Trying to figure things out

I have recently lost 50 lbs, it took me about 6 months and it wasn't too difficult, I mostly focused on eating just the right amount of calories per day and focused on healthy, nutritionaly dense food. I started working out when I had dropped about 40 lbs and I have really enjoyed that.

The thing is, is that since I started working out I haven't lost any more weight for about 4 months. It's not a total horrible thing I have at least maintained my 50 lb loss.

Here is the thing, I have about 40 to 50 more lbs to go, I was 230 and am looking to get down to about 140-130. I am 5.3 1/2 inches.

According to websites such as this one in order to lose 2 pounds a week I need to eat about 800 cal a day. I decided when I started this weight loss journey that I would never drop below 1200 cal a day as that never seemed to be a healthy thing to do.

So, if I eat 1200 cal a day, but make it a goal to burn about 300-400 cal a day with exercise should I be able to lose the remaining weight, at about 2 lbs a week? I am a little worried because the more I exercise the more hungry I get.

Does anyone have any ideas on kind of where I go from here, and if my thinking about eating 1200 cal a day and working out to burn 300-400 cal a day sounds good? And do you have any ideas on foods that I can eat that can help me with this hungry thing when working out at high intensities.

I am changing my eating a little bit and am aiming to eat about 75 to 130 grams of protein a day. I hear this is really helpful when losing weight and working out.