
...Love it or hate it, why?


  • futuresw
    futuresw Posts: 4 Member
    Love it!!! Different seasons and the State is beautiful.
  • ChcolateLady11
    depends on where you live in Wisconsin....
    but it was alright when I was there for 5yrs
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    LOVE it! Been living here for 13 years and I love the distinct season changes, the people are so nice and laid back, and we have great festivals in the summer! There's something for everyone year round!

    So...what brought this question on??
  • balddonnie
    balddonnie Posts: 32
    With the exception of my 9 years of military service I am a WI kid through and through! I love WI and just wanted to get a feel for how others might feel about it...

    Thanks for responding!
  • balddonnie
    balddonnie Posts: 32
    ...and, I dig it so much I created the WISCONSIN EDITION Jeep Wrangler!
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    Been here my entire life. Love it here.
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    Love it, Its got Aaron Rodgers,Donald Driver, Clay Matthews, colorful falls, springtime flowers, and drought ridden summers. Well, maybe not the drought ridden summer part, But hey, AARON RODGERS
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Packer fan by marriage. GO PACK GO!
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Like it! From OK originally but after 9 years I am rooted and this is my home! (Still dread winter)
  • ChcolateLady11
    Like it! From OK originally but after 9 years I am rooted and this is my home! (Still dread winter)

    The winters and summers can be brutal, I do not miss them! :-) Fall was my favorite time there.
  • momof377
    momof377 Posts: 198 Member
    I've lived here all my life - central Wisconsin - and it definitely is God's country. The changing of the seasons is awesome and always brings a sense of "newness". Spring feels like a new awakening, summers bring warm weather (and lots of outside work), fall is the 'harvest" and time to get prepared for the winter, and winter with the snow and cold can be rough but standing in the woods on skis after a snowfall and listening to the stillness and taking in the beauty of nature is indescriable. And of course, there are the Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers, and Wisconsin Badgers......
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I will consider moving back now that they allow Concealed carry.....come on Illinois, get with the program.....
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    My son is in college in Milwaukee, so that's the only place I've been there, but I love it! What's not to love about cheese curds, beer, baseball and football? I had a great time there, and he's loving it.

    Oh....and my friend, Leah Vukmir is in the state senate, so I love it even more!
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    Beer, cheese, brats, Aaron Rogers and Ryan Braun. Seriously, what's not to love?

    Did I mention all you Harley fans can give Wisconsin a round of applause?
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Love it, as it's known for cheese and most importantly THE GREENBAY PACKERS!!! GO PACK GO!!!
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    Absolutely love it! I will soon move there and then live within 2 blocks of one of the best cheese factories. And close to several breweries. Yeah Wisconsin!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Love it, Its got Aaron Rodgers,Donald Driver, Clay Matthews, colorful falls, springtime flowers, and drought ridden summers. Well, maybe not the drought ridden summer part, But hey, AARON RODGERS

  • fishergreen
    fishergreen Posts: 109 Member
    I love this state. The changing seasons, the beautiful landscapes we have like the Dells. Tons of parks, bike trails, walking trails, etc. The City of MIlwaukee has tons of stuff to do (museums, zoo, the lakefront festivals and brewery tours) , the Harley Davidson Anniversary parties where a tons of Harley's are roaring around the city and of course the Packers. It's truely a unique experience tailgating at Lambeau and walking into that stadium with it's great history and watching a game.
  • ciaobellaxo
    & this is why I love Wisconsin, lived here my whole life, but not fond of this drought.


    1) the people- ALWAYS willing to help, always kind, caring, pro-active, open-minded and fair, willing to hear you out nicely even if they disagree with you
    2) the weather- yes I said weather. Autumn is beautiful, summers scorch only occassionally. I love cold weather and snow and always get a hearty laugh at my school when seeing the looks of shock from Indians/Jamaicans/Africans who have to bundle up for the first time. It's hot weather that really BLOWS... cold weather you can warm up with a nice fire and some cuddling!
    3) the landscape- WI is lush and green, with beautiful forests and lakes and many amazing geological wonders. My favorite region has to be the Baraboo Hills..what about yours?
    4) the food- quality of produce is EXCELLENT. Wisconsin strawberries are delicious. Strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, pretty much any kind of berry. Can't beat our sweet corn. And of course the quality of beef and dairy products goes without saying.
    5) the traditions of liberalism- Wisconsin votes Democratic, always has, always will! HOO RAH
    6) the roads- give me a country road in WI any day.. you can ride for miles and miles and see nothing but trees, fields, and the hot sun shining on pavement- just like in a car commercial, only real.
    7) the Green Bay Packers. Enough said.
    8) Wisconsin's amazingly unique history and heritage from many many different groups
    9) Sprecher root beer and the strong tradition of beer brewing in the region..Wisconsinites know what real beer is!
    10) Brewers
  • leahrochelle
    leahrochelle Posts: 218
    I love my Wisconsin!... most days. =)