Easy way to lose 10lbs

ok, well I realize there's really no easy way to lose weight. If there was then no one would be complaining about the weight they've gained, but then again I'm sure someone would always find something to complain about.

Well I've been switched between medications yet again and hopefully this one sticks.
I'm currently taking geodon and coming off of lamictal.

I wanted to find away to jump start things. I would like to aim to lose 10lbs in a month and a half to maybe just a month if that's possible??

It's hard for me to go to the gym, since I work really crazy hours and by the time I get home they either aren't open anymore for the day or they don't open early enough for me to go in before work.

I've had a fitbit for awhile that someone gave me and I have no idea how to use the thing.

I'm 5' 2 1/2 and weight 170lbs. I figured once I'm able to start losing weight and seeing the scale go down in numbers I'll feel better about myself, but so far no such luck. I do ok for awhile and lose some weight and then it just comes back again and it making me really feel like crap.

I need major help!?!

Also for diet pills or whatever I'd be looking at to help me out if need be. I don't want anything with weird chemicals. something natural that wont effect my medication.

Thanks for all the help and support. :)


  • AnisaMG
    AnisaMG Posts: 154 Member
    Hi - I am 5'2.5 too, and I started taking my weight loss seriously about a month ago, Joined MFP May 30th. In my first 30 days I lost 8.5lbs and almost 20inches from all over. I did not use any kind of aid to get these results, I eat clean and work out hard. Honestly if you want to lose weight and keep it off that is the only way to go.
    Good luck on your journey. :flowerforyou: