
Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Yesterday I realized I am indeed an emotional eater! I was stressed out so I sent my husband to the store to buy me some ice cream hahaha I also realized I take out my anger on others... Since my stress yesterday I was getting mad at my husband for no reason. I stopped myself but now heres the problem... What do I do with my emotions? If I don't eat, or take it out on others, what am I suppose to do with them?


  • Go exercise, walk, run, jog, dance anything. And talk, talk, talk. Noone knows how you are feeling or the thoughts running through your mind unless you open your mouth. There is nothing wrong with how you feel, but when you don't let it out you end up doing something else to deal with them, like emotional eating, taking it out on others. If you can't open up to anyone, then write it all down.

  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    That's right - work them out of you.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member

    try this... or....



    I promis you, if you turn them up really LOUD,
    and let yourself dance to them,
    you won't feel any more pain.
    I promise you.
    If you're not smiling 2 minutes into this, tell me how you feel.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • :flowerforyou: I'm an emotional eater, myself. I know how it is - frustrating sometimes!! I have learned that when I feel myself beginning to get all emotional I need to take a break. I love to read. I love to sleep. I love a nice hot bath. I enjoy just sitting outside with no one but me and God.

    I've found that when I'm feeling emotional it's usually chocolate that I crave so when I start craving chocolate it's a flag that I try to look at and make sure that I'm not eating emotionally.

    Hang in there! We all go through it. You do need to find a way to relax and work through it when you're upset. Do you have a pastor, girlfriend, sister, neighbor that you can call to help you work through it? If not, try writing down everything you're feeling. When you feel better, go back and look at it and see how you could've perhaps handled it better. You can do it!!!

  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    awww thanks all! I will do! Emotions are kinda new to me. My dad was emotionally abused and never learned how to show emotion or that it was right.... so of course it was passed down to me. I am now just learning which emotions are which and trying to learn how to express them correctly hahaha I sure have anger and frustration down though! hahaha
  • madmama
    madmama Posts: 123 Member
    When I find my emotions taking over, I go for a walk/run. This is the best stress relieve ever. Works every time.:explode:
  • awww thanks all! I will do! Emotions are kinda new to me. My dad was emotionally abused and never learned how to show emotion or that it was right.... so of course it was passed down to me. I am now just learning which emotions are which and trying to learn how to express them correctly hahaha I sure have anger and frustration down though! hahaha

    I was abused as a child and I know how hard it can be to figure it all out when your example is broken. Hang in there. It took me YEARS to learn how to handle them better and I'm nowhere near handling them the way God intended but I've come a long way. Despite your past you can do it!

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