UGH I ate a Hamburger

mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
Not really intentionally, just more out of desire of what to eat I haven't each much meat in the past few months. Not that I have anything against meat. I was raised with a father a beef farmer, a husband that is a hunter, and I'm good with meat, except for me. It's just not something that ever sounds good, I avoid cheese too for the most part, and my kids are celiac/gluten intolerant, so wheat consumption is limited.

The boss took me an a client to lunch today to Dairy Queen, nothing sounded really good - So I gave in an opted to a mushroom swiss burger, I ordered it plain, no mayo... but UGH - it's the first red meat I've had in months, the only other meat I've had is an occasional bite of something I made for the family, or a piece of fish.. but not really intentional vegetarian, I didn't really think twice about it.

Now, help... I've been sick to my stomach all afternoon. I feel like my stomach has cramps, I'm belching meat, my stomach feels heavy and the idea of any more food is rather unappealing to me.

Is this a normal reaction for someone who has virtually quit eating meat - or is it just the grease thing - or the meat - or the cheese, the bun.... anything? I knew I should have just stuck with a blizzard and called it good :)

I'm really just curious to know if this is normal for someone who generally has quit eating meat.


  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    Happens to me too when I have red meat. Bring on the meat sweats!!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I was sick to my stomach when I broke my vegetarianism after like 6 years. But it only lasted like a day, so not a big deal since I was permanently switching back to meat.

    It will go away, take some tums and a nap lol
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    It is normal.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    The first time I lost weight I quit eating red meat. Eventually I decided to work it back into my diet but I was sick every single time I ate it for the first month or so.
  • lbaileyjohannsen
    lbaileyjohannsen Posts: 133 Member
    A lot of people who don't ingest meat for a long while have this problem, because your stomach isn't used to breaking it down any more. Our bodies adapt to what we give them. Of course, if could also be the large amount of fat! I know when I eat something really fattening, my stomach rebels almost immediately. Drink a lot of water today and tomorrow and eat very light as well. The feeling should go away on its own.
  • Don't worry, that can happen sometimes. Beef is a hard one for the body to get used to. You should feel better in a bit. :)
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    That's just what happens to me when I eat fast food... has nothing to do with the amount of meat I eat. I do eat very little meat, but I don't avoid it on purpose.
  • I am a regular meat eater so I can't say for sure, but I will say that it's likely that the stomach upset is from the grease; that meat is very fatty and they cook it on a flat top grill where all the grease that comes out of the burger actually stays ON the burger because there is nowhere else for it to go.

    I grill burgers made with 90% lean meat and find I don't have issues with that "bleh" feeling like I would get from eating a greasy burger McDonald's or DQ.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Not really intentionally, just more out of desire of what to eat I haven't each much meat in the past few months. Not that I have anything against meat. I was raised with a father a beef farmer, a husband that is a hunter, and I'm good with meat, except for me. It's just not something that ever sounds good, I avoid cheese too for the most part, and my kids are celiac/gluten intolerant, so wheat consumption is limited.

    Might it be a combo of the meat that you're not used to, the grease, the dairy, and the wheat that you typically limit? That sounds like a cocktail for disaster... Don't know if it'll help, but either probiotics or plain old Alka Seltzer might help calm things down.

    Hope you feel better.
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    hope you had some fries too :)
  • NoChub4Me
    NoChub4Me Posts: 27 dramatic. Wait a few hours or take some Alka Seltzer if you must, but it will pass. And life goes on.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Not really intentionally, just more out of desire of what to eat I haven't each much meat in the past few months. Not that I have anything against meat. I was raised with a father a beef farmer, a husband that is a hunter, and I'm good with meat, except for me. It's just not something that ever sounds good, I avoid cheese too for the most part, and my kids are celiac/gluten intolerant, so wheat consumption is limited.

    The boss took me an a client to lunch today to Dairy Queen, nothing sounded really good - So I gave in an opted to a mushroom swiss burger, I ordered it plain, no mayo... but UGH - it's the first red meat I've had in months, the only other meat I've had is an occasional bite of something I made for the family, or a piece of fish.. but not really intentional vegetarian, I didn't really think twice about it.

    Now, help... I've been sick to my stomach all afternoon. I feel like my stomach has cramps, I'm belching meat, my stomach feels heavy and the idea of any more food is rather unappealing to me.

    Is this a normal reaction for someone who has virtually quit eating meat - or is it just the grease thing - or the meat - or the cheese, the bun.... anything? I knew I should have just stuck with a blizzard and called it good :)

    I'm really just curious to know if this is normal for someone who generally has quit eating meat.

    Sounds more like a mild case of food poisoning to me. Beef is DELICIOUS!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: