So what should sodium,sugar, carb and protein levels be?

3ofmine Posts: 136 Member
I just pulled the report looking at the sodium and sugar levels because I have hit a lot of plateaus and I see that my sodium level and sugar levels are all over the place. On day they are 844 and most days between 2,000 and 4,000. I am trying to clean this up some so I just want to know what I SHOULD be shooting for when it comes to these levels?? I am not trying to avoid anything just work in my life what I like to eat with my exercise and losing weight. I just started this in April and didn't know I could even change the totals to show sodium and sugar until yesterday. I want to start paying attention to this stuff and so now I need to know if the setting are to low or to high? They are at 2500 for sodium and 42 sugars, 78 protein, 268 carbs and 69 for fat...Suggestions??


PS. I have lost 26lbs since April there were 2-3 weeks in there where I was stuck and didn't lose anything for 2-3wks at a time.


  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    The only reasons I'd be concerned with sodium or sugar, at least the to the extent that you want to lower them regularly, is if you have medical condition that sodium or sugars factor into. That is, if you're an average person, they won't play into weight loss generally and fat loss specifically. Higher sodium will prompt your body to retain some water, ti's true, but over time you shouldn't notice a difference if your sodium intake has stayed the same.

    So, I guess what I'm saying there is if you have questions about those two goals, check with your doctor.

    As far as macronutrients (carbs, fats, protein) go, those levels can be dependent on activity level, and the type of activity you do, along with your fitness goals. If you just want to burn fat and maintain some muscle and you're not very active, I might suggest upping your protein a little and lowering the carb a little in compensation.