Open Diary...what am I doing wrong?



  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    I would try increasing your calories. With only 15 pounds to lose, your settings should be to lose no more than .5 pound a week. I weight train three times a week and do cardio as well. Have you taken your measurements? This is where I've seen the biggest difference. I'm to the point now where I don't care about the scale. Eat to fuel your body. The weight training will make a huge difference, but it will take a couple of months of consistency to really see the difference. But don't be discouraged. It WILL happen!
  • Rosie010
    Rosie010 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, looking at diary it seems like there are a lot of fattie processed foods. I think you should really up your fruit intake, and avoid preprepared things as its harder to measure their calorific and nutritional values. I can see that your inputting very small quantities of these fattie food - like cheese, but you may actually be surprised by the unaccounted calories your consuming - for example, you've said your only have 0.07oz of cheese, which is a really tiny amount - why not just avoid it all together.
    Weight training is a great idea and you'll no doubt see a difference - but to speed this up you need to increase your lean protein intake - lots of lean meat, fat free cottage cheese and natural yogurt. And as I said above fruit, fruit, fruit.
  • UticaBoy51
    UticaBoy51 Posts: 344 Member
    Maybe it is the calories late that is slowing you down. Try doing the bulk of your calories for Breakfast and go down from there. The rule I heard that made sense to me was, Breakfast like a king, Lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper (sp?). Anyway, good luck and keep going. I am finding this to be hard as hell but worth it.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Make sure you're 100% honest with your diary, that's all I'll say. I don't even trust what's in the database, I work out calories myself cos they can be totally wrong sometimes
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Eat more. Move more.

    I went back two weeks on your diary and half of your days are not even logged. Aside from that, the only thing I noticed was, on the days you logged, your sodium was occasionally high.

    Eat more. Move more.

    Keep the momentum.
  • inkandsheep
    inkandsheep Posts: 101 Member
    I have a similar amount to lose as you do and I've lost 11 pounds since April. I am younger than you (29) but also have a desk job. I don't do huge amounts of exercise although I try to walk whenever I can.

    I agree with others re: processed foods.
    Try to incorporate more whole foods into your diet - fresh fruit and veg, wholegrains (quinoa and brown rice are great), beans and legumes. I definitely noticed that when I made the change from eating whatever I wanted as long as it was within my calorie limit to eating foods that are actually good for me, I started losing more weight and feeling amazing. I'm not perfect, I still have some processed foods and treats (like a cupcake today...) but I really try to think of what I eat and what will be good for me.
  • katehad
    katehad Posts: 4
    Hey! Good job on staying focused. I work a desk job too...about every half hour or so I get up and do a "lap" around the floor just to stretch my legs and also clear my head. I also do Pilates (AeroPilates machine) for 80-90 minutes a day.

    I would work on incorporating more fruits,veggies and protein packed foods while using less processed foods. Do you have a food scale? If not I recommend you buy one. I got mine, the biggest loser one, at Bed Bath and Beyond for a little over $20. I bought mine about two months ago and weigh everything I eat. If you are like me you just assumed/eyeball the serving sizes, the scale really helps me see what an actual serving size is and makes sure that's what I am eating.

    Finally, drink water lots of water ( I average 16 cups a day) and log everything you eat even if it puts you over your calorie goal. You won't be able to change your eating habits unless they are right there for you to see.

    It's an attainable goal so stay focused you can do this :)
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    Yep I went back to June on your Diary and it looks like you don't log consistantly, you can't keep control of what goes in your mouth every day. switch out the candy (should be an occasional treat) and bring a boiled egg or if you like crab for instance they have crab sticks which are great high protein low cals ( dip in your own mix of cocktail sauce) log that too. I saw lots of processed snacks and foods.I read they have high fructose sugar ,msg and sodium that makes you hungrier. I look at the lables now on everything canned or processed if High frutose sugar is the top ingredient, I don't buy it. Fresh is the way to go. I just discovered the miracle noodle and use it once in awhile in a stir fry. the noodles have zero everything fills you up and adhere to the flavors you put in the stir fry. You get lots of veggies and the flavor is great. Basic food.. Meat,veggies and fruit. Good luck!
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    An hour of exercise a day is great! Switch up your food. Eat a lot of raw vegetables and make sure you are getting enough calories. Big thing for me - if I don't eat enough, I don't lose. I eat every few hours - many small things all day long. I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and I ususally have some calories left and have popcorn in the evening. I don't go over my calorie limit to eat it though. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck.
  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    Do u look different? X
    ^^^THIS! Good question. I just slipped into a size smaller even though the scale has not moved in 2 months. With the addition of weights, TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS. Ditch the scale for a while to reduce stress. Switch to whole grains, say bye bye to Sarah Lee, LOG EVERY DAY if you can (you sound really busy), go as "clean" on your diet as you can, and see how it goes for a while.
  • Lynn_SD
    Lynn_SD Posts: 83 Member
    Putting on some muscle mass might really help. You only just began the weight training this past week. You need a minimum of 6 weeks to see any results from it, really I would give it 3 or 4 months of consistent weight training. Track your % bodyfat and muscle/lean body mass on a good scale that measures these. If you've never weight trained before, you may have lost muscle mass along with the fat, plus as we age we naturally lose muscle mass if we are not counteracting this tendency with strength training (around 8% per 10 years after age 40).
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yep I went back to June on your Diary and it looks like you don't log consistantly, you can't keep control of what goes in your mouth every day. switch out the candy (should be an occasional treat) and bring a boiled egg or if you like crab for instance they have crab sticks which are great high protein low cals ( dip in your own mix of cocktail sauce) log that too. I saw lots of processed snacks and foods.I read they have high fructose sugar ,msg and sodium that makes you hungrier. I look at the lables now on everything canned or processed if High frutose sugar is the top ingredient, I don't buy it. Fresh is the way to go. I just discovered the miracle noodle and use it once in awhile in a stir fry. the noodles have zero everything fills you up and adhere to the flavors you put in the stir fry. You get lots of veggies and the flavor is great. Basic food.. Meat,veggies and fruit. Good luck!

    I LOVE crab sticks, but they are a VERY processed food, full of wheat starch, sugar and so on. Something like prawns or crayfish are more expensive, but a more natural product if you want fish.

    Natural almond butter is great as a snack, maybe spread on apple chunks :)
  • My advice: make a concerted effort to increase the amount of fiber in your diet through vegetables, legumes, whole grains, etc. You'll be less hungry and can eat more volume for fewer calories.

    And actually look at the nutritional info for fiber. Pay NO attention to labels, brand names, etc. "Fiber" marketing is extremely deceptive. For example, you will notice if you look closely that a popular brand of crackers is not "Whole Grain" - it says "with whole grain", which is meaningless, a legal lie. Look at the nutritional info and it has 0% RDA for fiber. They just put a few little brown flecks on top of the crackers to trick you. Still nothing but processed flour.

    Try to buy any cereal or bread products based on fiber. Get higher than 10% RDA if you can. And also be aware that they sometimes will really give you fiber - but make up for it by increasing sugar.

    I get most of my fiber from things like beans, peas and lentils.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I read over the past week from your diary and would say you aren't eating enough LEAN protein, too much fat, and too few calories. You eat way too much processed junk. If you are doing as much cardio as you are saying, you aren't eating enough to support that. Your body will not want to release any fat, for fear of starving to death. You are losing WEIGHT..not fat. Weight is muscle, which is the furnace for burning the fat. I would recommend eating more whole foods, lean protein, less processed fats (cheese, candy for example), more veggies, and increasing CLEAN calories by a few hundred. Get your carbs from veggies, your fats from nuts and oils, and your protein from lean sources like egg whites, chicken, turkey, etc. Also, get rid of the sauces and extras....BBQ sauce for example offers no nutrition, but 50 plus empty, useless, sugar filled calories. Just a start...hope it helps. Keep at it. One day at a time!!


    90% of what you eat comes out of a packet or wrapper........this isn't a good thing.

    Back to basics, fresh veg, fruit, chicken, turnkey, fish, steak etc.
  • pxlkitty4
    pxlkitty4 Posts: 4 Member
    Different things work for different people. I tried diet after diet and always end up losing 10lbs, then gaining it back. Last year, I found a diet called Ideal Protein. It taught me to look at food different. I lost 60lbs and then kept it off for almost 6 months. Recently, I started getting sloppy again with my eating. I'm up about 12lbs from my lowest weight now, and I'm starting to refocus. This time, though, I need to lose 12lbs instead of 60.

    Here is my advice. Get rid of the bread, pasta, potatoes, and the sugar. Completely. I'm serious. You get all the carbs your body needs from eating vegetables. Eat lots of GREEN vegetables. Don't be scared about eating fat (good fats).

    And... don't confuse DIET with EXERCISE. Use diet for weight loss, exercise for fitness. Never confuse the two. I see lots of people that they can have a cookie, extra helping of potato salad (whatever!) because they worked out. That's the fastest way to fail.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    Yep I went back to June on your Diary and it looks like you don't log consistantly, you can't keep control of what goes in your mouth every day. switch out the candy (should be an occasional treat) and bring a boiled egg or if you like crab for instance they have crab sticks which are great high protein low cals ( dip in your own mix of cocktail sauce) log that too. I saw lots of processed snacks and foods.I read they have high fructose sugar ,msg and sodium that makes you hungrier. I look at the lables now on everything canned or processed if High frutose sugar is the top ingredient, I don't buy it. Fresh is the way to go. I just discovered the miracle noodle and use it once in awhile in a stir fry. the noodles have zero everything fills you up and adhere to the flavors you put in the stir fry. You get lots of veggies and the flavor is great. Basic food.. Meat,veggies and fruit. Good luck!
    I haven't bought the crab sticks in awhile, I think it depends the brand there are only I thnk it was 30 cals in each stick and the texture is wonderful.. some are better than others. Yes Prawns (Our shrimp) are great snacks too. good thinking!

    I LOVE crab sticks, but they are a VERY processed food, full of wheat starch, sugar and so on. Something like prawns or crayfish are more expensive, but a more natural product if you want fish.

    Natural almond butter is great as a snack, maybe spread on apple chunks :)
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yeah Ive stopped buying them too. It makes me a little sad, but Id rather not eat the crap in thm :)
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    less cheese, less salt, logging every day and logging accurately.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    Yes! Prawns (our shrimp) are Great! I haven't bought the crab sticks in awhile, they have only 30 cals but I never paid attention before whats in them. I will say tho they are better than candy I will have to recheck the crab out again on its ingredients. good idea!
  • rabbittoes
    rabbittoes Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I have been down your path but with more weight to lose. I agree too much sugar products in your diet. The body is a funny thing and sometimes it becomes super sensitive. I eat meals made by weight watchers, Smart Ones, at lunch time. I work FT also and have grandchildren. I lead a very busy stressful life. I work in the medical field and love taking care of others, but haven't done such a great job of taking care of myself. Try eating more whole foods if it's in your budget. I do this when I can. It's difficult due to cost, but it does help. I also own a BodyBug, which helps to keep track of my calories burned. I love this product, it motivates me and keeps my ratio to calories eaten, to calories burned. I wasn't losing much until I turned the thing back on. Changing your routine up can help. You might be at a set point, be patient. The less you have to lose, the more patient you need to be. I'ts frustrating, but your worth it! It's a journey, and a lifestyle change not a diet!