100+ lbs to lose???



  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    You can do this, You just need to stay focused and know that it is going to take a long time to lose your weight, in a healthy manner. I think that is a big thing and it makes such overweight people give up so easily cause it is such a long process. You need to exercise, Absolutely 100% you need to get cardio in as many times a week as you can, that will make a huge difference. I work out 5x a week, always , never missed a time. Basically you need to put yourself first, on a daily basis!
    Follow the plan here, log all your calories, log all your exercise ,and you will lose! that is all I have done and look at my success! :flowerforyou: Good luck to you!!
  • Hey i had a 131bls to lose i lost 61lbs but i still got 70more to go and it takes time and those diets don't work what works is eating healthier and cardio and strengh training. And lots of support and motivation and determention. I owe it all to the love of my life u is my motivation and i'm glad we're together. so i'm here if u need me u'll get thought it good luck:smile::flowerforyou: oh p.s. buy something in a smaller size and keep trying it on till it fits and plan to where it some where like i did thats how i lost my 61lbs i had a tube top dress i wanted to surprize my new hubby in whe i went to see him in jamaica and in 5mons it fit and it was a couple of inchs to big so good luck

    I share your sentiments....although I've only lost 44lbs out of 105lbs. So snaps to you on your weight loss so far : ) Starting this I just wanted my clothes to fit looser, but recently I tried on some jeans that haven't seen the light of day in years...Amazingly enough, a bunch of them fit me. I have a super cute pair of pants that I can't wait to fit into--they fit, but don't look good just yet. That definitely is a great motivator.....After those, it's a couple cute dresses : )
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I unfortunately have about 100 lbs to lose. The thing that infuriates me is that I feel that I don't look that overweight so it's hard to wrap my head around the fact I'm almost 300 lbs. (Well, when I started I was 299) when I feel I don't look that heavy. And that's also the problem, even if I get down to "normal" weight, I'll look like a holocause survivor. I mean, I can't even do the relaxation pose in yoga because my calves are huge and, even without much weight training, have big muscles in my theighs (not to mention my theighs are also fat).
    And working out is hard because of my job. I drive school busses for a living, when I get off my morning route I am absolutely exhausted and when I finish my afternoon route I just want to go home and relax. What a pain. But seeing as I got married back in January, I want to have a baby, and I want to be down to what I was when me and my husband first moved in together which was 244. But before I die I want to be below 200. Wish me luck!

    I have to say this, and not to be mean, But you have to find the time to put yourself first. You need to make yourself exercise, Sounds like you have plenty of time after your AM route to go walking or get to a gym. You just need to do it, instead of going home and doing nothing. Your tiredness will go away, give it a month, and you will feel so much better!:flowerforyou: I say this from experience! that was always my excuse, I work 8 hours a day, on my feet all day except for a 30 min break. the last thing I wanted to do was go to the gym at night. But that is what I did, and that is what I continue to do 5x a week. And you know what? I leave work and I am not tired, I go to the gym for at least 1 hour a night, and I run 2 or 3 miles a night. I get home at 8 at night, spend time with my kids,, my husband, and I get in the shower and get ready for the next day , It is midnight before I am asleep and I am up at 7 am to do it all over again the next day. HAD someone told me that I would be doing this a year ago, I would have laughed in their face. I am only telling you this so you know it is possible, you just need to make yourself do it, and not make excuses. again, I am not trying to be mean!:flowerforyou:
  • Oh, I don't consider WW a waite of $$$ I was doing it before I got preggers, and between 1/1 and 6/15 I lost over 50 lbs... Definately NOT a waste of $$$... I'll still stick with this sight, for the support... you can never have TOO MUCH support!!! :wink:

    I'm not going to diss WW as I do know some people who have done it, lost weight, and kept it off. But just remember that the hardest part is not getting to your goal weight, but maintaining the loss after you stop WW. My co-worker lost 100+lbs on it. While she looks great, I can definitely see the fluctuations because I've known her for more than 10 years. She tends to fluctuate up 10-15 lbs then will get back on track again. But the thing is that she has totally lost all motivation to exercise and only does so when her hubby agrees to pay for her personal trainer who seems to be the only person that can get her moving.
  • I unfortunately have about 100 lbs to lose. The thing that infuriates me is that I feel that I don't look that overweight so it's hard to wrap my head around the fact I'm almost 300 lbs. (Well, when I started I was 299) when I feel I don't look that heavy. And that's also the problem, even if I get down to "normal" weight, I'll look like a holocause survivor. I mean, I can't even do the relaxation pose in yoga because my calves are huge and, even without much weight training, have big muscles in my theighs (not to mention my theighs are also fat).
    And working out is hard because of my job. I drive school busses for a living, when I get off my morning route I am absolutely exhausted and when I finish my afternoon route I just want to go home and relax. What a pain. But seeing as I got married back in January, I want to have a baby, and I want to be down to what I was when me and my husband first moved in together which was 244. But before I die I want to be below 200. Wish me luck!

