
ligionl3 Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
hi im 16 and not to heavy, and work out quite oftan because im on my schools waterpolo team, and im am supposed to follow the diet plan of 1,200 cl a day, but i dont get that hungry so i only eat like 1000. now for some reason i feel like im getting heavier and feel more flabby then i used to.... i used to be 140 and now im 127, but for some reasoni just cant loose the last 7 pounds, even thought i havent done anything wrong, but iv been 127 for a while now and cant seem to loose any more weight.
anyone know why? :- (

o also if anyone knows anytips on how to get slimer calf muscles, that would be Awesome!!!!!!! thatnk you!


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You can't lose any more weight because you're on a starvation diet. It doesn't mean you're starving per se, but rather your body is. That means even though you don't feel full, your body decided that it wasn't getting enough and is storing as much fat and conserving as much energy as possible.

    This article may help: ... being 16, you're definitely in this category (though I wouldn't be surprised if you only ate 700 on some days).

    MFP wasn't meant for growing bodies so you need to talk to your doctor about how many calories you should be getting. Your minimum is not going to be 1200 and will likely be a lot more.

    The good news is, you're only 16 ... so your metabolism will heal a lot faster than most of the fogies here. So talk to your pediatrician about a plan to increase your calories to a healthy deficit.
  • ok thanks, it means allot to me :-) !!!! ill check out the site you sent.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    One, you're 16, and probably still growing. I didn't stop growing until I was 21.

    Two, you need to eat more than 1200 calories. You probably burn more than that during a water polo practice! Every time I've played water polo for even just 30 minutes I'm completly exhausted the rest of the day. I don't know how you function.

    Definatly consult with a doctor on how to make yourself healthier, at the very least talk to your stregth coach at school.
  • okay thank you ! :) i just dont know what to do because im not to experienced in this whole nutrition thing
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    You are doing a good thing by trying to educate yourself this young. You are stopping something before it gets out of hand. Just do it the right way. Let your physician be the one to tell you what you should be doing. The worst thing to do is to start following different routines you read and mess up your metabolism this young. So good luck and keep making good decisions,
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