To eat after a certain time or not to eat...



  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    Just to stir the pot a little, there was ap recent study with mice that showed that mice that fasted for 16 hours a day while eating a high-fat diet were able to lose or maintain a healthy weight. One of the conclusions is that the digestive tract might need time to 'rest'. So that would translate to breakfast at 8 AM and dinner at 4 PM, ick. General disclaimer, more experiments are needed to know the effectiveness on humans.

    That being said, as others have referred to above, the main concern with eating late is the mindless snacking that can pack a lot of calories in a short period of time. Dinner after exercise would hardly be looked at the same way.
  • avt85
    avt85 Posts: 64
    i'm with the OP here, I've lost all 40kgs thus far by just watching my calorie intake and not worrying about the time of day I eat it.
    Because I go the gym at night (afterwork), I find myself eating light breakfast and lunch so that I do not feel bloated at the gym.

    Then I used my remaining allowances for dinner and head to bed.....repeat.
    Have worked for me so far.