Has anyone done "making the cut"

pcbta Posts: 227
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
by Jillian MIcheals? I'm not doing the eating part so much...but I AM doing the 30 day workout challenge. IT goes up a notch from the 30 day shred...in fact, it's quite hard. I'm on day 5 and feel myself getting stronger already...
has anyone else done it before??? I love it.



  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I just ordered 30 day shred.. so maybe when I get through that one I will get "Making the Cut". :) Good luck!
  • I have the book, and I do those workout idea sometimes, and it is great! I am doing P90X - which has some similar moves, and a very similar diet plan.

    Are you following the diet plan?
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    Hey Betty...although I'm tracking calories and most days eating healthy, no, I'm not following it specifically.

    I think when I'm done this 30 days, I'm going to move on to P90X. My hub will join me...

  • Hey Betty...although I'm tracking calories and most days eating healthy, no, I'm not following it specifically.

    I think when I'm done this 30 days, I'm going to move on to P90X. My hub will join me...


    Ohhh - you and hubby will LOVE P90X! Hubby and I do it together some nights, and it's awesome - a great workout!
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    Is it way super harder than making the cut? I'm finding THAT pretty tough right now...

  • Is it way super harder than making the cut? I'm finding THAT pretty tough right now...


    Um - it is not harder, just different. I think that her Shred for example, could be a beginner workout, while P90X is definitely NOT for beginners! It is an intense workout for sure. Try it - you will proably love it! I followed the Shred & Making the Cut for the first 12 weeks on here, and lost around 18 lbs in that time. Now I am into P90X and hoping to lose my final 5-10!

    Good luck and keep in touch!
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    Thanks for the info Betty...I will keep in touch.
    I don't know if I want to start p90x around holiday time...perhaps the new year....
    I am enjoying my making the cut challenge right now. It is HARD...at least for me, and I am sore in a good way every day so far...

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