defeated and need motivating good-hearted people

im not new. i usually know how to pick myself back up, but for some reason, this time i just can't do it. i know people have it worse than me. i know this sprained ankle i got over the weekend is nothing in comparison to some of the *kitten* people have to deal with, but i let it get to me. i'm ready to get off this GD pity party train i've found myself riding for the past four days, and i'm counting on you guys to push me through.

i need funny, friendly, sarcastic, random oh so random, motivating folks who have down days, are realistic, dont rely on "fads" to get them to their goals folks, people who can laugh at themselves and laugh with others, never at others. i need people who giggle over cheesy jokes and people who can find humor in their own predicaments. basically, im looking for real people to cheer on, to help kick their own *kitten*, to be an ear when they need it and have all that returned back to me.

i work at home so i'm here way too much. i have two kids eight years apart. i have a husband. i'm in my 30s. i work too hard for too little pay. im in the US. what else, what else?! anyways, me and my getting-back-to-normal ankle are gonna hit the gym in a little bit after i get the turds, err, lovely kids fed and dressed. if you want to be friends after reading my profile, please send a friend request. i won't be offended if you dont :)

enjoy your wednesday. i'm going to try to enjoy mine.



  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    turn that frown, upside can do this, and there are a lot here to help! I'd be glad to do what I can to help motivate you!
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    The pity train has stopped at motivation junction. Get your @ss off the train now! You can do this.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I've been thinking about wearing this. I'm a little scared about my gonads.

  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Theres three things that make me very grumpy! No sleep, not enough food, and my ankle hurting (two surgeries) I understand the frustration completely!! Try rowing, the eliptical, or swimming. they're much easier on the ankle. Don't let it destroy your efforts...that is much more frustrating I promise!! You can do it :)
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    I have kind of an odd sense of humor. And I'm nice. You can friend me if you are into that sort of thing. :)
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Sounds like you are already on your way.
    But I am going to offer a little help here:

    Get those LOVELY KIDS off on their way. Enjoy that time you have to think about YOU AND ONLY YOU. The ankle is not a set back, only ourselves. So get moving!!!!

    Add me as a friend, I love to laugh, I love to motivate and be motivated. :flowerforyou:
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    Hi! I'm at home with my 2 boys (ages 3 & 8) and am on here as much as I can. I'm 11 pounds to goal and could use all the encouragement I can get. Feel free to add me!
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    hey! I'm here but I tried 30DS and frankly my thighs are to big to kick my own BUTT right now but I promise I will keep trying.

    Fear though when I do I won't stop!! because of letting myself get to this point.

    Chin up (all of them if you have more then one) you can do this!!!
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Try to think of it as: bad days only allow you to realise the full extent of the good days :)

    Feel free to friend me, I'm pretty active - I'm usually around here somewhere :bigsmile:
  • khaosstar
    khaosstar Posts: 26 Member
    Hiya. I'm a stay at home mom and if reading about health and fitness made a difference, I would be sooo buff right now! I have this tab open at all times so pop in throughout the day but some days I read much more than others due to road bumps like migraines, fibro flares, and days like today where I have to force myself to get off my *kitten* because one of my kids only let me sleep 2 hours (and holy hell does lack of sleep make me grumpy! Right there with ya, Kelsyka).

    I have to lose 50 pounds at minimum and I'm not dieting in any way. I personally believe that unless you're making permanent lifestyle changes you're not doing yourself any favours.

    As far as getting back into the groove, it's like that dilemma you learn about in philosophy classes.. Do you wait in a line you've already waited forever in to justify your past waiting, or do you go to the newly opened short lane? You'd think the answer's simple but it's harder to make the right decision when you're stuck in the past. ;)
  • graceinbreath
    graceinbreath Posts: 49 Member
    I am always glad to meet people who don't take themselves or life too seriously. The world needs more people like you! Glad we are friends!
  • natsgirl60
    natsgirl60 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow, you sound a lot like I feel!! I am 30's great husband fantasitc crazy kids hectic life sometimes I want to cry because I want to do too much and have run out of time. I really struggle sometimes to get back on the "wagon". I am almost never serious, and always sarcastic!! Add me if you like