Non-scale FAIL.

Sigh. Not only was I asked today, for the first time in my life, whether I was pregnant... but I was asked like he was sure of it.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?!" even with a hint of excitement like he was happy for me. Maybe I should have just nodded my head and smiled, but I told him no, and he goes, "Oh... ... ... hm... ... ... I'm really sorry."


  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    I am sorry that it happened to you. You look great, dont let things like that bother you. I am sure you will succeed on here no problem. If you need any support you can add me. I am always motivating people and hope that I can do the same if you need it.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I am sorry that it happened to you. You look great, dont let things like that bother you. I am sure you will succeed on here no problem. If you need any support you can add me. I am always motivating people and hope that I can do the same if you need it.
    We can be friends... but only if it's cool if I tell you that you look like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, and that makes me smile. =3.

    Edit: Never mind, you only look like him in your thumbnail, but it still makes me smile.
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    lol, I am unsure how to take that but sure. I definitely laughed, thanks, I guess we both feel a bit better.

    Edit* lol still funny

    even if no one else comments, I am as great as 10 people supporting you so your covered :P

    know that I care about all my friends.
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I am sorry that happened to you. Do not give up some people are just clueless.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    That's not your fail, it is his!
    EVERYONE knows that you never ask that question of a woman unless you know for sure that she is pregnant.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Well to be honest you don't look preggo to me judging by your profile pic.

    I agree that one especially a stranger not ask a woman if she is pregnant. That is so rude. Anyway just ignore that jerk
  • How horrible! So sorry :-(
  • maddiey
    maddiey Posts: 231 Member
    You do not look pregnant! And you are very beautiful by the way! I wouldn't let it get to you, because there are people like him.. .and then people like me who think you look awesome! :)
  • Erin70CA
    Erin70CA Posts: 85
    That is an ignorant thing to ask you. Don't sweat it, some people are just daft.
  • Angylgrrl
    Angylgrrl Posts: 159 Member
    That person is an idiot. You are clearly NOT pregnant. You look beautiful, and you should listen to all of the wonderful people here who know what they are talking about!
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    looking at your profile picture you dont look pregnat sorry that someone thought that.
  • I feel for you today. A little boy about 4 or 5 said to his mommy look at her belly. She's probrably gonna have two babies really soon. the mom was so emberassed and my son who was 8 said very proudly in th middle of a busy store. No she's just inflated right now cause she had 5 of us, but it will soon be gone she's kicking Butt at the gym! Normally I would have walked off but I gave him the biggest hug. You should do the same. Give yourself the biggest hug right now and be proud of who you are and that your doing something for you!
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member
    Sigh. Not only was I asked today, for the first time in my life, whether I was pregnant... but I was asked like he was sure of it.

    "You're pregnant, aren't you?!" even with a hint of excitement like he was happy for me. Maybe I should have just nodded my head and smiled, but I told him no, and he goes, "Oh... ... ... hm... ... ... I'm really sorry."
    Pshaw, it was probably because you had that radiant, glowing look that only pregnant women usually have. :smile:
    Anyway, you don't look one bit pregnant, weight-wise.
  • I feel for you today. A little boy about 4 or 5 said to his mommy look at her belly. She's probrably gonna have two babies really soon. the mom was so emberassed and my son who was 8 said very proudly in th middle of a busy store. No she's just inflated right now cause she had 5 of us, but it will soon be gone she's kicking Butt at the gym! Normally I would have walked off but I gave him the biggest hug. You should do the same. Give yourself the biggest hug right now and be proud of who you are and that your doing something for you!

    Your son sounds awesome! He earned that hug:) so sweet.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    D'aww, thanks, everyone. You all sound like sweeties. Honestly, the guy was a total creeper (which figures, 'cause he lives in the same apartment complex as I do, and all these people are on drugs or act like sexual predators). It's a long story that took eleven minutes to explain on YouTube, but I'll sum it up briefly with points:
    - This conversation started because I heard my nine-year-old niece outside talking to someone, so I immediately went out to make sure no one was trying to snatch her up.
    - Then he started talking to me, and asked that awful question.
    - After apologizing for that question, he continues to talk to me and guess my age, whatever.
    - I tell him I'm 20 (he guessed 23 or 24), he tells me he's 55, I tell him my Dad turned 53 today, so he knows he's old enough to be my father, 'cause he's older than my father.
    - Any time I spoke to him, he'd place a hand to his ear and say he couldn't hear me. I would just speak louder because he was a stranger to me and I didn't want to get near him.
    - Eventually, I got tired of basically yelling to him (I'm a quiet person), so I walked nearer to him.
    - At that point he tells me I have beautiful eyes.
    - I'm creeped out because I hate receiving physical comments in a creepy tone (you people are cool though, don't sweat it). I tell him he has beautiful dogs. He tells me, "Well, I'm looking at your eyes right now."
    - Even more uncomfortable, he looks me from my head to my toes, slowly and eerily, which pissed me off enough, and then tells me I'm sexy.
    - I tell him my boyfriend of five years, who I've dated since I was fifteen, who I've dated for a whole quarter of my life, thinks I'm sexy too.
    - By the grace of God, my mother told me my boyfriend called my phone, so I had a legitimate excuse to get inside and get the fawk away from him.

    P.S. -- Sorry that wasn't brief, but at least it didn't take you eleven minutes to read like it took me eleven minutes to explain on video..
    I feel for you today. A little boy about 4 or 5 said to his mommy look at her belly. She's probrably gonna have two babies really soon. the mom was so emberassed and my son who was 8 said very proudly in th middle of a busy store. No she's just inflated right now cause she had 5 of us, but it will soon be gone she's kicking Butt at the gym! Normally I would have walked off but I gave him the biggest hug. You should do the same. Give yourself the biggest hug right now and be proud of who you are and that your doing something for you!
    Your son is a sugar lump! What an awesome little man!
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    Sigh. Not only was I asked today, for the first time in my life, whether I was pregnant... but I was asked like he was sure of it.

    "You're pregnant, aren't you?!" even with a hint of excitement like he was happy for me. Maybe I should have just nodded my head and smiled, but I told him no, and he goes, "Oh... ... ... hm... ... ... I'm really sorry."
    Pshaw, it was probably because you had that radiant, glowing look that only pregnant women usually have. :smile:
    Anyway, you don't look one bit pregnant, weight-wise.
    Also, what an awesome, witty response! x3.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    I feel for you today. A little boy about 4 or 5 said to his mommy look at her belly. She's probrably gonna have two babies really soon. the mom was so emberassed and my son who was 8 said very proudly in th middle of a busy store. No she's just inflated right now cause she had 5 of us, but it will soon be gone she's kicking Butt at the gym! Normally I would have walked off but I gave him the biggest hug. You should do the same. Give yourself the biggest hug right now and be proud of who you are and that your doing something for you!
    I want to hug you son too! That is awesome! Kids are the greatest, and mine have been the biggest motivation. My kids are older, and they have been so proud to come home and tell me that one of their friends didn't recognize me because of my weight loss. Their pride has helped to keep me going.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    Oh my gosh! What a creep! Just goes to show that you should ignore anything that came out of his mouth. You are gorgeous by the way.
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    You have a very creepy neighbour. I think you need to tell him that you do not want to talk to him in no uncertain terms. If he wont take it from you, then your boyfriend and or your dad should tell him. He quite clearly finds you attractive and is at least a little disturbed. Do not encourage him by engaging in conversations with him. Just avoid him and say "whatever"... or something less pleasant.