
New to my fitness pal. One of my cousins told me about this site, and loving it so far. Just started Sunday. I weighed myself Sunday morning and freaked. I have never ever in my entire life been the weight that I am now. And then to top it off, had a low blood sugar episode the same day. I think God was trying to tell me something. At the time I didn't think I was diabetic, but now I'm not sure. I just tested my blood sugar on a meter my mom gave me (she has diabetes, along with most of her brothers and sisters), and I frequently have hypoglycemic episodes so she thought it would help. I didn't use it until this morning. My blood sugar was 103. (Doctors consider high to be 105.) I had gestational diabetes with both my daughters, and with my family history, I should have known better than to eat the way that I was doing. I feel so stupid. If Sunday wasn't a wake up call - God trying to tell me "something" - than this morning was! I'm still shaking ... because I'm so freaked out about it. I don't know why I should be surprised... And, yet, what do I do instead of exercising, just because I'm upset and nervous, sit here on this computer?

Just a little info on me, I'm a Catholic Christian, 53, 5' tall, I had a complete hysterectomy 4 1/2 years ago. I take medication for low-thyroid, and medication for anxiety and depression. I may be diabetic, I have osteoarthritis in my knees and maybe my hips, and I have IBS. If that isn't a list, I don't know. Yikes. I guess at 53 things just start falling apart. Oh well. Time to get in gear. Thanks!