ZUMBA....calories burned...

How many calories do you think or do you burn in 60 mins of Zumba?
Always wondered...Been at this for almost 4 years..
I am breaking a good sweat half way through the 2nd song...and totally wiped out by
the time the cool down is finished...


  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    You're best getting a heart rate monitor to tell you how many, the variation from person to person or what you're actually doing would be too big to make any sort of useless guess :smile:
  • I'm actually an INSTRUCTO and have been for 2+ years. You are burning between 400-700 calories depending on your actual intensity level.
    EX- Salsa low impact can be just side to side stepping, HJigh intenisty impact would comsist of hips moving and using your arms and all.

    But I agree...Go grab a Fit Bit
  • courtney3988
    courtney3988 Posts: 999 Member
    I just started zumba over the weekend. I didn't know what to add for the calories for it so i went to the search zumba calories someone said they burned up to 500 so i just took their word for whether i actually did i don't know. It has to be close those. I have the zumba wii. Are you doing classes or the game? I love it the upbeat music and the dances. What do you think of it?
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    www.zumbacalories.com gives a good estimate
  • kashmyre
    kashmyre Posts: 105 Member
    Zumba is fantastic. LOVE IT! Anyway, you can go to zumbacalories.com to get a pretty good idea of what you burn. It will have you put in your weight, time and intensity and give you a number. I have had friends with HRM's check the number and they say it is pretty close. Good luck!
  • Pgarcia413
    Pgarcia413 Posts: 28
    I wore a HR monitor and I burned just shy of 700 calories in 60 minutes.
  • oldsalty1
    oldsalty1 Posts: 70
    Thanks for the link...well it says 683 in 60 mins...which rocks...
    I do the live classes...so much fun...time flys...
    She is a mover and a shakers...arms going all the time...3 lb weights for 3, 4 min songs.
    The way she explains her methods is...every body part should be fatigued by the time we are done...
    She is right...some days my arms are shaking when I leave...my legs feel like jelly...
    Her cool down is super relaxing but we are still moving arms, legs, hips and core....
    Headed out the door now...for class...
    I go at least 3-5 times a week...addicted!
  • oldsalty1
    oldsalty1 Posts: 70
    Ok...so Zumba was amazing...new song tonight had 94 jumping jacks...glad to know about the zumba calculator...725 tonight...
    Hard to know if it is right so I only put in 45 mins...600 calories feels like a safe number...
  • madams1974
    madams1974 Posts: 3 Member
    Was just asking the same question:smile: ...found this website:


    hope this helps.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    If I feel like puking after the class and my clothes are soaking wet, 550-650 calories. If not, 400-500 cals. That's just my way though...
  • it depends on how hard I work it. Today i burned a 1000, but I think I might have been burning more. My thighs were sweating. lol
    On a master class i burn anywhere from 1200 to 1300
  • Brandilion05
    Brandilion05 Posts: 14 Member
    I just got my Polar FT 7 HRM this weekend and took a Zumba Class today. My HRM said I burned 808 Calories in 58 minutes! Not sure if it is correct, but I felt exhausted afterwards!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I too have just discovered Zumba and am addicted! I love it! The intensity, the moves, the sweating . Just feels like and awesome and fun way to burn calories. I am glad to see the calorie tracker because i have a HR monitor watch ONLY ( no chest strap ) and i have to say it puts me wayyyyy low on the calories and i just cant believe that is correct. Maybe it isisnt set properly so i am going to go with the website count ( 400 - 700). I know i am putting in the effort and intensity.
  • AndreaGrace29
    AndreaGrace29 Posts: 51 Member
    I've been doing Zumba for about 6 months. I bought a Polar FT4 HRM and it does have a chest strap, and it says I burn about 700 calories an hour. Its probably pretty accurate since the chest strap continuously monitors my heart rate and also calculates cals burned based on my age and weight. I really like it. Its motivating. I make it a goal to hit 700 cals per hour.
  • tianti82
    tianti82 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks. I was trying to estimate by comparing to dancing, but there is a difference because it is based on weight. Using the zumba calculator motivated me to continue because I burned 400 more calories than I estimated. I know that it felt like I had burned more...:happy: . Thanks again. :bigsmile:
  • PhoenixRising7
    PhoenixRising7 Posts: 194 Member
    It will vary from person to person, but I wear my Polar FT7 to my class each week, and I burn about 750+ in 60mins. Before I got my HRM, I just used zumbacalories.com to estimate my burns.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    According to zumbacalories.com, I burn about 404 calories for a 50 minute workout.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I burn between 400 and 500 calories in a 50 minute class. I heard that it all depends on the instructor though.
  • sparksshannon
    sparksshannon Posts: 14 Member
    I wear my HRM and I burn 606 in 60 min :)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I was using a HRM but it was showing that I was burning only 250 calories at the most in an hours time. I stopped using it because I am sure that I burn so many more.