Weight Loss HELP!!

nico27 Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have finally come to the realized that i AM overweight!! and need to do something about it NOW!! I want my life back-feeling good about myself, confident. not struggling constantly and barely wanting to look at myself in the mirror because i can't believe i let myself get this bad!
I have a hard time planning/cooking healthy dinners. My boyfriend and son are very picky eaters- so making something healthy for the family isn't easy. Plus our money is real tight and buying healthy foods can be expensive. But i know i need to do this for MYSELF!! Any suggestions on that? I try to motivate myself but then completely lose it thinking- why even bother. PLEASE HELP!!!


  • I feel ya, girl! Eating healthy can be expensive but do what you can. If you can't buy fresh buy frozen. If you can't buy frozen then buy canned. Do what you can do and make the most healthy choices that you are capable of. In the end, if you can't afford to change what you buy just eat smaller portions of what you fix for them. Calculate the calories and minerals on sparkpeople.com because you can make a free account, enter all of your ingredients on the recipe calculator, enter the no. of servings that meal produces and it'll calculate all of the nutrition information. I have celiac disease so 95% of what I make is from scratch. It's helped me sooooooo much!! Plus when you calculate it if you realize that it's more calories than you thought you can adjust your portion, too.

    :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Once you start and begin seeing a difference (and others noticing the difference) you will WANT to keep going. Just give yourself the chance, you deserve that much, we all do.
    As for health foods, it doesn't take much more money and sometimes cheaper, but it will be more time. For instance you can get fresh meats, veggies, fruits, and whole grains from the regular market and make a fresh dinner monitoring your own fat, sugar and sodium. You can then prepare your own lunches from leftovers or again something fresh as well. In my opinion it's the ready made foods that are extremely expensive in money and they aren't worth the health risks.
    Clip coupons, make your own marinades, and portion control takes your food further as well. Figure out what everyone likes and go online for healthy recipes and online has recipes on a budget as well. If you are focused, you will come through.
    My kids don't always know they are eating healthier, it will be okay. Hang in there.
    Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • When I first started this journey my husband didn't want to "eat healthy" but he knew his eating habits were bad. I just asked for his input on meals and made the meals how I chose. Either he eats them or he doesn't. That sounds harsh but there's no reason someone should have to cook two meals. I do make some of his favorites and use healthier ingredients (like low fat versions) but don't tell him. I found that if you say something is healhty some people automatically think it's going to taste bad. So I don't tell him it's healthy. I just keep trying recipes until I find ones we both like. He got tired of spending money on seperate meals and started enjoying meals. Your family will come around just give them some time.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I have had days where i would sit and cry my eyes out wondering why bother , i'll never be happy with who i am well then i look at what i do have and thats when you need to tell yourself it's worth it.. Yea working out and eating healthy sucks and who doesn't want to just shove cookies, ice cream into their mouths but in the long run your really just eating yourself to your grave.. Don't you want to look in the mirror and say damn i look good, or when you are out have people say wow she's hot or omg girl look at you , you look amazing things like that is why you should do it and plus after a little while you'll start to feel great not only from the out side but from the inside.. Think about how you would love to feel and look by this time next year.. Make your self mini goals like by thanksgiving i want to lose this much weight , or by Christmas im going to wear this size pants.. Make little goals and build from there. DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    honestly healthier foods aren't more expensive unless you let fresh fruit and vegetables go bad, then there is loss which makes it expensive. Chips, cookies and soda however can get VERY expensive, especially if there's 3 of you eating. And maybe you should think of it more that you have to cook healthier meals for your family as well. Since your the one donig the cooking, should they really have that much of a choice on what it is?
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Do you have a Farmer's market or a health food store near you like i have Henry's market and sprouts where i live and i get all my veggies and fruit there for super cheap... I got 4 avocado's for a buck where at safe way they are a buck a piece ... Umm tomatoes i get them for 88 cents a pounds, Lettuce is always cheap at this places.. So is fruit... 77 cents a pound for oranges and apples... You just gotta shop around and see who has it cheaper..
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    When I first started this journey my husband didn't want to "eat healthy" but he knew his eating habits were bad. I just asked for his input on meals and made the meals how I chose. Either he eats them or he doesn't. That sounds harsh but there's no reason someone should have to cook two meals. I do make some of his favorites and use healthier ingredients (like low fat versions) but don't tell him. I found that if you say something is healhty some people automatically think it's going to taste bad. So I don't tell him it's healthy. I just keep trying recipes until I find ones we both like. He got tired of spending money on seperate meals and started enjoying meals. Your family will come around just give them some time.

    I had this exact experience! We now make healthy meals and he lets me know if he wants me to change anything in the recipe for next time and I make notes. It has worked out so far.... it helps that he knows he needs to eat better too.
  • Thank you everyone for your advise and support! I REALLY appreciate it!!:smile:
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