Dr Oz bikini ready recipe

martinmarylou Posts: 5 Member
I am no where NEAR a bikini - but the drink is not bad - I add fresh fruit and kefir - try it!

Bikini Ready Recipe
On the May 14 episode of "The Dr. Oz Show," Dr. Oz shared a recipe for a drink that can help you burn more calories. You start with one cup of grapefruit juice. Make sure you look for one that doesn't have a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners, to avoid extra calories. The vitamin C in the grapefruit juice helps to rev up fat burning. Next, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Lastly, you can add one teaspoon of honey to cut the tartness. Try an organic or raw honey, something that isn't overly processed.

Try drinking this mixture before every meal to help burn calories. It also tastes a bit tropical, which is perfect for summer


  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    This will not help you burn more calories. Take everything "Doctor" Oz says with a grain of salt.