I was [overweight] because...



  • Tricialew32
    Tricialew32 Posts: 96 Member
    I ate too much and sat on my *kitten*.
    ^^^ This
    And...I got paid for it...sooo...theres that.
  • Domini1989
    Domini1989 Posts: 2 Member
    Ooohh this is a good blog...

    1. Food is amazing. When it taste good, you want more.

    2. It started when I was in 2nd grade. I was that fat girl. Ate mcdonalds and would sneak into the fridge to get whatever I wanted.

    3. no self control. My eyes are really bigger than my stomach sometimes :(

    4. You think oh... this cheeseburger wont hurt.. but it does!!! :(

    But im glad to have this with such supportive people! add me if you'd like :)
  • LAsteve212
    LAsteve212 Posts: 15 Member
    1). My sweet tooth is bigger than my head. If there are cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, ANYTHING with large amounts of sugar lying around, there IS no resisting, so I am now having to learn how to limit myself.

    2). Growing up, I was never told no. If I wanted Mcdonald's, I got it. If i wanted soda, fries, etc, I got it. I was never denied what I wanted, so I never learned how to eat the right things.

    3). I have always had difficulties acknowledging that I'm full. Even though I know it, and feel that sickness and over-full feeling, I still continue to eat if it tastes good.

    4). Healthy food doesn't taste good. Or at least that's what I used to think. I never liked vegetables growing up, so now I am incorporating them into my diet. I discovered that I really love broccoli and spinach, and I am learning how to incorporate veggies into my diet.

    5). Family get-togethers at restaurants almost every week, meaning unhealthy food for everyone! Finding healthy options at unhealthy restaurants is something that I have had to learn. Learning what to eat has been the hardest thing for me, and I am still learning!
  • JessicaMurch5515
    JessicaMurch5515 Posts: 150 Member
    1. I was lazy
    2. My disgusting love for McDonald's french fries
    3. I eat when I'm stressed/bored/sad
  • Browneyedgirl140
    Browneyedgirl140 Posts: 102 Member
    1. Unhealthy eating habits from the family (they started eating healthier after I left for college).
    2. My high school and competitive sport teams ended. I was no longer working out for 1-3 hours everyday.
    3. College life didn't help. I had to work 20 hours a week, take a full course load, and find time for homework.
    4. Stress eating
    5. Eating when I am bored
    6. No portion control

    I am hoping to overcome a lot of these as my weight loss progresses.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    For me it all started when I hit that gypsy with my car...
  • missymuffet459
    Laziness, boredom, emotional eater (all emotions- stress, happy, sad, mad, etc.), took health for granted when I was younger and thinner (did not know how to eat right).

    I got a little chubby in high school, about 15 lbs overweight, and my mom just said to eat more salad. Huh? That had to be easier said than done.

    I then got married young and ate when my husband did (late-night runs to get fast food) and quickly piled on the pounds. The coming years were all about wanting the fitness dvds I saw on t.v., cleanses, starvation, bingeing and purging, etc. I simply did not know the right way to do it. Of course I never sustained the few lbs. I ever lost.

    Even though I have known the last few years how to do it right, I still struggle with emotional eating. That is why I am still here. I think my mindset is changing though. I now am in control- the food and my emotions will not control my life anymore.
  • ssilvey726
    ssilvey726 Posts: 107 Member
    My dad died when I was 12. My mom, in order to compensate and make me "happy", started bringing home fast food 4-5 times a week. I went from average size to fat within a year.
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    because i like food and beer.............it's all your own fault, not anyone or anything else! It's nice to put the blame on things, but ultimatley only you control what goes in you rmouth.

    Agreed. Food and beer. Personal choices. Right on!
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    I ate too much and sat on my *kitten*.

    And this.
  • avt85
    avt85 Posts: 64
    loved food too much and try to eat everything in sight until I couldn't breathe.
    tv shows are my addiction, so while watching I have some snack/food in hand...which made it worst as i did not exercise nor whatsoever.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    because i like food and beer.............it's all your own fault, not anyone or anything else! It's nice to put the blame on things, but ultimatley only you control what goes in you rmouth.

    Agreed. Food and beer. Personal choices. Right on!

    It's kind of rude to dismiss people openly sharing some of the more emotional reasons WHY they overate as "excuses". There are people here who have said they had bad childhoods, were abused as kids, etc. etc.

    I think these are legitimate reasons for why a person might develop some sort of binge eating/overeating problem.
    The fact that these people have battled through all those emotional barriers and are doing something about their weight means they should be commended. Nobody is making ****ing excuses.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I stopped lifting intensely, didn't substitute it with an acceptable level of activity, but continued eating like I had been while lifting. (which is to say eating everything & anything in mass quantities)
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    Severe depression and trying out different medications... Some of which caused weight gain.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    After the loss of my father I became depressed, and was in denial of just how much weight I was gaining.
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    1. I was not taught differently when I was young.
    My mom is/was a single mom. Starchy carbs were a staple, so was pan-frying, since both are quick and easy.
    (as an adult, I now know that my body doesn't handle pasta and bread very well)

    2. Low/no-fat are Gross!
    "They taste different." "You can't bake with them." "It changes the consistency of whatever you're making it with." So don't bother.
    (After gradually easing from full to low to no fat, I don't notice the difference. Be warned of the consequences if I prepare something, and someone complains that it tastes weird AFTER they find out I used a substitute! NO REPEAT INVITE!!!! :angry:)

    3. It was cheap.
    We were on a really right budget for a long time. So we'd grab a pb&J and have some ramen. Cereal for the majority of my meals. Eat whatever was leftover from dinner, add in some pasta.
    (Now I know that eating from the perimeter of the grocery is cheaper)

    4. Eating was how stress was relieved, and love was shown.
    Comfort food... chocolate, cereal, ice cream, French toast, etc. Celebrating was cake or elaborate dinners, or eating out.
    (There is no greater love you can show than providing a custom, HEALTHY meal for your person/family)

    5. Lack of planning.
    Scrounging last minute for a meal, it's far easier to order out, or go to a restaurant. That is also a lot more caloric. And more pricey.
    (Assigning/agreeing to specific clean up jobs eases the workload. Resolving to spend no more than 30 minutes in each store, and no more than 2 stores a day helps keep it interesting, quick, and easy. Forget something at one store? It's cool, we're going again tomorrow any way.)

    6. Exercise? No thanks.
    Growing up, the mentality was, "I'm allergic to exercise, it makes me break out in a sweat." Let's not forget the typical driving around for 15 minutes (wasting gas) to get the closest parking spot possible.
    (When I started actually trying to lose weight, it literally started with one 10 minute walk a day, which turned into a 30 minute walk, into an hour walk, which turned into a 10 minute jog plus 30 minutes walking, etc... and I felt GOOD!)

    These are my reasons. What were yours?

    I was that type of single mom, raising 2 kids, one with a heart defect and a lot of medical bills. So are you blaming your mom? Please don't she was doing the best she could based on how she was raised and her circumstances.

    me I have always been overweight, my mother was oblivious and when it was pointed out to her, her reply was well she will just need to learn self control. I am now finally learning that self control, and my mother is now fat. No I don't blame my mother just wish that she had helped me. The weight is all mine and mine to deal with.
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    Saving for later.
  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    I was lazy and ate whatever the hell I wanted, and just didn't care.
  • cre8vecheryl
    i got lazy. Plain and simple. In my 20's I worked out and ate healthy, same as in my 30's. After my son I got lazy. He's 6. This is not baby weight. It's lazy weight.
  • mathiasg
    mathiasg Posts: 32
    A fast food fetish developed in my childhood, portion control issues, a rampant sweet tooth, abject laziness, and alcohol, especially good beer and wine.