Under active thyroid&60 lb to go

Hello...I am brand new to all this.
I'm a 42 year old female with many pounds to go...one pound at at time!
Thank goodness it's summer here in CT.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 8.5 yr ago following the birth of my son.
In all fairness...obviously my choices of foods,portions,emotional eating,lack of consistent exercise has resulted in where I'm at now with my weight.Not looking to blame my thyroid for a long time unhealthy choices, just wondering what other people in the same situation do to deal with it.
Is there anyone else out there with this scenario...I'm taking medication for treatment and get tested regularly and fairly recently .(within the past 6 months)
Any feedback is appreciated...
Stay positive and love yourself no matter what!
Honestly... I'm ready to give all of this a shot.
It's really encouraging to see those who found success with managing their weight loss using this program.