Bleaching hair and semi-permanent dyes

jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
I was wondering if any of you fabulous people have bleached and dyed your hair yourself, what did you use? how did you like it?

My hair is many shades of black right now and i'm looking to lift it from my hair to dye my hair a royal purple and have lost my regular hairdresser over the last year. I have been looking around but haven't found anyone i like so far. I'm about a month or so out of just ordering a manic panic lightener kit but i'm unsure if i should get v30 or v40. I am also pouring over hair color forums looking for good semi-perm dyes. I really like Paul Mitchell Inkworks but am having a problem getting it anywhere other than ebay. I guess if i get desperate I will go for Manic Panic's Ultra Violet. Just wondering if anyone else has had experience with doing this themselves.