Weight Loss Shakes To Make Up Calories - Should I?

Hi all,

I'm 5ft 10", currently weigh 174 (lost 7lbs in the last two weeks) and am struggling to eat 1200 calories a day, never mind making up any exercise calories.

Since I've started exercising and calorie counting (completely new to me when I started just over 2 weeks ago) I've really lost my appetite and am finding that I'm having to eat when not hungry just to get me up to the 1200 calories per day. Averaging between 800 - 1300 calories per day, with lots of exercise thrown in as well.

I'm considering buying a weight loss shake, mainly to help me boost my calorie intake, but also for the added benefits they offer (e.g. high protein, high fibre, help with weight loss and muscle definition).

I'd appreciate some advice as I'm not really sure whether I should just carry on as I am and not worry about being below 1200 cals, eat more (and if so, when and what types of food), or go with the shakes (and if so which type).

I'm aiming to lose 41lbs altogether, so another 34lbs to go.

Thanks in advance :-)

Sophie x

P.S. MY DIARY'S OPEN - You will see on my most recent days that I have managed 1200 cals, but this is with the extra food I've eaten when not hungry, or after a protein shake from my boyfriend.


  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Do you average over 1000, over say several weeks? I would have the shakes if you want and skip them if you want. I would listen to your body. I too can get satisfied super easy at times, and other weeks I just need more. I manage my longer term averages more than my daily levels. Good luck!
  • LucyFordxo
    LucyFordxo Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in a similar situation to you.

    I'm 5'6ish and 188 wating to loose about 45lbs-I have my calories set at 1,300 a day. I also work out about 5-6 days a week and I have a VERY hard time eating the calories let alone what I burn during a workout. Before I was on MFP I'm sure I ate well over 2,000 calories so I've reduced them a fair amount..but my body is simply not hungry for all those calories now that I'm eating healthier and working out. I'm NOT on a starvation mission-I just don't want to eat if I'm not hungry. (A habit I've been in need of for all 25yrs of my life!!)

    I'm into protein shakes-I have one as a smoothie for breakfast with fruit and yogurt and a cup of almond mylk. Then I've recently (as of yesterday haha) added an additional shake in with water about 3 hours after my lunch. Being a vegetarian I need the protein, yesterday I was only off my protein by 6g's!!
    I am currently using the Body By Vi shakes-two scoops for 90 calories and it fills me really nicely. ALSO: I don't get bloated. In two months or so when I'm done with what I'm using now, I might look for a different brand to switch it up.
    VEGA is in my opnion a GREAT product and I've used it before in the past. There are many different types of protein powders they make for different set goals. It is all raw and vegan and pretty darn tasty with a selection of flavors.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    looking at your diary you're well low on fats. Stay away from Weight Watchers, lean, low fat, lite or similar things and eat the healthy version instead.

    I eat at regular meal times, rather than being driven by hunger. It's part of avoiding getting fat again.