i'm going to try this again...

i love this website and it's so helpful! i just lack so much motivation. last year i was doing so good tracking my food and excerise and was feeling great and losing weight until i went through a really bad break up and took it hard. well i'm back almost a year later determined to lose a little weight before i go home for christmas break. i'm a full time college student with 18 credits, invovled in 5 clubs, working 10 hours a week, and doing programming for a freshman dorm. so i don't have a lot of time but i'm determined to wake up early or stay up late to make sure i get to the gym. it's hard having to eat in the cafeteria so does anyone have any suggestions to make it easeir to eat healthy? i'm going need all the motivation i can get! :smile:


  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hey, welcome back! I'm a college student myself, but you sound like you really have a lot you're involved in! All in all it really doesn't matter how much time you do or don't have, you can always make time for yourself and your health if it's a priority. I know I used to think I didn't have time, but I realized that putting my health first was way more important than anything else, so that's what I work on now. Just try to keep healthy options around you all the time, like fresh fruits and yogurt and stuff like that to snack on. I'm guessing you will probably go out to eat a lot too, so just try and look up what the restaurant has and it's caloric values beforehand. If all else fails grilled chicken is a good go-to meal. Just remember if you did it before, you can do it again! We're all here to help each other. You can do this!!:happy: