NOT a fad and if your body doesn't play well with gluten, then it should be cut out. End of story. If you do not need to do gluten free but are doing it as a "fad" or think it will help you lose weight, it WON'T. It's a pain and expensive if you buy bread replacements (and most the time they taste terrible) and it's hard to eat out or at friends' houses. No one should do this as a fad because it's just not worth it. But, if you have health issues and going gluten free solves those problems...then it's a win.

    Good luck to your wife & to you for being concerned about her health and any possible effects on yours. You both need to educate yourselves to do a gluten free diet properly so you avoid accidental ingestion and cross-contamination, etc.

    Best wishes! :)