i hate excersise



  • Hopeful656
    Hopeful656 Posts: 10
    Maybe it less the hate of exercise and more the hating of the idea of exercise. I don't like "formal" exercise in the sense that I HAVE to go to the gym and HAVE to do some task for no reason that may or may not help me shrink my fat cells. I do, however, love to swim and ride my bike and I enjoy a slow steady pace on an elliptical. Two out of the three are things I can do to be active that I can put on my headphones *when I'm in a safe place without cars* and just tune out everything else but the movement and the music. Its easier that way. Then it becomes relax time that's productive.

    If you really really really don't like any at all, change in lifestyle in the way of diet can help but I doubt its going to be a miracle. Right now I'm in the first phase of my plan---fix my eating habits. Then adding all my favorite exercises with a few not so lovable muscle strengthening exercises should help the process. But, all in all, I know how weak *for example* by lower back and abdomen have gotten and its causing pain in my back if I try to move around too much. I want a life that doesn't involve pain meds just to get along-so exercise HAS to happen. Just find stuff that's more fun than others. Trial and error
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I JAZZERCISE!!! :happy:

    which is a combo of ..., dancing, kickboxing, and a lil stretching. it's tons of fun! there are 10, 20, 30, and 45 min workout options. I sometimes do two or three at a time, they are so much fun! and it doesn't feel like working out. just feels like you're dancing, having fun. plus they have DVD sets, so I can work out anywhere, anytime :smile:

    I love Jazzercise! Our class is an hour but yes. SO fun
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    There is nothing you enjoy but sitting on the couch? Raquetball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, running, walking, hiking, roller blading?
  • im sure there is something, ive just been so focused on work i havent actually tried a lot. im gunna give the dvd idea a go and maybe invest in a new ipod for hiking :) thanks everyone
  • Maybe if you just start off slowly with maybe walking around the block, you would start to like exercise. It is actually a great feeling when you are done....You feel great :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    i used to be a gymnast but wrecked my knee and never went back. My friends are all out drinking and stuff now which is fine but im happily settled and they would not come with me :( i tried zumba but i have no co-ordination, Tried the gym but was boring :) i dont mind walking if its not raining haha

    Walk At Home ... these are indoor walking DVDs. I use these went it's too hot, too cold, dark outside. Almost no coordination required. Low impact .... so your knees should be fine. The great thing about these ... if the instructor is too chatty .... mute the sound & play your own music. Moves are not counted, combined, etc. .... you just moving

    Here's a link to give you an idea .....http://www.walkathome.com/on-demand/1-mile_express.html

    Heand ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnsfbneFQ_8&feature=related

  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Is there anyway to tone up and not leave the sofa :D

    Shake weight?

    (No, I couldn't resist)
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    That's another thing... going to the gym for the mindless activity of lifting a weight to put it back down right where you got it, accomplishing nothing with the time... that doesn't thrill me... but going out on the property and lifting rocks from the spots we don't want them and putting them in the low spots / sinkhole that just opened up, well I'm accomplishing more and I can go a lot longer lifting those because of the "point" of the "exercise" as opposed to the gym and its static scenery... lug pails of water to the garden instead of using the hose, walk around the neighbourhood and do a ditch clean-up... beautify your area and get the fresh air and workout of the bending and picking....

    turn it into a real activity.. I don't have a wood-stove here in the city but I'm tempted to get a load or two of logs to split as firewood, bagging it... well just something for me anyway, but workout doesn't have to be unproductive time(it's not if you count the bettering of your body) just find something that makes it worth doing for you.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    If you watch a lot of TV, you could always do high-intensity exercises on the commercials and spend the actual show time stretching.
  • i used to be a gymnast but wrecked my knee and never went back. My friends are all out drinking and stuff now which is fine but im happily settled and they would not come with me :( i tried zumba but i have no co-ordination, Tried the gym but was boring :) i dont mind walking if its not raining haha

    Walk At Home ... these are indoor walking DVDs. I use these went it's too hot, too cold, dark outside. Almost no coordination required. Low impact .... so your knees should be fine. The great thing about these ... if the instructor is too chatty .... mute the sound & play your own music. Moves are not counted, combined, etc. .... you just moving

    Here's a link to give you an idea .....http://www.walkathome.com/on-demand/1-mile_express.html

    Heand ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnsfbneFQ_8&feature=related


    i like the sound of that, ill try anything once!
  • That's another thing... going to the gym for the mindless activity of lifting a weight to put it back down right where you got it, accomplishing nothing with the time... that doesn't thrill me... but going out on the property and lifting rocks from the spots we don't want them and putting them in the low spots / sinkhole that just opened up, well I'm accomplishing more and I can go a lot longer lifting those because of the "point" of the "exercise" as opposed to the gym and its static scenery... lug pails of water to the garden instead of using the hose, walk around the neighbourhood and do a ditch clean-up... beautify your area and get the fresh air and workout of the bending and picking....

    turn it into a real activity.. I don't have a wood-stove here in the city but I'm tempted to get a load or two of logs to split as firewood, bagging it... well just something for me anyway, but workout doesn't have to be unproductive time(it's not if you count the bettering of your body) just find something that makes it worth doing for you.

    i do a lot of excersise type activity at work as i work in care, like hoisting but never really thought of it as exercise before
  • lythiam
    lythiam Posts: 32
    I was the same way, and then I found running. I seriously long for it on the days I don't run. As for exercising from the couch, there is the thigh master, lol.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Think about your favorite show and make a workout game out of it:

    The Simpsons

    When Homer mentions booze: 20 lunges
    Every time you see Bart's skateboard: 10 jumping jacks


    If you're creative like me this can make a fun 30 minutes!

    (Oh and on the weekends feel free to turn it into a drinking game instead :D)
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    hula hoop is a great workout. You can also borrow workout dvds from your library.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    I wear an HRM during sex! Your on the couch...I got an Hrm.....I'm a guy......your a girl...no brainer!
  • First of all saying you hate it, is going to mentally make you hate it more......so stop thinking that way. Secondly stop being lazy, get up and do something. If you were actually serious about losing weight you would make the effort.