Too much weight loss information out there?

With all of the different diets, websites, shows on TV, books etc. do you ever feel like there is just too much information and a lot of it is confusing and/or contradictory? It seems like everyone has a different opinion on the right way. Eat this, don't eat that. Lower your calories, but not too much. Focus on low, low, low calorie. Carbs are the devil - you need carbs for a healthy diet. As I am on this journey to lose weight I get so overwhelmed with all of the different information. I work out hard and I am now reducing calories. Isn't that enough? Is a calorie really a calorie or do I also need to worry about the types of foods, the mix of foods and the amount of carbs and sugar? I guess my question is what is the *right* answer? The funny part is I bet on here I could get 10 different answers to this question.

Why is putting on the weight so damn easy, but taking it off one of the hardest things to do?


  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I don't have an answer. I agree that the shear volume of information is overwhelming. I read all can and do the best I can to filter out the nonsense. I think the important thing is to find an approach that is simple enough to be sustainable.
  • ritamarie1234
    ritamarie1234 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree!!! I actually googled "weight loss foods and confusion" and your post came up! I am relieved that I am not the only one completely overwhelmed by all the information, especially the contradicitory diet plans. One says eat legumes and eggs, while another says avoid legumes, eggs and dairy at all costs. I adore Dr. Oz but even he recommends too many supplements and many of his guests contradict each other in regards to health and weight loss. I think I will stick to a Weight Watchers philosophy of everything in moderation, less calories in and continue to exercise with a mix of Cardio, Yoga, weights and toning. I took all of Dr. Oz's recommended supplements and whittled it down to what I believe will work best for me, can't take EVERYTHING he recommends!! Plus I was spending a FORTUNE at Whole Foods on supplements, Lol!!! Good luck to all on your weight loss journey and remember it's not a sprint, its a marathon!!!
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    with the internet, you'll always be bombarded with information. the key is to select what you feel applies to your situation and focus on that.

    for me, i ignore everything that doesn't interest me. i do my own research based on my own fitness and nutrition goals. i wanted to eat clean so i started with figuring out all of my favorite dishes and googling healthy versions of them. i ignored all the buzz words and fad diets ("gluten free" or "paleo" etc) and stuck with what my dad always taught me: "everything in moderation". what i realized much later was that i was already eating a modified version "paleo" -- with the only difference being that i was eating 2 small servings of grains per day (real paleo eaters avoid grains).

    for exercise, i wanted to burn fat and build muscle so i researched on the different types of exercises out there that do that.

    take everything with a grain of salt. figure out what YOU want and make a plan on how to accomplish YOUR goals. then focus on the information you proactively gather and ignore the rest.

    too much information is overwhelming; when you learn to filter out the "noise" (ie. the stuff that doesn't apply to you) then it's much easier to focus on what YOU need to do to hit your goals.