Not seeing much improvement

graciegal7402 Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So frustrated! Been trying hard every day exerciseing 5 days a week- over a little in calories a few days this week but still logging everything. Just not seeing anything on the scale in fact it went back up a little! UGH this is why I give up most of the time! Why do I even bother!
Just want to curl up in bed and stay there forever! BLAH!:grumble:


  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Ohhh don't give up! I was the same way. It took me a months to get serious about staying within my calories. I would log it all in but would always go way past my allowed calories. Just try to stay within your calories & you'll see. Also if you working out the transformation is happening you just can't see it yet on the scale. Keep doing what your doing. I'm finally seeing results & you will too.:happy: :heart:
  • pilgrimk
    pilgrimk Posts: 3 Member
    I can SO relate! I am exercising at least 5 times per week for nearly an hour, and am keeping track of food and staying in the range, yet I can't lose a thing!
    I think part of my problem is being over 40.........I have gained about 20# since turning 40 3 yrs. ago. And I was still exercising and eating pretty much like I am now.
    I do know I feel better and it is all good for me, but I am so frustrated at the lack of weight/fat loss.
    I'm at a loss.
    I even tweak things every so often to try to shock my body into responding, but nothing is working so far.
  • Just remember- muscle weighs more than fat!

    If you are exercising more, you may be building muscle and losing fat. On the scale, it may look as though you are not making progress, but if you wait, you'll see much better benefits- your clothes will fit better and your posture will improve!

    Just keep at it... everybody feels this way when they start out! It gets much easier after the first 2 - 3 weeks (I promise!) :happy:

    Have a great week!
  • FUNinTHEsun
    FUNinTHEsun Posts: 284 Member
    Keep at it girl!!!! You will see a change eventually as long as you don't give up!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • It is so easy to get discouraged......but keep going!
    If you switch it up a little it may keep you interested.
    I started a bellydancing dvd and i also was recently given a latin dance workout dvd. (Core Rhythms......highly reccomended)
    Also, have you tried a little weight training....nothing extreme.....maybe a couple of milk jugs filled with water? Maybe a kettle bell?

    Stick with it hon, you'll get there!!!!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    There are times when your body will gain, especially if it is around your TOM.

    Just make sure that you are logging everything you eat with the real portion size. I bought a kitchen scale and good measuring cups to make sure that I was accurate in the portion size. Make sure that the salt in your food is low as this can lead to water retention.

    What exercise are you doing each day? Is it a little or a lot? When I first started on here a walk around the block counted as exercise as that was what I did. I used to also include basic housework. Now, my exercise consists of very long high speed walks and working out at the gym.

    Make sure you are drinking your water. This is important to weight loss.

    Other than that...just keep the faith and keep on trying. Your weight doesn't decrease on a smooth slide ride, it is a bumpy downward slope with ups, downs and plateaus. You did not gain all the weight in a week or two but I can guarantee by following MFP, for me, it is coming off a lot quicker than it went on!
  • Your probably loosing fat but because you are exercising you are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. Pay attention to inches lost instead of weight.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Check your settings. Do you have your activity level on the right one? That controls your amount of calories so if you have it on the wrong one you might be eating more than you really need. Also are you measuring everything out? Maybe you are not eating exactly what you think.

    Just a couple of ideas.
  • dbg1
    dbg1 Posts: 208
    Remember, you are trying to lose weight faster than you put it on. Example, it took me 20 years to get as heavy as I am. My goal is to lose it within a year to 18 months. That's a huge difference in time.

    Be patient. Be committed. Don't focus on the scale. We are trying to change our lifestyles for the rest of our lives! Keep at it and you will succees.

    I am finally seeing some muscle - took months to do this. Nobody else notices but I can see the results in the mirror. The scale says I am up 4 lbs this month but because I can see the difference I'm not concerned.

    We can all do it!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    have your thyroid check
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I wanted to offer my support and tell you not to give up!! Just because the scale and tape measure are stubbornly staying the same, does NOT mean you're not progressing.

    My scale hasn't shown a drop (but has been bouncing up and down 2 pounds) since Sept 2 (almost 3 weeks), nor have my measurements changed. But I can find my ribs now (above my waist) and suddenly I have cheekbones again!! My watch is looser and my butt is a tad bit tighter. So the weight isn't coming off my hips/waist/thighs/upper arms, but the old body, she is a changing!! :happy:

    Stick to it.

    If you quit now, where will you be in 3 or 6 months? If you keep trying, where will you be? You might be one heck of a lot lighter if you don't quit! But if you do give up, you'll never know.

    We're here for you! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks to all! I have weighed most of my portions - so that might be part of it. I think I may be getting too much sodium too - Lunches are usually a frozen meal.

    When I exercise I am doing 45 mins cardio and about 15mins weight training and as I said that is about 5 days a week.

    I know that I need to cut back my portions though When I look at my calorie intake I am eating too much - need to try to plan ahead a little better. and not rely on those exercise calories as much!

    Thanks again to all!
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