constantly hungry!

hello all!

i have about 15 pounds to lose total. I am 5'8" and about 160 lbs. I know that is in the healthy range but it is more fat than my body can handle (yes I have spoken to my Drs.) I am a law student so I have a limited budget to constantly be buying produce and all of the healthy foods I love, but I do the best I can.

I had to stop working out for about a month because I bruised my tailbone. I managed not to gain any weight, but I just started working out again last Friday. I am now HUNGRY CONSTANTLY!!!!!!! and I have no idea what to do!

I just ate lunch of a salad with grilled chicken and dried plums and grapes and avocado and 2 slices of oat bread about an hour ago... and I'm starving.

what do you all think? Is it just that my metabolism is re-charged? Should I eat more? Help please!!


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    What is your height, weight. BMR, and calorie goal set to? What are your protein/fiber intakes set to?
  • mrh0rnet
    mrh0rnet Posts: 26
    5'8 160 and you're trying to lose 15 pounds??? The BMI for 5'9 is 165.... 15 pounds sounds excessive. Are you a male or a female? And generally, if you're starving your body is trying to tell you that you're not eating enough. I'm 5'9 177 right now and I can eat roughly 1500 cals a day and not be hungry at all..and this is on a cut. Exactly how many calories are you eating a day?
  • ellewoods37
    I am 5'8", 160lbs, BMR is 1534, calorie goal is 1410 and I always eat at least some if not all of my exercise calories. Fiber is 12 and protein is 51. I am definitely not starving myself. I am 23 years old and a female. I grew up a dancer so my body is used to being around 145/150.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I am 5'8", 160lbs, BMR is 1534, calorie goal is 1410 and I always eat at least some if not all of my exercise calories. Fiber is 12 and protein is 51. I am definitely not starving myself. I am 23 years old and a female. I grew up a dancer so my body is used to being around 145/150.

    I'd suggest you up your protein intake... DOUBLE IT. I also suggest the same with fiber (around 25 grams per day). Three things should help you feel more satiated. Protein, Fiber, and Water. Ensuring you keep adequate amounts of protein in your diet will also combat muscle cannibalism and ensure most of the weight you are losing is fat- NOT muscle!

    Best of luck!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    try adding high protein. keeps you full
  • ellewoods37
    okay thanks! i usually go way over my protein without trying to but maybe doing so consciously will be helpful!
  • SW8689
    SW8689 Posts: 22
    Hi, I am going over in my protien too, but not worrying about it, I think it's ok if it's healthy protien, maybe someone can tell us.
    I use pgx, and visalus protien shakes to fill me up, otherwise I would starve, as I only had 15 pounds to lose to start with too. I just joined here last Friday having already lost the first five, but the last ten are really hard to lose it seems so this helps because You know where the hidden calories are.

    So if you find a protien shake with some sort of fiber you like, and other none caloric fillers it will help. Also, check your stomache acid, could you be producing too much acid being under pressure from school? This happens to me and I think I'm hungry when in fact it's my stomache acid and I have to take an over the counter acid reducer for a few days to put it back in check.

    Hope this helps some
  • ellewoods37
    Hey everyone!

    just as an update, I found out part of the reason I am constantly hungry is because my body has an intolerance to FODMAPS (fermented oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyals). Its a type of sugar found in foods such as apples, broccoli, dairy, gluten etc...

    Ive been following a FODMAP free diet for about 3 weeks now and feel GREAT! So i suggest anyone else feeling this, or if you have IBS symptoms to check it out!