    I have to say this, and not to be mean, But you have to find the time to put yourself first. You need to make yourself exercise, Sounds like you have plenty of time after your AM route to go walking or get to a gym. You just need to do it, instead of going home and doing nothing. Your tiredness will go away, give it a month, and you will feel so much better!:flowerforyou: I say this from experience! that was always my excuse, I work 8 hours a day, on my feet all day except for a 30 min break. the last thing I wanted to do was go to the gym at night. But that is what I did, and that is what I continue to do 5x a week. And you know what? I leave work and I am not tired, I go to the gym for at least 1 hour a night, and I run 2 or 3 miles a night. I get home at 8 at night, spend time with my kids,, my husband, and I get in the shower and get ready for the next day , It is midnight before I am asleep and I am up at 7 am to do it all over again the next day. HAD someone told me that I would be doing this a year ago, I would have laughed in their face. I am only telling you this so you know it is possible, you just need to make yourself do it, and not make excuses. again, I am not trying to be mean!:flowerforyou:

    My thoughts exactly : )
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You mention being really tired after your morning route. I can only imagine how draining your job can be. Driving without ANY kids can be stressful, so a whole busload can't make things any easier, BUT it is your life, and you have to make it work for you.:flowerforyou:

    As far as the tiredness, make sure you are getting enough protein in your first meal of the day. Also, when you get off work, have a healthy snack. Give yourself a half an hour to relax and recoup, and then get out there and get walking. It doesn't require anything but appropriate footwear. If you live in an area without sidewalks, go to a park, or maybe a school track, if it isn't in use, or if the weather is lousy, a lot of shopping malls have "mallwalking" groups. The key is to get moving and do it every day.

    I work a split shift and start at 5a and work til 10a. I get out and walk at least 3 times during the week, for at least and hour to an hour and a half during the 5 hours between my morning and afternoon shifts. I usually catch at least 45 mins to an hour of shut eye, sometimes before, sometimes after, but I do manage to get both things done regularly.

    Even if you start with only 20 minutes and add 5 minutes until you are up to at least an hour, it will help.
    Once you have a routine established, you will find that your energy level will improve.

    If you are not comfortable walking in public, and you have Comcast cable, and a digital box, you can use the fitness and exercise videos available in the On Demand service at no charge. Another possibility is to purchase some videos, Leslie Sansone has some excellent walking routines, or you can even get exercise videos from Netflix, which lets you try them out and then you can purchase any that you know work for you.

    The above suggestions are meant to get you started. You can add other kinds of cardio and strength training as you develop your routine.

    I started on the site in April, and I am less than 10 lbs from dropping below 200 lbs. for the first time in 12 years. I decided last April, a week after my birthday that the best present I could give myself was to be 100 lbs. lighter on my NEXT birthday. I may not make that goal by my birthday, but I intend to keep working at it. Like you, I did Atkins, and lost, and gained it all back plus "interest.":grumble:

    I have lost an average of 8 lbs per month since I started--not the QUICKEST loss I ever had, but the easiest, and since I can eat ANYTHING I want, just less of it, I am not feeling deprived, so I can eat like this for the rest of my life. When I reach my ultimate goal of being down 120 lbs:drinker: :drinker: ., it will be interesting to see if I can break the habit of logging everything I eat. When I don't get to it til the end of the day, I get a little uneasy, even though I am pretty good at adding in my head now because I know what most of the things I eat regularly "cost" me in terms of calories.

    You CAN do this, and I wish you every success. If you feel you need the additional support of WW, so be it. For myself, I am cheap and I have enough demands on my time without going to another meeting, so I looked around for a free option and was lucky enough to land here.

    Once you wrap your mind around the fact that this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, and stop using the "d" word ( d- i- e- t--is a four letter word, you know!!:laugh: ) and give yourself permission to enjoy a treat now and then without beating yourself up, the journey will get easier. It won't be all downhill, but there will be fewer peaks to climb than if you were still mired in what I call "the diet mindset."

    Good Luck. This is the place to be!!!!
  • GumbyAnne
    GumbyAnne Posts: 130 Member
    I would just like to pipe in on behalf of BeahStar, since I'm her sister (HI SISSY!) and I know all about her struggles.

    She has already started working out a few days a week at the gym and working with a personal trainer a couple times a week. She has already lost like 15 pounds and since she is 6 feet tall (this is a factor we should all discuss more often because it really has a big impact on what a healthy weight is for us), does not need to lose more than 100 pounds to be at a healthy BMI. If she got to 185 pounds she would be in a healthy range and I know her well enough to know that she would be pretty thin at that size.

    Of course, she has been beautiful every day that I have known her (that is, every day of her life) but once she drops a few pounds she will also be healthier and giving her kids a great start! Go BeahStar!
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Oh WOW, I didn't realize I'd started something here... :wink: I hope ya'll know I didn't intend to start a debate on whether WW was good or bad, I personally like WW, and LOVE it... I agree, this site seems to have alot of the WW ideas (for lack of a better word).

    I hope ya'll didn't think otherwise!!! :noway: That was not my intention.

    I say, what ever works for you, do it... :smile: I'm all about keeping the peace, this thread was just meant to be extra encouragement to those of us who have more than 100 lbs to lose... :smile:
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